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Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.:)

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    Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.:)

    Hi there,
    I am new to this. I finally have had enough of drinking my life away. 10 years of alcohol dependancy on and off, the past 16 months drinking evey day. My life was getting out of control. I have two young boys that I adore and I can't put drinking first anymore-I would never forgive myself. I would love support and encouragement, any words of wisdom or lovely tips would be appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.:new:

    Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

    first time this yearb

    Hello all!
    After 20 years of "problem drinking", I've hade enough!


      Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

      Hi Neney and welcome to MWO.

      You need to make a sobriety plan. You'll hear people talk about having a plan here. Basically willpower is not enough and there are some things you can do to make this easier. Those "things" will be your plan. Here's a link to the The tool box is a thread that was started where people posted ideas and tips that helped them become sober. The MWO book is a great reference and talks about supplements you can get from a health food store and meds you can order to help with cravings. I personally suggest the book Kick The Drink Easily by Jason Vale to practically everyone who comes here. It will change the way you think about alcohol and it's available at Amazon. There are also hypnosis tapes which many find helpful. Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. Look around, read, and make a plan.


        Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

        Thanks for making me welcome

        Hi there,

        Thanks so much for your reply. I will go to the link now and I have purchased Kick the Drink as well, look forward to it's arrival. Can i expect some regular followers that may join me on my journey into a new way of living and support me when needed?
        Many thanks,
        FlyAway;1328665 wrote: Hi Neney and welcome to MWO.

        You need to make a sobriety plan. You'll hear people talk about having a plan here. Basically willpower is not enough and there are some things you can do to make this easier. Those "things" will be your plan. Here's a link to the The tool box is a thread that was started where people posted ideas and tips that helped them become sober. The MWO book is a great reference and talks about supplements you can get from a health food store and meds you can order to help with cravings. I personally suggest the book Kick The Drink Easily by Jason Vale to practically everyone who comes here. It will change the way you think about alcohol and it's available at Amazon. There are also hypnosis tapes which many find helpful. Those are just some ideas off the top of my head. Look around, read, and make a plan.


          Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

          A lot of new people here post in the Newbie's Nest. But you don't have to. Some post in the Conquering Alcohol thread, some start threads of their own. Don't feel as though you have to stay in the Newbie area though. Sometimes getting the advice of people further along in their journey is helpful. People will be friendly in every section of this website.


            Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

            Neney- so glad you've found this site. It's been SO helpful to me. Stay close, read and post often. You CAN do this!!!
            AF since 2/22/2012


              Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

              :welcome: neney. You'll find lots of support here, from people just like you who are just starting out, and others who have long-term sobriety and great tips. I recommend the Newbie's Nest, where you will meet lots of like-minded people.

              Like flyaway said, have a plan of action. She posted the Tool Box link, and that's very helpful.

              See you in the forums!


              "I like people too much or not at all."
              Sylvia Plath


                Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.


                Welcome neney! I just made the decision also, and I'm only on day 2 so far. It's tough, but I bet you and I will stick this out together. I've been so impressed by all the warm welcomes and advice from this board.

                Look forward to hearing about your progress! :l
                AF Since: June 8


                  Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

                  Day one detox

                  Hello all. Finally got so sick and tired of drinking so here I am world! I am on my first day of detox. Taken a multivitamin, lots of water, and a little vino to gradually detox. I read earlier about seizures and DT and that terrified me. Wine tasted horrible which is a good thing. I drink a couple bottles of wine a few nights a week so I'm wondering how bad my detox will be...any insights?
                  Also read Allen carr's book and was quite moved and inspired by iit.
                  I feel lucky to be entering the community of recovery. Best to all...:new:


                    Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

                    Hello & welcome Lola01,

                    Glad you found us, this is a good place!
                    I was a wine drinker too, lots of wine. I can't say I had any big problems when I quit but we are all different.
                    Go to the Health store here on the site & download the MWO pdf - it's full of information.
                    Keeping yourself well hydrated, eating healthy & getting some fresh air & a little exercise will help you feel great very soon.

                    Kicking AL out of your life is a great decision - one that you will never regret
                    Wishing you the best!

                    AF since 03/26/09
                    NF since 05/19/09
                    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                      Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

                      Thank you lav for the warm welcome and words of encouragement. Congrats on your sobriety. I got really scared this am. I woke up after drinking heavily for two days. I was shaky and my heart was racing. I have been feeling better as the day wore on. I guess I have a few days before I will feel normal again ...well a few if I am lucky. I really am so completely sick of drinking. I am exhausted and I just can't do it. I don't want this life anymore...the amount of punishment that I have put myself through seems astounding to me. I am looking forward to feeling truly free..I hope I can do it. Been drinking since I was in my 20s so that's half my life. I guess I need to figure out who I am without it. I suspect there is a worthwhile fun loving person in there somewhere...thank you again. I will read posts and visit often. I think this will be I portent to my success. I am also developing a be continued....


                        Newbie here, Day 1 alcohol free-support please.

                        newbie question

                        I have ordered the supps and CDs but wonder if I need the book to guide me or if I can follow the bottle instructions.

