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Anyone doing it without Topa?

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    Anyone doing it without Topa?

    Hi All. I recently joined and have my supps and CD's ordered. I've also ordered generic Topa from I'm not 100% sure on taking the Topa yet, and wanted to know how well the program works without the Topa, and if you increase/decrease amount of supps if not taking Topa?

    Thanks for any info!

    Anyone doing it without Topa?

    Hi and Welcome!! Many of us are not using the Topa and making strides in our drinking. The supplements do help with the cravings but you have to want to also quit or cut back on your drinking. When I put my mind to it and I am consistent with the supplements I find I have no cravings at all, but if I really want to drink I will still do it. So a lot of this comes down to getting your mind in the right place. I have heard excellent feedback on the CDs but have not tried them yet. Would love your opinion on them once you use them! Best of luck.....:welcome:
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Anyone doing it without Topa?

      Welcome nomoreguilt

      I do use topa with great success.....but many do not use it. Here u have support either way.

      Gabby :flower:


        Anyone doing it without Topa?


        Hi, I am doing it without Topa - I am 46 days AF today and feel great. I swear by the CDs - and I would take the topa if I were having trouble or cravings. I actually have a web site that sells it bookmarked in case I feel the need for more help at some point. I come to the web site often and I sue the drink tracker. I also made it clear with my boyfriend that there could be no alcohol in the house (including on his breath).

        So glad you are here and starting down this path. You are not alone and the folks on this site are filled with wisdom and support.

        Blessings to you,
        Rivergirl:welcome: :l


          Anyone doing it without Topa?

          Hi, I doing it without topa (allergic reaction) I don't think it did that much for me anyway. I do take the supplements and they work well. Isometimes do forget to take them. The best medicine I think is a good dose of self respect and love for yourself for trying to change instead of wallowing in alcoholism. Take care.
          All Smiles


            Anyone doing it without Topa?

            I tried the supps, not the CDs and read the book ofcourse. I do believe the supps work (when I remember to take them, and I have trouble with so many pills) and I use the ALL One Powder and I think it is great. I have recently asked my doc for the Topa becuase I still just couldn't get a handle on the cravings. I just started the Topa yesterday and am excited to think that there is more help for me on the way. Many , many people here do not use Topa and they are doing great. Whatever works for you is always the best solution. Let is know how it goes. Best wishes!!!
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


              Anyone doing it without Topa?

              Trying topa...

              Just got back from my doctor and she offered Topa. I'm so hopeful that this may indeed help me. I'd hoped my sups and CD's would show up today but not yet. At least I can start this -- day 6 AF and I'm a little shakey. My mom is "surviving" pancreatic cancer and my husband, son and I are her caregivers. She's done ok for two years but is struggling. With her struggle and mine - and a career, kids etc. I am on the hairy edge right now. I have my headphones and ipod -- and a new Carly Simon CD until the MWO stuff shows up. Maybe it'll be enough for the next two days....

              How long after I start the topa might I feel some relief?

              Thanks all!

