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Newbie Here, My Day One!

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    Newbie Here, My Day One!

    Hi everyone, wow I'm so happy to have found this board!! I felt so so unbelievably low yesterday after yet another 3 day drinking binge, I just felt so hopeless as I have tried to stop so many times and failed.

    I spent loads of time reading on here and online about some of the supplements that people take to ward off cravings / repair damage to the body etc I have decided to jump in head first and just beat this thing.

    So, I have ordered LOADS of supplements and I just feel so hopeful and excited that they will give me the help I need. I'm not expecting miracles, just that small change which would really be so much help. I often manage several days in a row without drink, but never make it past day 4. This time i'm determined it will be different.

    My goal is 30 days of sobriety, something I have not had since I was a child (31 now).

    So, I'll be taking daily;
    10,000mg Vitamin C (1 tablet every 1.5 hours)
    Vitamin B50 Complex, (6 x daily)
    400mcg Chromium
    3000mg L-Glutamine
    3 tablespoons Lecithin
    800iu Vitamin E
    50mcg Selenium
    3000mg Omega 3
    Milk Thistle
    Apple Cider Vinegar (3 x daily)
    Good quality multivitamin and mineral.

    Phew!! Does this sound OK - Is there anything I've missed out that might help?

    On top of that I'm going to cut down on caffeine and completely cut out sugar. Finally, I would like to update this thread daily as it will give me focus - hope that isn't too indulgent!

    Anyway, thanks for reading - Looking forward to chatting to some of you on here in the future.

    Jo x
    Day one: 12th June 2012 - DONE!
    Week one:
    Week two:
    30 days:

    Newbie Here, My Day One!

    Welcome, mygirlharriet, you have found one gem of a boared. You are enthusiastically jumping in and that's fantastic. We are all in varying stages of dealing with our alchohol issues. I, myself am on my millionth attempt at 30 days plus. I'll check on your progress and report mine to you if that will help you stay motivated.

    In a moment or two some of the wiser members will direct you to the Tool Box and Newbies Nest with links and everything. Until then, welcome and stay strong.

    I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
    ? Lao-Tzu


      Newbie Here, My Day One!

      Welcome mygirl. I admire your enthusiasm. It's very heartening to come here and see that it can be done, and that you can stop drinking. However, I would advise you to be gentle on yourself because one of the things most people crave when they quit AL is sugar. It's almost universal, so even though I haven't done any research about it, I suspect it's for replacing the sugar in AL. It's tough enough to quit such an ingrained habit as drinking, especially as some of us were doing it (daily), so in the beginning I wouldn't abstain from anything except AL. Just my honest opinion.

      Sounds like you are loaded up with the supplements too! Let me know how they work for you. I have spent a lot of money on vits but don't take them, lol. I know I should.

      Hope to see you around here a lot!


      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        Newbie Here, My Day One!

        MyGirlHarriet - Sounds like you're really pumped to give this a go - good for you and welcome. Coming here is the best move you could have made. I just wanted to add my two cents to what LibraryGirl said about the sugar... and I'm going to add caffeine too. I wouldn't overwhelm yourself with trying to give up too many things at once. Giving up AL is going to be very tough, maybe harder than you realize at this point. I think you'd be very wise to focus on that, at least for the first 30 days or so. Personally, when I first started (164 days ago) I let myself have anything that I wanted in the first couple of weeks. That really, really helped me get through the deprivation (poor me) period. Good luck to you - and stay close to this site. Even though I don't post often, I still check in every day!


          Newbie Here, My Day One!

          Welcome Harriet! :welcome:

          Yep, come join us over at Newbies - you'll find lots of support there and people in a similar place as well as a few long-timers who kindly and generously watch over us all with hard won wisdom and advice.

          I agree with Library Girl. It's GREAT that you're diving in with so much enthusiasm and I don't wish to discourage you buuttt... don't make it too hard on yourself, ok? In my experience when I try to do it all at once it's so hard to sustain. Taking the supplements, coming here, committing to 30 days.. those are all huge changes. Take the other bits one by one. Just focus on small, sustainable changes for now if you can. Most importantly, don't beat yourself up if you don't manage to cut it all out at once and use that as a reason to relapse into drinking. Know what I'm saying.

          Hope to see you around more.



            Newbie Here, My Day One!

            Thank you all for your welcomes and responses. Tipplerette, hi :-) I would love to hear your progress too, thank you!

            LibraryGirl, Caper & LillyE.... Thanks, I do agree with you after thinking about it. I am not much of a sugar fan in general anyway so I don't think that will be too much of a problem, but coffee.... Yeah that would be hard to give up. So, I will not deprive myself of that. I'm so glad you said as I usually am so hard on myself if I don't do things perfectly, maybe a lot of that is where my problems have stemmed.

            Day 2 today, dreadful night's sleep but I totally expected that. Feeling good though and positive. I have freed up some time so I don't have anything much to do this week that would cause stress. I, along with a lot of others I expect, find it all too easy to turn the drink when the slightest thing goes wrong. So I'm going to spend the next few days relaxing at home with my dog, watching movies, reading etc. I bought the Jason Vine book 'Kick The Drink Easily' as I saw in another post Unwanted and others recommended it. Hopefully that will turn up today.

            Anyway thanks again, hope you all have a great day :thanks:
            Day one: 12th June 2012 - DONE!
            Week one:
            Week two:
            30 days:


              Newbie Here, My Day One!

              Good stuff Harriet - you're off to a good start. Just be gentle with yourself ok? The Kick the Drink book is a great place to start. And, again, come join us over at newbies anytim e


                Newbie Here, My Day One!

                :goodjob: on getting through your first day!!! That's great. One step at a time, and easy does it wins the race. Have a great day and enjoy relaxing and reading.


                "I like people too much or not at all."
                Sylvia Plath


                  Newbie Here, My Day One!

                  Just thought I'd pop over and say "hi" and thanks for the words of encouragement on my toddling thread.

                  Hang in there! Day 4 will come!

                  You sound like you're in the right frame of mind remember it's a journey not a destination I know what I mean, I'm just not very good at communicating it! Suppose I mean don't beat yourself up - you are on the right path.

                  Sobriety Buddies?



                    Newbie Here, My Day One!

                    Hi MyGirl:

                    Wanted to say Welcome as well. This group is such a bottomless well of information & inspiration. I have made it to Day 24 because of there unflagging help.

                    I'm also not a sugar person. My downfall is cheese and breads but the first couple of days I was after m&m's and the chocolate chip cookies I make for my kids...not a lot but the cravings were definitately There!
                    Now I'm doing hot chocolate at night and I also make soups a lot . It's my new comfort food
                    Definately head to the Nest. There are many members there with a lot of sober day behind them
                    So glad you are here!
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest

