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    Yo! Hello to everyone. I just joined today and I'm pretty excited. I've checked this sight out several times in the last few months and found it so encouraging that I thought it was finally time to join (and I never join anything!) I got through yesterday with NO alcohol. That's an event for me. I hope to have many more days like that and all I'm focusing on is now is today and I know I'm pretty good.

    It was refreshing not waking up slightly hungover this morning.

    I love the fact that if you fall down here you just get back up and get back to what you need to be doing. It takes the fear out of the future.

    Thank you so much for all the honesty, stories and advice on this board. I don't feel so alone in the struggle.


    Welcome aboard time, you have found a great site, the best of luck to you and let us know how you are doing!
    Reflect upon your present blessingings, of which every man has many; not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some



      hiya guys, welcome time2!

      there are heaps of good ideas in this thread.

      Congrats on day one!!!
      one day at a time as they say,it is simple just not easy. keep posting and reading.
      do you have any goals?
      AF since 10/26/2009

      It will be five years sober 10/26/2014



        Welcome Time To:

        "Taking the fear out of the future"That is such a terrific way to look at his struggle

        I look forward to being with you in this jouney!
        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest



          Thank you all for the greetings! The tool box is going to be a big help. As for goals; I plan on running with my dogs today, skipping the microbrewery that's attached to the farmer's market tonight and coming home and putting a big 0 in the drink calculator at the end of the evening! That'll be about all I can manage for now!



            That's Awesome Timeto:
            And you remind me it's time to take my baby girl for her run as well!
            Though she's not so baby anymore : She's a big rompy German Shepard.
            On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
            *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
   tool box
   newbie nest



              Hey, if anybody catches this I'm on day 3 now. If not, I'm only too happy to write this to myself. This time has been different so far. I feel good today. Usually when I do this I feel even worse by this time instead of better and have more brain fog than if I had been drinking every evening. The different thing I'm doing this time is I started exercising a few days before I began, cut back on eating too many white carbs, started taking vitamins and have this web site. The irritability that I've been carrying around for quite a while now is diminishing.

              Had a great evening at the farmers market and microbrewery! It felt awesome when my husband and I stopped to get a beer after our shopping and I said no thanks! Of course my mouth was watering but I was thrilled to have passed my private test. My husband, being the gentleman that he is, said 'oh no, well I don't need one either' but I said no, please get one. And there lies the huge difference between him and me...he was able to have one. Just one. He can put them away if he wants but he can also have just one. Of course had I joined him I would have at least wanted another one. And I would have insisted on stopping on the way home to pick up more. Oddly enough when we got home I got a surge of energy and took care of a bunch of things that I didn't expect to get accomplished.

              Kradle, I hope you got your Shepherd out! After you wrote that it inspired me to stick with my plan. I started getting really busy and almost didn't get my dogs out, reading your message got me back on track. I'm using that to get me out this morning with them too. There's always going to be a million things to do and obligations galore. But today I will prioritize again.



                welcome aboard time!!
                Come join us in the Newbies Nest or the One Step at a Time thread
                I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                Live in the Solution....not the problem



                  Well Done!


                  :new: too - on day 5!

                  Respect for putting yourself in the jaws of the lion & coming out whole!



                    Welcome Time! You should be so proud of yourself. I have been struggling a little lately, but am hoping I am back on track. I went a full 11 months with no booze, so it is doable, provided you don't let your guard down as I did (drat!!!) We are all only one drink away from day one. Best of luck to you! And all of us!

                    Love Waggy
                    February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                    When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!



                      Hi TimeTo and Good Morning!

                      I don't think you can ever be by yourself here...even when you 'think' you're by yourself, I don't 'think' you're really by yourself :H

                      Lots of people watching out for each other here which has helped me get to day 25 (yey!) and now you at day 3 (yey!)

                      Prioritizing IS tough so I just keep it small. I have kids so right there my priorities are pretty much set for me: Make sure no one dies and the house isn't condemnend.. Oh and the dog has food, water and an occasional run!.

                      Just a thought but you may want to stay clear of the Micro Brew for a while especially if your husband is a non-drinker of sorts- That has done me in many times and I sounded a lot like you: Private tests...I can handle it...How can he have just one...In the end it was too hard and I always gave in.

                      Okay time to clean so the house isn't condemned (God sometimes it looks lioek a Meth lab in here! Not that i've seen one in RL )

                      Have a relaxing rest of teh day,
                      On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                      *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
             tool box
             newbie nest

