I'm glad to be here! I think I'm finally saved!
But I need a little help.
1- I'm having daily headaches - can't seem to figure out when they onset though not in AM. Not sure why because I'm no longer hung over (for the FIRST TIME in at least 20 years!! ).
2- I crash SO hard around 6pm, that it feels like midnight and it's ALL I can do to keep from going to bed. It makes me think the hypnosis CD must have a trigger in it that is making me sleepy. Or my adrenals are exhausted and the evening hours are when they give out. I just have no idea.
3- I'm also having some GI problems I can't really put into words. Think of eating alot of very hot salsa each meal, every single day, and washing it down with tons of very cheap tequilia. What would happen the next morning - instant detox! My butt seriously hurts.... :blush:
Some background, I'm doing Topa, 25mg 2x day; a high quality bunch of vits and aminos/fish oil/kudzu/milk thistle/calcium/magnesium and I take hypertensives as my usual. I've been on those since I was 19 and I'm now 44. (the bp issue is genetic so they say). I'm eating pretty well - fish or chicken, spinach, granola, whole wheat toast, chocolate

Maybe I need more chocolate? Maybe I need to test for heavy metals? I don't eat fish high in mercury but I have some mercury fillings....
It just occured to me that maybe I need to ride it out (so to speak) and it really is all the toxins leaving my system? I think I read somewhere that this happens. There is an excellent book (I'm a bookaholic as well) by name of The Diet Cure that talks about candida detox this way, so maybe this is happening to me. Anyone here experience this? I'd love to think this is it! Maybe my idea of taking the prevacid isn't helping but is keeping me from detoxing. . ..... hmmm.
All creative and colorful ideas are welcome!
Thanks in advance! :h