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need help

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    need help

    Don't think you are a "sad" individual because you couldn't just quit on the spot.There would be no need for this web site if everyone could just stop, ya know? You came here, you logged in, and you started to talk. That is a huge first step. Many, many more steps to come, I promise. Hang in there!!!
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      need help

      Hi Cherry, If you don't have any supplements yet, please take the water with whatever vitamins you have and take hot baths or showers to detox the skin. Hang in there, it's difficult for a few days but then it gets soo much better.
      Enlightened by MWO


        need help

        hi all
        have woken up today with no hangover even after 2 bottles of wine.
        i feel refreshed but dreading the feeling tonight without the booze.
        will try and keep active maybe go to bed early, but usually cant sleep without a drink.
        has anyone any ideas on how to cope with my first sober night in years?



          need help

          cherryc, Hi and welcome. I'm fairly new here too, trying to maintain being abstinent. Like you I have a habit of drinking excessively at night once the kids are settled in. One thing that can help is too try to reverse how you are thinking tonight. Instead of convincing yourself how impossible it will be just be easier on yourself and try to think how actually easy it can be. It's only a liquid you are going to pour into yourself and you have complete control over whether you do it or not. You completeley have the power to not have that first drink. Think of that craving as a big wave and you just have to ride it through to the end. It will go away eventually . Also think about what really are those glasses of wine going to do for you tonight. Really think about it . They are going to give you just a very short period of feeling "good" or numb is more like it, and is that really such a mind blowing experience if you just don't feel that way for that short period of time.
          One other thing I find helpful is to read books about alcohol. For me somehow the more concrete knowledge I gain about this condition the more confident I fell to beat it. It can really help at night to sit down and read about what is really going on with you so you can make a little sense of it and not just feel so out of control and bewildered. Good Luck and keep coing back ! auamarine
          AF SINCE 3/16/2016

