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Killer Hangover Today

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    Killer Hangover Today

    Thanks Stressed. My friend just rang, and asked what all the paranoid txts and emails where about? She was just busy.....

    I think we all do horrible things when drunk...As I just posted, I realise that i am a ticking time bomb with liver cancer...apperantly if you have had hep C ( as i did) and drink you are 200 times more likely to get liver cancer....So that's it. Decision made.

    Your right, as scarlet O hara said" for tomorrow is another day"

    Stressd;1324035 wrote: Sorry to hear about your friend and your Dad. I just pictured how horrible that would be to have cirrhosis that young;-( i am in my mid 30s and have probably done some damage - more severe in the last few years ;-(. I have reached a bottle of wine when I drink. I start with a few large glasses of white and then switch to red. I trick my mind that it's not a "full bottle". I have done and said some awful things when drunk. You will have to forgive yourself and perhaps when the time is right, ask for her forgiveness. If you keep beating yourself up it may lead tou to want to drink to numb the pain. I can relate to the panic attacks and anxiety. This is why I started drinking in the first place;-(. Good luck and let's have a better day tomorrow!!


      Killer Hangover Today

      Hi Daya and Stressd! I am so glad that you are both here and posting on MWO...the support here is awesome and it's the only reason that I am on day 7 right now! There is a comfort in knowing that you are not alone and you will find on here that we have all "been there, done that". I have been on more day 1's then I care to count but I have always found the support and encouragement on here to brush myself off and get back up on the wagon....and you can too..I have faith in you! Daya...that's pretty scary about being 200 times the risk....all the more reason to hang tough. Try coming on here as much as possible so that we can help you through the rough times! You both may want to try some supplements that I personally and alot of people on here find helpful. L-Glut and Kudzu help tremendously with the cravings and the L-Glut helps with damage done to our stomachs. I hope this helps....didn't meant to ramble on so much..ha! Haave a great Memorial Day and stay positive!!!!!!
      AB Club Member
      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


        Killer Hangover Today

        Off topic but how do you get your posts decorated with all those great 'emot-a-cons'? At least that' what my incredimail email program calls them.
        Especially the kiss my butt one. Wish I could put that animated on my fridge
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Killer Hangover Today


          When you reply the smilies box is on the right of this box I'm typing in. At the bottom of the box is [More]. Click on that and there you will find hundreds of emoticons.ants: Even these!:H:H

          Hope that helps.


          "I like people too much or not at all."
          Sylvia Plath


            Killer Hangover Today

            Starting today fresh with you, Daya. I would like this to be my last "day 1". It's physically and emotionally exhausting dealing with the repercussions of my drinking. So tired....


              Killer Hangover Today


              Just saw your note about attending the military conference in 3 weeks. I'm going to a military professional conference type thing followed by a dinner in mid June ( presume its not the same one LOL!! ) and being ex military myself know what you mean about all the heavy drinking! ( I think my drinking habits started in the military actually as I barely touched the stuff before then!)

              Wanted to say that in this sort of situation I have no trouble staying sober, because all the drinking is so heavy and people make themselves ill or just become really stupid and make complete fools of themselves, I am never remotely tempted to join in and have done quite a few of these events sober in the last few years. I just keep noting how silly they all become and am not at all envious of how rough they will feel the following morning. So try and see it from this perspective and you should be OK. For me, things are much harder at a normal drinkers house where they ask me to have one small glass of wine.

              PS glad you liked my list on what to do when struggling, on the Newbies thread.

              Keep going, it is worth it. Today is day 95 for me and things are so much better in every way.


                Killer Hangover Today

                Wow Sausage! Congrats on 95 days! Have the cravings subsided? How did you deal with them in the beginning?

                Daya how is your day 1 going?
                I am hanging in there! Sorry to hear about the losses in your life and the health problems you have been dealing with. Liver disease is scary. I guess we don't really pay attention because we don't see the damage that we are causing ourselves.
                I read up on liver disease yesterday and kidney problems and it scared the crap out of me but instead I still kept drinking last night! Wtf?
                I guess we also need to remember the potential issues with what we are doing to our brains too. Scary stuff.
                But the AV rationalizes everything. That too much food is bad, too much sun, etc and if I don't do any of that stuff that why can't I just drink?
                But I cannot. Because it doesn't do anything for me or benefit me in any way.

                Onto day 2!


                  Killer Hangover Today

                  Hi Sausage,

                  If it was the same conference it would be cool to hang together
                  I know what you mean about really drunk people when your sober. At one of my few sober conferences last year, one of the guys at dinner was trashed straight away. I remember thinking it was a shame, as I wanted to talk to him about what he did, but he was a drooling drunken idiot. I also understand the quiet dinner drinks temptation...
                  Bri, I finally had an awakening yesterday, the symptoms I have are too obvious to ignore any longer. Massive unexplained bruising, yellow eyes, constant sharp stabbing pain in my side, feeling full even on a small amount off food. Plus when I drink my heart goes mad. I have realized I cannot drink ever again, the same way I couldn't take cocaine, ever again. The AV voice is still there, thinking, oh just one at the conference dinner will be okay... It is much easier for me to stick to the idea that alcohol is a deadly poison to me..... Stick with it bri, and eventually it will stick with you


                    Killer Hangover Today

                    Hey Daya, sorry that you had to get a "rude awakening" when it comes to stopping the drinking.
                    I also hope that you begin to start feelin a bit better.
                    Have you seen a doc at all?

                    I'm curious to know how long you were a drinker for and how much did you drink?
                    For me I have been drinking for 4 years. The last 2 pretty heavily. Always wine.
                    It's almost time for bed where I am at and will be going on to day 2. )


                      Killer Hangover Today

                      I am on day 18, since I had a glass of wine. I could have just continued counting days, as it was probably only about 3 oz, and I didn't finish it. However, it is what it is, and I am accountable. No cravings, just random thoughts now and then about how it would be nice to get a buzz, but not every day or even that often anymore. Thank god. Bri, in the beginning I dealt with the cravings by just not buying any AL at all. I had none in the house. I was committed when I first came here, because I knew I didn't want another hangover, or another day filled with remorse and depression over AL. I watched a lot of silly tv shows, and read a lot of books. Still do, but that's something I've always done, and the one thing that I do as a pastime that I do not like to drink with (reading), mainly because it's next to impossible, lol.

                      Good luck Daya, and Bri. I know you can do it!

                      "I like people too much or not at all."
                      Sylvia Plath


                        Killer Hangover Today

                        Day 3

                        Hi all-
                        Day 3 and feeling back to normal, which is always frightening because then I say, "oh you can have just a few" and we start all over again with the vicious cycle ;-( I am determined to make it to 30 days, but will celebrate each AF day as a major accomplishment. I have been drinking since senior year of high school. Wine is my drink if choice. I used to only have a few glasses and think that was a lot, but now I am up to a bottle most nights. Crazy. Daya- i am sorry you are going through those health issues. I have had a few scares- enlarged liver etc from what I can feel, but all labs have been normal. I know that does not mean that I have a healthy liver!!!! Are you seeing a doctor? I have the milk thistle and omega supps but should probably get the l- glut and kudzu for the cravings! Let us know how you are holding up! ;-)


                          Killer Hangover Today

                          Stressd.....Congrats on day 3! And yes....each and every second, minute, hour and day that you are AF is a major accomplishment! I too have been drinking since my senior year in high school. I am going on day 9 AF and I am sooo looking forward to this new life that awaits me. For the first time in my adult life I don't feel as though the bottle is controlling me....the weight is slowly being lifted off my shoulders and it feels good! Keep up the good work!

                          Daya...I am so sorry that you are going through all of these health issues. Make that Drs appointment ASAP so you can start healing your liver. Please keep us posted and stay strong and remember that you're not alone!

                          Bri.....hey are you doing? It looks like from your post that you are moving forward to day 2! That is friggin awesome! It looks like you are hanging on here a alot too which I find is a huge help! Keep up the good work...I am heading into day 9 and for the last 2 nights I actually slept through the night (except to get up to pee...heehee) night sweats either! It's the little things like that that keep me going. Keep me posted as to how you are doing!
                          AB Club Member
                          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                            Killer Hangover Today

                            Daya those are some very scary symptoms. How are you doing today?


                              Killer Hangover Today

                              Daya....haven't heard from are you feeling?????
                              AB Club Member
                              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                                Killer Hangover Today

                                Day 5

                                Hi all-
                                On day 5 and have a birthday gathering with some friends to get "a drink.". I have to stay strong! I think I will tell them I have to go to the gym and I don't want to be tired for my workout?!!!! This is so hard ! Daya, how are you? We would love to hear from you.
                                Take care everyone! Wish me luck ;-)

