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Found this site today - thankfully

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    Found this site today - thankfully

    I'm new here also, and so glad I found this site. I've been having marital problems for a while now related to my drinking (no violence though, just arguments about honesty), and finally decided that enough is enough. First off, I'm in my early 40's and have been drinking heavily for about 6 or 7 years. By heavy I mean anywhere from 4 to about 8 ounces of hard alcohol per day, after work, with the occasional day off (about 1 or two a week). I considered myself a "functioning alcoholic" and thought I was OK with it, but I've come to realize that a problem with AH is a problem with AH and won't get better on its own. I also teach in the medical field, and very well know the effects of alcohol on the body.

    My wife knows that I have been hiding AH, and is constantly checking up on me. I have hurt her very much with my promises, and I know that she has given me many chances, but she's had enough - and so have I. I don't want to quit for her directly, although I'm aware my relationship will improve without the AH. I really need this for ME. So far the willpower hasn't been in me until now. I recently promised her there wouldn't be any more problems, but I think we all know how that promise goes. I actually was doing well with cravings for about a week on Kudzu, Niacin, a Multivitamin for Men and Hawthorn (to help with my AH-induced blood pressure). I moved that stuff into a different cupboard, and forgot to take it. Needles to say, my cravings are back and I relapsed - a major problem with my relationship then ensued. I'm keeping those vitamins on my desk from now on so I remember to take them every day, in hopes of saving my marriage.

    Sorry for the long post, but I've spent about 3 hours reading this forum and it's been very helpful. I plan on getting some L-Glutamine tomorrow to see if that also helps.

    This looks like a very supportive place to visit, and I thank you in advance for all your help! I know I can do this, I HAVE to do this.

    WAY looking forward to AF so I can enjoy the occasional social drink someday without further problems....
    AF Since: June 8

    Found this site today - thankfully

    Hello & welcome aerojef,

    You have found a good place
    AL makes us do stupid things, no doubt about that. Getting honest with myself was a very hard thing to do but necessary.

    Have you read the MWO book yet? Download the pdf from the health store here. It's full of good info for you. Making a good plan for yourself is essential. Take a look in the for lots of great ideas!

    Personally, I decided to remain abstinent although that wasn't my original intention. As I approached my 30 AF days I just knew, in all honesty that it was the best decision for me. See how you feel as you gain some AF time

    Wishing you the best!
    AF since 03/26/09
    NF since 05/19/09
    Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


      Found this site today - thankfully

      Aerojef, welcome! You've done the right thing by reading all around the site -- limitless information here, and lots of supportive people.

      Be sure to check out the Tool Box under Monthly Abstinence and the Newbie's Nest under Just Starting Out.

      When I first started reading your post it sounded like your goal was total abstention. But toward the end it sounded like you're planning to try moderation. By the time most of us get to this site, we're past the point of being able to drink just one drink. Then we start the chronic relapsing cycle, only to end up worse off and finding it harder to stop. You might be different??

      Wishing you the best.....let us know how we can help.

      Lav - xpost - sorry for the redundancy.............


        Found this site today - thankfully

        Welcome, you have found a sweet spot in your need for sobriety. MWO is great, keep posting and reading:h
        Enlightened by MWO


          Found this site today - thankfully

          Thanks for the help! I am looking for total abstinence until the cravings wear off, and I am no longer ruled by AH. I am assuming that this will take a couple of years before the risk of relapse is reduced, so that's my goal for now.

          I have the downloadable book on order for about an hour, but no download link yet. I'll wait until tomorrow.

          Thanks for the warm welcome, and I'll check out those tips!
          AF Since: June 8


            Found this site today - thankfully

            Hi Areo:

            Welcome and it's so great you found MWO.

            In my humble opinion there is simply no other place like it for people struggling with Alcohol. I found them by accident and they have been here for me through thick and thin...and there's been lots of thin.

            Looking forward to getting to know you. You're in a ggod place. :l
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest


              Found this site today - thankfully

              Welcome to have made a great first step....keep posting on are never alone!
              AB Club Member
              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                Found this site today - thankfully

                Glad to have you hear!! Welcome aboard!!
                Started living again 2/7/2015


                  Found this site today - thankfully

                  Thanks guys, I'll let you know how it goes
                  AF Since: June 8


                    Found this site today - thankfully

                    Welcome aero.:welcome: I'm looking forward to seeing you on the forum. You've come to a good place for help with AL. I see where you said you work in the medical field and have knowledge of the adverse effects of AL. Many, if not most, of us are aware of the dangers too, but sometimes it takes the support of a community like this to get the strength and support to actually quit. I know it was a godsend for me.

                    Others have given you some good info, but so I won't be repetitive. Again, welcome!


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      Found this site today - thankfully

                      So how are you doing Aero?
                      HOUR BY HOUR, DAY BY DAY


                        Found this site today - thankfully

                        So far so good, a little after 8am here on Day 4. Surprisingly easier than I thought, although I'm hitting the supplements hard. No withdrawal effects. The kudzu was working relatively well until I added the glutamine, and now the cravings are gone for the most part, and minimal at best.

                        Total regimen is:

                        Morning: Glutamine, Kudzu, Super B Complex, Chromium Picolinate, Milk Thistle.

                        Afternoon: Glutamine and Kudzu

                        Evening: Glutamine, Kudzu (if needed for cravings), Milk Thistle.

                        I also picked up some glutamine chews that I keep in my pocket 'just in case'.

                        So far so good, and thanks for asking!
                        AF Since: June 8


                          Found this site today - thankfully

                          Good morning Aero! I just got the Solaray Kudzu too. I got it from the local health food store. I had been using the Kudzu from the healthstore on here. I think I got ripped off though..I spent $18 on 60 capsules....the kudzu from on here is 130 capules. :stomper: I also had purchased B-50 complex capsules a bit ago and I wanted to add them to my supplement mix but when I opened them up today they smell like moldy cheese....:eeew: They don't expire until 12/31/13. I know sometimes supplements can have a funky smell....but this is downright nasty. I think I am going to throw them out and start new!
                          AB Club Member
                          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                            Found this site today - thankfully

                            Hey Destiney: there you are.

                            Couldn't find the other thread. Sorry. Checking in. Hard night. Up down. Up down. Tired today but at least it's sunny. Have a lot of calls to make trying to find Matt a counselor and also get him an eval. He is so clueless . My heart hurt hurts. My head hurts. Stayed in the bathroom crying over all your supportive posts this morning before the troups got up. But you're right. I feel like such a shitty Mom right now I think I'd feel like a shittier mom if I were a drinking mom...

                            Anyway I have a ton of calls to Make and the house is a mess. I wish I could find the thread easily. Can't seem to figure that out. They just seem to disappear.
                            Sounds like a good idea though sometimes. I promise I will be more positive as the day wears on.
                            One of my best Buddha buddies is calling today. She always has great wisdom for me. I miss her terribly.
                            Seems like all the wonderful people in my life are so far away. At least I have all of you real close.
                            Will find the nest and super glue myself there. :h :l
                            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
                   tool box
                   newbie nest

