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Teezah's Toddling Steps

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    Teezah's Toddling Steps


    Been using Baclofen for almost two weeks now and have been AlFree for 2 days, into day 3 now. So time to make my first goal - to be AlFree for 5 days. Baby steps



    AlFree Day 1 10th June 2012
    On Day 3 12th June 2012

    Teezah's Toddling Steps

    Great Job

    Great Job!


      Teezah's Toddling Steps

      Way to go!:goodjob:

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Teezah's Toddling Steps

        Welcome! Come join us over in Newbies Nest



          Teezah's Toddling Steps


          For your lovely welcomes :h

          So enjoying NOT drinking and amazed at Baclofen's efficacy (if a bit stunned at SE's, but that's a post for another forum).

          Onwards and upwards into day 3. Not many stressful situations today except the usual running about after kids and daily life. I have a disabled child & that makes life very different on almost every! Have to phone her transport provider and fight another fight over her provision so that is potentially stressful. Also have to find my son a work placement for September - don't really do asking people for favours (in case they say no & I have to deal with the rejection), so another potentially stressful situation. So I'll keep an eye out for them & urge surf through. DH away at work today, so I'm No.1 parent as usual :eeks:

          Teezah (girl who never grew up past 17)

          AlFree Day 1 10th June 2012
          On Day 3 12th June 2012


            Teezah's Toddling Steps

            Welcome! You wont regret it.


              Teezah's Toddling Steps

              Nearly through day 3 AlFree!

              Couple of urges but managed to urge surf & take some baclofen to combat them.

              Sorry not posting in nest - need to stay focused on me when I'm in looking for help & I'm the sort of person who likes to jump in and try to fix everyone. Selfish :sorry:



                Teezah's Toddling Steps

                Good for you Teezah! You are doing wonderful!
                February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                  Teezah's Toddling Steps

                  Yay! Day 4 and looking good...thanks to MWO & Baclofen!

                  Up early & driving this morning - no worries about any lingering alcohol in my blood

                  Had brekkie on the beach - such a beautiful morning here.

                  Stress situations for today:

                  - Have to phone transport
                  - have to sort out son's placement
                  - children's after school commitments means I have the potential to buy wine when out and about later on in the dangerous 16.00 - 19.00 time zone

                  Have a lovely day everyone :thanks:


                    Teezah's Toddling Steps

                    Hey Teezah, wow you're doing great, and good to see you are feeling so good too. I am on my day 2 now and can't wait for day 4+ as that it the longest I would have gone AF in a loooooooong time! Well done and have a lovely day :goodjob:
                    Day one: 12th June 2012 - DONE!
                    Week one:
                    Week two:
                    30 days:


                      Teezah's Toddling Steps

                      Yay! Day 4 is almost done. Felt tempted today so may inc. Baclofen tomorrow if I can cope with SE's.

                      ******I gave away a 3/4 full bottle of wine to a neighbour today!!*********

                      Visited the wine section in Aldi to say "hi". Didn't buy anything.

                      Night All.


                        Teezah's Toddling Steps

                        Outstanding avatar lillyE. Especially love her "why I'm not an adult" sketches.

                        Day 5! Day 5! Day 5! Skips down the lane waving hands wildly in the air singing "trah-la-la" day 5!"

                        So happy to be here! Weigh in later today too so will keep you posted if I go up or down in the "i've given up alcohol so surely the weight will fall off" lottery.



                          Teezah's Toddling Steps

                          2.5lbs down
                          Once I get through today, I'll have reached my first goal - 5 days sober.

                          My second goal will be for a week


                            Teezah's Toddling Steps

                            Does anyone have any advice on coping with holidays? I'm not going until August but if I have to order medication, I want to get it done soon. I saw someone (senior member - sorry can't remember who) takes Antabuse while away & that sounds like a good plan to me. Any other suggestions? What works / dosen't work for you.



                              Teezah's Toddling Steps

                              Day 5 Done!!

                              So happy to have achieved my first goal: 5 days sober :happy:

                              Next goal is to get to a week. DH is back from work, so it will make it a bit harder to focus with himself around. But - was directed back to the toolbox so am going to use some of the excellent tips there to cope with temptation.


