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Drinking is stiffling creativity.

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    Drinking is stiffling creativity.

    I just found this forum. It is so great to see that are people at the same stage as me - and then so much wisdom from people who have been there before.

    I am 40 and just tired of 'managing' my drinking. I work in the creative field. I am a high achiever and have done some work I am truly proud of (when off the booze) and then I go into a binge drinking session and hide for while. I have kept it pretty hidden ( at least I have kept my concern about drinking hidden). In my circle hard drinking is romanticized a bit - or at least nOt shunned. Family life is another story - and that is my biggest reason to quit. When I am working on a project I am go go go and my family understands and respects that. ( 2 kids and wife). But it is not right that when I have time off - I go into a binge. The wife is supportive but doesn't understand why the cycle repeats over and over if I know it is destructive.

    And frankly. I think I am not as fresh in my thinking and creativity. So going to give long term sobriety a shot and see where it takes me.

    Does anyone have stories of increased creativityinspiration from stopping drinking?

    Day 13.

    Drinking is stiffling creativity.

    Hi Ambrose,

    Welcome to the forums, I'm glad you found your way here. It sounds like you have alot of great reasons to quit.:welcome:

    Drinking became a source of conflict for me, instead of comfort. My behavior was in conflict with the person I was on the inside. The conflict became a black hole of my physical, mental and spiritual energy, as well as a source of anxiety and depression. When I started out here, I read about the relief that people got from quitting, but I had to experience it myself to really see the difference in my life. After having quit for a while, that weight lifted off my back and I feel like I am living my life, instead of being at war with myself. The sense of relief is almost overwhelming at times (in a good way).

    I have never, ever once regretted quitting. I wish you the best in your effort and I hope you stick around!
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Drinking is stiffling creativity.

      That was/is my problem to. Total mental schism. Some people define an artist as someone who can hold to opposing ideas at the same time. But I have been feeling exhausted - and a day centers around finding a like minded person to have 'a few' with and I have lost sight of the person I think I am or the person I would like to be at least.

      What is both humbling and comforting is how many people have gone through the same thing.


        Drinking is stiffling creativity.

        Ambrose, I just did a stint of long-term sobriety and stopped about a month and a half ago to give moderation a try. I can reassure you, you will feel more connected creatively once you are sober for awhile. Booze definitely is a killer of great minds. And I only think people could be better without it - not with it. One thing I noticed for sure during my stint of sobriety is that I was connected to my inner voice so much that it was amazing. When I drink I noticed right away that I felt extremely disconnected to myself and my inner voice or my creative side -- immediately. There is not doubt in my mind that your senses will open up to the world that has been dulled by alcohol.

        Thanks and hang in there. It is a journey worth taking.


          Drinking is stiffling creativity.

          Ambrose, I'm a writer and am amazed at the difference in quality in the writing I did before I became addicted and the writing I've done after. It frankly sucks. I truly believe my fans just read my books because I wrote them, and they go in thinking they are going to like them. You can see from the reviews on Amazon, though, by those who read the later ones first, that they stink. :P
          I have ten thousand hours behind me of holing up at my desk with the radio on, wasted, typing away, being the stereotypical "artist" who no one else understands, and I've separated myself from a lot of people that way, including my children's friends' parents, school events, etc. because "they don't get me." Truth is, I'm scared to death of them. I don't fit in anymore now than I did when I was a little girl hiding in my room because my parents were fighting or because the other kids didn't like me or whatever. It's all just walls, and it's stupid. I'm hoping that when my daughters start school next fall I will have grown some real confidence that doesn't need to be constantly watered with vodka.
          "Everything goes upwards and outwards.
          Nothing collapses."

          -Walt Whitman


            Drinking is stiffling creativity.

            Thanks GW. I am beginning to feel the fog lift. Projects that seemed daunting are now reasonable. I live in the burbs, and i sometimes play the 'artsy' card - but for the most part try to fit in and help out. If i am between productions - I just get so bored - that I eventually a grab a six pack just to pass the day. Under normal circumstances I would have a light glow right now. But I held off - not too hard. Did things around the house and went for a jog.

            On the bright side - with all the free time from not drinking - this year my garden is looking great.

            I don't like school events either. Painful. But the kids love them - so I put on my big boy pants and do what has to be done. Only one shot at this child rearin'. Thanks for the reply.

