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A double whammy.

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    A double whammy.

    Im in day 3 of trying to quit smoking and have stopped my large consumption of beer. Im not having alcohol withdrawals but could sure go for a few beers this weekend. I dont want to do that, it only sets the stop smoking back a few step. Anyone ever try to do both at one time? Any suggestions?

    A double whammy.

    Hi There!

    I've tried to do both many times...and failed many times. In fact, I am about 158 days sober, but still smoking here and there. Just can't seem to give it up yet. I would focus on the alcohol first, but that's just my 2 cents. Let us know how you're doing!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      A double whammy.

      Hi Up,

      I'm on day 6 of doing both. I did the ARVT crash course last Sunday and something clicked. Using same tactic for both cravings. I know it's the same voice talking, be it for fags or booze. I have to do both as if I do one it weakens my resolve for the other. Too dangerous for me so jumped in the deep end. Good luck to you
      You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi


