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Finally Scared myself

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    Finally Scared myself

    I have spent all morning reading all about Cirrhosis of the liver. I had hepatitis c when in my late teens, and apparently, i am 200 times more likely to develop liver cancer if i keep on drinking.

    So, thats that. no more booze, ever.

    Finally Scared myself

    Thats crazy. 200 times! Wow. Well ur not losing anything by giving it up thats for sure. But if u keep drinking u could lose it all.
    Week One, Two, Three, Four - :yay:
    Week Five, Six , Seven - :yay:

    Week Eight - On Day 5

    Starting to enjoy life now


      Finally Scared myself

      That's so scary. I was watching a doc about transplants the othere week, and a woman was waiting for a new liver, after being a heavy drinker for most of her adult life. She was about 40 years old, and hadn't drank for over 5 years, I thought it's frightning how we fool ourselves into thinking if we stop all will be fine, it goes to show how much irrepairable damage we're doing to ourselves.
      We're best out of it for sure.


        Finally Scared myself

        Sorry meant to say Hi first! Hi!


          Finally Scared myself

          Hi Daya, Wow that's scary. Thinking about what we are doing doing to our bodies is scary. It already has enough to cope with let alone us deliberately causing it harm. Someone told me once to just imagine a skull and cross bones on the bottle to help you to realize it really is poison that we are drinking. I am on day 40 AF now so feeling pretty good. Hope your journey is going ok
          Courage is not the absence of fear, it's acting in spite of it.

