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Want to say Hi!!

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    Want to say Hi!!

    Miss everyone here!! Between a challenging weekend that had booze all around me and maintaining sobriety and long days at work I feel pretty exhausted right now. I just want to say I am reading the threads and miss all my friends here at MWO. I constantly think you all and pray for you. Even when days go by and i'm busy my heart is always with you. This place gives me the courage to stay sober. Hope your doing great mamabear and you two!!
    Started living again 2/7/2015

    Want to say Hi!!

    Hi Finally Done:

    Don't mean to be pushy but how come you're not here? I love reading your posts!
    I 'm fairly new to posting but have been following your journey. I actually used your story today while speaking to my 13 year old telling him that if he had a time machine his older self would come back and tell his younger self that he was making wrong choices.
    My son is super smart and super immature. Bad combo. He has 17 tardies to class in one month. They are threatening to expel him....may sound harsh but he is out of district. I wasn't sure if I should mention that his younger self would probably would not listen!

    Anyway, Glad you checked in and yey yey on 2 months. WOW!

    Can't wait till I am there too
    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


      Want to say Hi!!

      Hi Kradle! Yeah I am very much trying to make it a daily habit to get on here and say hi. It's funny how time gives insight to who we used to be and really wonder why we acted the way we did when we were younger. I hope your son comes around and doesn't someday regret not being more focused on school. At 37 I wasted alot of years drinking and being immature and regret it very much. Thank you soo much on your kind words and I look forward to getting to know you! :h
      Started living again 2/7/2015


        Want to say Hi!!

        Hi FD!
        Glad to see you here! Wow...2 months is awesome!! How have you managed to stay sober despite all the booze everywhere? I figure your experience might help please tell us
        Keep checking in..we miss you around here!!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          Want to say Hi!!

          Hey Sweet thing!!!
          I am soooooooo freakin' proud of you!!
          don't be a stranger.....k???
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Want to say Hi!!

            Hi mamabear and K9! I'll will try to get on here more. I miss the stories and how it keeps my mind heading in the right direction. One heck of a challenge for this! K9 I'm not sure how I managed to stay sober on Saturday when I was a family reunion/grandma's brithday party. Everyone drinks in our family and it was very tough when everyone is laughing and having a good time and I felt left out. What I did was focused on the next day and how I would have felt if i would have got drunk made a fool of myself and trashed away the nearly 60 days of sobriety I have got now. When I start drink as you all know I go back to daily drinking and lose all my motivation in life. In sobriety I have something I want more than a buzz. It's promise and hope! I love that more than AL! Thank you for your kind words and your support. I am always here for my MWO friends!
            Started living again 2/7/2015


              Want to say Hi!!

              :h FD!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                Want to say Hi!!

                Thank you mamabear!! :h
                Started living again 2/7/2015


                  Want to say Hi!!

                  I feel like opening up today a little bit! Sorry in! This weekend at the party I just felt depressed seeing everyone married and having kids and I feel like some 37 year old loser who is in college with adults who could almost be my kids. It made me realize how AL ruined and ruled the last 15 years of my life and how I am totally sick of it taking away another 15 years of it. I guess this weekend made me realize how much I want to be sober and how my life will change as I move forward. I want this more than anything I have wanted in life. AL spins our lives out of control and sobriety adds something I want more. Stability. I know there will be challenges in life moving forward but being sober I know I can weather life's storms much better! I just want to tell you all how much I appreciate and care about everyone at this great community!:h
                  Started living again 2/7/2015


                    Want to say Hi!!

                    Did you lose someone you loved over AL FD?? I almost lost my marriage of 21 years and my two precious sons....
                    on a different note.....many marriages look happy on the surface but aren't. Tell yourself that when you get really lonely.
                    and you have plenty of time to find a mate...I promise
                    I think K9 is available...tee hee.... she's gonna kill me
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Want to say Hi!!

                      LOL Mama!
                      I was just going to share my "single" woes too. I've always been the single one at family gatherings, etc. When we go on family vacations, guess who always gets the couch??? FOR ONCE, I'd like to actually get a room with a door (and I'd put it to good use too!) Too much info? LOL
                      Sorry to hijack your thread FD!!!
                      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                        Want to say Hi!!

                        Haha! Yeah she is going to kill you! But she is more than likely finding something her cute lil dog chewed up! I did lose someone and it still haunts me to this day. But I also realize that if I keep bringing up the past I will never move forward. AL is the perfect drug for those who live with regret. So I am just going to deal with it and learn from it. The great thing mamabear is you didn't lose it all. And your taking back what you deserve and that is happiness! And K9 is out of my league anyway she's a hottie! You know what I love about sobriety more than anything my real personality comes out!
                        Started living again 2/7/2015


                          Want to say Hi!!

                          K9Lover;1331051 wrote: LOL Mama!
                          I was just going to share my "single" woes too. I've always been the single one at family gatherings, etc. When we go on family vacations, guess who always gets the couch??? FOR ONCE, I'd like to actually get a room with a door (and I'd put it to good use too!) Too much info? LOL
                          Sorry to hijack your thread FD!!!
                          Haha!! No that put a smile on my face! Because I was thinking exactly what you said. Great minds think alike!
                          Started living again 2/7/2015


                            Want to say Hi!!

                            OH please FD I'm not out of anyone's league! But thanks for the compliment And good for you for letting go of the past. I had a long relationship that ended and I thought I was going to DIE, but it has turned out for the best! It took a long time, but I'm sure it would have taken LESS time if I hadn't been drinking. When I drank I would text him and call him and drag the thing that I'm sober, I'm OVER IT!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Want to say Hi!!

                              That's awesome K9! It's soo great watching how life is evolving with out AL. It's amazing and inspiring. Oh...and I love cockerspaniels....we had one when I was a kid and his name was Brandy. Brandy...go figure huh. And he loved to chew on things!
                              Started living again 2/7/2015

