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Want to say Hi!!

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    Want to say Hi!!

    A BOY named Brandy? Isnt that a girls name? No wonder he had issues and chewed on things. LOL

    Mine has issues because he was returned to the pound TWICE then sent to a rescue sanctuary where I finally got him. He can do no wrong in my eyes...poor little dude has had a rough life, I swear his final years will be nothing but comfy beds, good food, lots of snuggles and a library book here and there. lol

    I also have a mutt that I've had for 12 years, she's my fave (but don't tell the others) and a chihuahua that showed up on my doorstep out of nowhere. I guess she heard on the street that my house is the place to be!
    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Want to say Hi!!

      K9Lover;1331061 wrote: A BOY named Brandy? Isnt that a girls name? No wonder he had issues and chewed on things. LOL

      Mine has issues because he was returned to the pound TWICE then sent to a rescue sanctuary where I finally got him. He can do no wrong in my eyes...poor little dude has had a rough life, I swear his final years will be nothing but comfy beds, good food, lots of snuggles and a library book here and there. lol

      I also have a mutt that I've had for 12 years, she's my fave (but don't tell the others) and a chihuahua that showed up on my doorstep out of nowhere. I guess she heard on the street that my house is the place to be!
      Awww! You have such a good heart! And yeah Brandy was my sister's idea not mine as a kid...LOL!
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Want to say Hi!!

        Do you guys mind if I poke my nose in for a second?
        I love hearing about the pups!
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          Want to say Hi!!

          Kradle123;1331073 wrote: Do you guys mind if I poke my nose in for a second?
          I love hearing about the pups!
          You can poke your nose in anytime!! Do you have dogs Kradle? I would love hear about them if you do!
          Started living again 2/7/2015


            Want to say Hi!!

            Two of the three rascals.

            Attached files [img]/converted_files/1873166=6845-attachment.jpg[/img]
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              Want to say Hi!!

              GREAT work Finallydone!!!
              K9 cute doggies.
              AF since 2/22/2012


                Want to say Hi!!

                CONGRATS on your 2 months AF Finallydone
                Great work, stick toi your plan. You are forging a wonderful future for yourself!!!

                AF since 03/26/09
                NF since 05/19/09
                Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                  Want to say Hi!!

                  I do FD!
                  She is a beautiful German Shepard and she our baby girl. I have never owned a purbred and I never had a dog and children at the same time so this has been an adventure! All my pups prior to Luna were rescues. If I can figure out how to get pics maybe I can download one here. She's a little pissed at me right becasue she wants to go to here doggy park but i'ts pouring!

                  Anyway what I wnted to say was I was really taken with your thoughts on your turning/being 37 becasue I have such a different/opposite expeience.
                  I got married at 35 feeling much as you did though I had that outward stable look going on... However unlike you I was absolutely MINUS the knowledge that I was blooming relatively late' (compared to my peers that is) BECAUSE of the Alcohol. I always assumed my problems, my this's, my thats, my DUI, my failed releationships with really good men, really good people, my getting fired from jobs, loosing jobs, alwys looking for a 'geographic cure for myslelf, it NEVER occured to me that DRINKING could in any way be repsonsible. Drinking kept me afloat, I thougth in order that I could 'deal' with all the shit fanning my way...

                  So while I was able to marry and have children and get a house, the drinking never stopped and all I really did FB is drag 3 more inocent people into this mess with me....
                  You are 37 and you GET IT. I would give almost anything for your time machine as you say and wing back to 37 and GET IT...anything but my children of course.
                  I started another thread called Out with the Old because I am also dealing with all the people I have in my life who came to me while I was in this ...deep sleep, this denial state. I hate to say it but my husband is one of those people. He comes from suprise suprise and Alcoholic family! And he doesn't drink. I have put him through some awful times, I admit and so he has all the sensitivety of a severed nerve to my situation.
                  This is no fun belive me. Alcohol is indeed the perfect drug for us people who are STUFFED with regret and shame. Looking a my husband brings up all the awful feelings. Looking a my children brings up nothing but joy and love.
                  So before you htink you are looser. I beg to differ. In my opinion you won the fucking lottery! I am 50 now.....

                  I've rambled again. Lots more ot say of course but it stopped raining and Luna is whinning! Sedona also forgot her Lunch and it's almost noon. Need to swing by the school.

                  Hugs to you,
                  On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                  *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
         tool box
         newbie nest


                    Want to say Hi!!

                    K9Lover;1331079 wrote: Two of the three rascals.
                    There soo cute K9!!
                    Started living again 2/7/2015


                      Want to say Hi!!

                      Kradle123;1331093 wrote: I do FD!
                      She is a beautiful German Shepard and she our baby girl. I have never owned a purbred and I never had a dog and children at the same time so this has been an adventure! All my pups prior to Luna were rescues. If I can figure out how to get pics maybe I can download one here. She's a little pissed at me right becasue she wants to go to here doggy park but i'ts pouring!

                      Anyway what I wnted to say was I was really taken with your thoughts on your turning/being 37 becasue I have such a different/opposite expeience.
                      I got married at 35 feeling much as you did though I had that outward stable look going on... However unlike you I was absolutely MINUS the knowledge that I was blooming relatively late' (compared to my peers that is) BECAUSE of the Alcohol. I always assumed my problems, my this's, my thats, my DUI, my failed releationships with really good men, really good people, my getting fired from jobs, loosing jobs, alwys looking for a 'geographic cure for myslelf, it NEVER occured to me that DRINKING could in any way be repsonsible. Drinking kept me afloat, I thougth in order that I could 'deal' with all the shit fanning my way...

                      So while I was able to marry and have children and get a house, the drinking never stopped and all I really did FB is drag 3 more inocent people into this mess with me....
                      You are 37 and you GET IT. I would give almost anything for your time machine as you say and wing back to 37 and GET IT...anything but my children of course.
                      I started another thread called Out with the Old because I am also dealing with all the people I have in my life who came to me while I was in this ...deep sleep, this denial state. I hate to say it but my husband is one of those people. He comes from suprise suprise and Alcoholic family! And he doesn't drink. I have put him through some awful times, I admit and so he has all the sensitivety of a severed nerve to my situation.
                      This is no fun belive me. Alcohol is indeed the perfect drug for us people who are STUFFED with regret and shame. Looking a my husband brings up all the awful feelings. Looking a my children brings up nothing but joy and love.
                      So before you htink you are looser. I beg to differ. In my opinion you won the fucking lottery! I am 50 now.....

                      I've rambled again. Lots more ot say of course but it stopped raining and Luna is whinning! Sedona also forgot her Lunch and it's almost noon. Need to swing by the school.

                      Hugs to you,
                      Kradle your words of wisdom hit my like a train. Sometimes we need to hear the truth and think how knowing we are alcoholics is the first step in getting out of the i like to call it. I deal very well with directness. And sometimes I need things given to me in a direct manner. The wonderful about this place is we all come from different places and different backgrounds. The one thing that I love about her is there is no judgement. We all know what we struggle with and our mindsets when dealing with it. Alcoholism has been a destroyer of marriages and lives for centuries now. I want take all of us together and stop the cycle together. We can and we will!
                      Started living again 2/7/2015


                        Want to say Hi!!

                        fabulous post...really...
                        Is Sedona your daughter's name? That is lovely.
                        and FD...I have adored K9 for a long time, but it is really nice that you are talking to us.
                        and you are a cutie too!
                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Want to say Hi!!

                          K9Lover;1331079 wrote: Two of the three rascals.
                          So K9...may I ask you a question? Which one is the most rascal of them all...LOL! Tell me first...because I have a idea already.
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Want to say Hi!!

                            Almostfamous;1331080 wrote: GREAT work Finallydone!!!
                            K9 cute doggies.
                            Thank you! And wow on 100 days Way to go!!
                            Started living again 2/7/2015


                              Want to say Hi!!

                              mama bear;1331139 wrote: Kradle...
                              fabulous post...really...
                              Is Sedona your daughter's name? That is lovely.
                              and FD...I have adored K9 for a long time, but it is really nice that you are talking to us.
                              and you are a cutie too!
                              Awww...thanks mommabear! You made my day!
                              Started living again 2/7/2015


                                Want to say Hi!!

                                I mean it sweetie...somebody will be lucky to have you
                                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                                Live in the Solution....not the problem

