God luck Stressd....It sounds like you have a plan when the drinks start happening! Stay strong...you can do it and you will be so proud of yourself when you come home sober!!!!!!!!
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Killer Hangover Today
Killer Hangover Today
God luck Stressd....It sounds like you have a plan when the drinks start happening! Stay strong...you can do it and you will be so proud of yourself when you come home sober!!!!!!!!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Killer Hangover Today
An uodate
Well, as I posted in another thread, a miracle seems to have occurred. I am not thinking about drinking, except in passing, and I'm not white knuckling it either. I'm sure IRS the hyponosis cd I'm listening to everybight. I havnt been taking the herbs either. I have forgotten the last few days to put any stars on my calendar, mainly as I havnt thought if drinking. I had a few sips the other night of red wine, and didn't like it. Tge CDs are called alcohol freedom by Wendi Freison. I used to work as a hypnotherapust, and are usually very critical , but these are good.
There is still booze here, and I have been to a few dinners this week. I have had the wine in front of me, and chosen to drink water, with a few sips of wine, and not white knuckling it. I feel it is a miracle.
Bri, I have been drinking between halk to a whole bottle of wine a night for about 6 years... Even scince I moved in with my partner.
I also went and had a bunch of blood tests yesterday. The pain in the side seems to be less. And my eyes are looking clearer.
I truly hope whatever miracle that has happened stays, I hate the thought of having the thought, and reality of uncontrollable drinking consume me again.
Killer Hangover Today
Congrats LB)))
I do believe with any addiction or habit, once you have some clear space from it, it starts to occupy your mind less. I also believe that whatever you focus on you empower, which is why the wise ones here say do something to take your mind off it.
Congratulations again on your double digits!!!
LibraryGirl;1324488 wrote: I am on day 18, since I had a glass of wine. I could have just continued counting days, as it was probably only about 3 oz, and I didn't finish it. However, it is what it is, and I am accountable. No cravings, just random thoughts now and then about how it would be nice to get a buzz, but not every day or even that often anymore. Thank god. Bri, in the beginning I dealt with the cravings by just not buying any AL at all. I had none in the house. I was committed when I first came here, because I knew I didn't want another hangover, or another day filled with remorse and depression over AL. I watched a lot of silly tv shows, and read a lot of books. Still do, but that's something I've always done, and the one thing that I do as a pastime that I do not like to drink with (reading), mainly because it's next to impossible, lol.
Good luck Daya, and Bri. I know you can do it!
Killer Hangover Today
Daya....you seem to be so much more positive...I am so happy for you! Being AF is hard...we have to dig down into the depths of our souls to find the strength....but the good thing is that we are finding it and using it to beat the beast! Good luck and keep us posted on your blood work!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Killer Hangover Today
Hi guys,
Well I am pretty bummed at myself- I had 5 days AF then had a birthday gathering at a wine bar thurs. An impossible situation for me:-(. I was not strong. I had a few tastings and a full glass. I bought 2 bottles from the tastings and thought of opening one when I got home but didn't! I was not hungover from it. BUT i had a big glass of chard last night and then had probably 3 more large glasses of red at a family dinner. Ugghhhh- i am totally hungover today. I hate wasting a day feeling like crap! I wish I did not have the desire like you, Daya! I also wish I could moderate somehow. I need to make a decision. Daya, sounds like your labs came out good? What did the doctor say? Thanks for the continued support!
Killer Hangover Today
Stressd....you came on here and have been honest about what happened and that is such a positive thing! The temptation got to you...none of us are perfect...so you just have to get back up....brush yourself off...and start again on day 1. I am so sorry that you feel like crap...but just remember this feeling the next time you are in a sticky situation. Stay strong and stay hydrated today....lots of water and gatorade! Today is a new day!!!!AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Killer Hangover Today
Daya...I checked out Wendi Freison and it sounds like a good program. I was thinking about ordering it....do you think from your experience that it's worth it?AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Killer Hangover Today
I am not sure if its the CD's or the realization I cannot go on the way i have, but the urge, and preoccupation with drinking seems to be gone....with no effort?
I think its a very good program Des, definitively worth the money. i got the MWO Cd,s but the voice irritated the hell out of me. As I mentioned I used to work as a hypnotherapist, and there is a lot more to it than just suggestions. The timing of the suggestions with your breathing is very important, also any suggestions that your subconsciousness does not agree with, it will immediately reject.
I find Wendy's C'ds brilliant, there is a whole bunch for different stages. I have found the moderating one very successful in actually stopping the urge to drink. I also listened to the aversion one. She also doesn't make hard and fast suggestions, she lets your subconsciousness work out what it knows best for you. Plus, she has a very soothing voice, and the music is lovely.
On a funny note, I saw a hypnotherapist last year, it went horribly wrong. He found out that in my "prior" life I was a famous (wont say what) and went into some strange sort of professional competition with me , then he spent an hour showing me 2nd grade pictures of lung cancer to stop smoking (I was getting pretty shitty by then, as he was charging $250 PR HOUR !!!!)
Finally he started the hypnosis, and started trying to crack onto me, saying things like "I cant believe you smoke and drink so much, you are so beautiful, your skin is so clear and fresh...many men must want to touch that skin"???? ARGHHHH!!! He was so creepy i brought myself out of hypnosis.
Went home and got drunk
And yes, i paid the moron $500(((
Destiniey;1327805 wrote: Daya...I checked out Wendi Freison and it sounds like a good program. I was thinking about ordering it....do you think from your experience that it's worth it?
Killer Hangover Today
Congrads on double digits DES!!!!!!
WOW, you are doing so well!!!!!
Destiniey;1327805 wrote: Daya...I checked out Wendi Freison and it sounds like a good program. I was thinking about ordering it....do you think from your experience that it's worth it?
Killer Hangover Today
Hi Stressed, well as you know, that was me last week. I have only lost the desire recently, and as i just posted, i'm not sure if its the CD's or something else. I dont want to test it too much though. I had 2 wines over a period of 3 hours last night, it was a sort of experiment (mainly for this conferrance) and again the feeling was why am i doing this? I'm not enjoying it. I also noticed i forgot to drink the wine, forgot it was there, usually it would be sitting there, looking at me calling to me "dayaaaa...dayyyaaaa, come and get me baby, you know you want me"
I am actually trying to forget about drinking, not empower it in any way, its just like bananas, i like them, but wont go mad if i cant have them, can stop at one if i want, and if they are not doing me any good physically, I will stop eating them.
Stressed, you have 5 days, its not lost, just recommit, tell yourself that you will give up drinking easily, that its NOT an effort, remember how good you felt. No one can take away those 5 days. Sending you soothing vibes
Stressd;1327800 wrote: Hi guys,
Well I am pretty bummed at myself- I had 5 days AF then had a birthday gathering at a wine bar thurs. An impossible situation for me:-(. I was not strong. I had a few tastings and a full glass. I bought 2 bottles from the tastings and thought of opening one when I got home but didn't! I was not hungover from it. BUT i had a big glass of chard last night and then had probably 3 more large glasses of red at a family dinner. Ugghhhh- i am totally hungover today. I hate wasting a day feeling like crap! I wish I did not have the desire like you, Daya! I also wish I could moderate somehow. I need to make a decision. Daya, sounds like your labs came out good? What did the doctor say? Thanks for the continued support!
Killer Hangover Today
no medical update yet
hi guys, i wont get the results of the tests until next week. the doctor agrees that the massive unexplained bruising , nose bleeds, and side pain may be liver, he also said it can be many things (copper overload?) Anyway, he took so much blood i thought I was in a vampire film.
So i'll keep yall posted
BTW, as i posted just then, I had 2 wines over a long period last night,(not sure why, as it was like i was forcing myself to drink it?) i'm not beating myself up over this, but have noticed today that my whites of my eyes are blurry, so i will just stay off the awful stuff. i think its a residue of the AV . which i will ignore from now on.
Killer Hangover Today
Hey gals,
Thanks for your support and kind words. I thought I was going to get physically ill today but didn't. I Have a nice large glass of sparkling water with lemon next to me as I type! My poor body! I have never come clean to any doctor about my drinking- don't we all lie about how many drinks we have per week? Not even my therapist which she should have clued in on my first survey that I put a large question mark by "do I feel like I have a drinking problem". She thinks I'm doing so well with my anxiety issues- little does she know!!! ;-(. Anyhow, this is my day 1 again...hope you are doing well today!
Killer Hangover Today
Belated update
Hi folks, I havnt posted for about a month, as I moved houses, went away to the conference, and had to reorganize my companies.
Ahhhhh... Have been very pooped. Anyway, in regards to booze, started well at the conference, minimal drinking, so was fairly happy about that. Had about 5 wines over a 7 hour period one night, and felt like death the next day.
Unfortunatly. Once home, have slid back into the 3-4 wines a night pattern... Am still listening to the hypnosis CDs. Anyway, didn't drink last night. I'm not going to make any proclamations , I'm just going to try and stop.and stick close here again)
Also all the liver and blood tests came back clear?
I asked the doctor why I get the massive heamatomas on my legs when I drink a lot, he says it's becuase I'm on blood thinners and al is also a blood thinner
Sausage, how did your conferrance go?
Killer Hangover Today
Hi Daya....nice to have you back!!! I am so glad that your results came back good. I had looked into those hypnosis CDs too by Wendi. What is your opinion on them....is it something I should consider ordering?AB Club Member
AB Start Date - 7/25/12
10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:
:heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:
Killer Hangover Today
Hi D, I found the Cds very good initially, then had a break at the conferrance, and am fighting the bloody al beast again......She has a whole program with it, with a journal and stuff, which i havnt done. I DO like them, apart from being very relaxing, she covers a lot, she gets you to try and identify positive triggers connected with drinking, and link them to something else, etc.
I'm back to taking MWO suplements, and also to tackling the addictive voice in my head. I am a bit addicted to the hypnosis cds.
Destiniey;1348936 wrote: Hi Daya....nice to have you back!!! I am so glad that your results came back good. I had looked into those hypnosis CDs too by Wendi. What is your opinion on them....is it something I should consider ordering?