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First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

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    First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

    Hi Everyone!

    I'm glad to be here! I think I'm finally saved!

    But I need a little help.

    1- I'm having daily headaches - can't seem to figure out when they onset though not in AM. Not sure why because I'm no longer hung over (for the FIRST TIME in at least 20 years!! ).

    2- I crash SO hard around 6pm, that it feels like midnight and it's ALL I can do to keep from going to bed. It makes me think the hypnosis CD must have a trigger in it that is making me sleepy. Or my adrenals are exhausted and the evening hours are when they give out. I just have no idea.

    3- I'm also having some GI problems I can't really put into words. Think of eating alot of very hot salsa each meal, every single day, and washing it down with tons of very cheap tequilia. What would happen the next morning - instant detox! My butt seriously hurts.... :blush:

    Some background, I'm doing Topa, 25mg 2x day; a high quality bunch of vits and aminos/fish oil/kudzu/milk thistle/calcium/magnesium and I take hypertensives as my usual. I've been on those since I was 19 and I'm now 44. (the bp issue is genetic so they say). I'm eating pretty well - fish or chicken, spinach, granola, whole wheat toast, chocolate 2 glasses of wine.

    Maybe I need more chocolate? Maybe I need to test for heavy metals? I don't eat fish high in mercury but I have some mercury fillings....

    It just occured to me that maybe I need to ride it out (so to speak) and it really is all the toxins leaving my system? I think I read somewhere that this happens. There is an excellent book (I'm a bookaholic as well) by name of The Diet Cure that talks about candida detox this way, so maybe this is happening to me. Anyone here experience this? I'd love to think this is it! Maybe my idea of taking the prevacid isn't helping but is keeping me from detoxing. . ..... hmmm.

    All creative and colorful ideas are welcome!

    Thanks in advance! :h

    First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

    Hi EK,

    Headaches: After about 10 days I started to get wicked headaches. I can't remember how long they lasted exactly but I believe it was about the 3 week mark they disappeared completely.

    Insomnia: I had insomnia for the first week (not relative to you, but I thought I would throw it in there).

    Tiredness: It has been 50 days now. After finally being able to sleep I am in bed most nights between 8pm and 9pm. I have very good sleeps, but I, too feel pretty wiped out still. I believe it is because the body is working overtime to repair itself and we missed out on so much 'quality' sleep while drinking. Also, now you are sober your nights feel a bit longer so you are wiped out a bit earlier. The CD's will relax you too. I also incorporated more water into my diet, it helps with fatigue. Also add some exercise. At times I think I have chronic fatigue syndrome - it can be that exhausting just being awake. It is part of the detox process.

    Spicy Foods: This is probably the reason why you are having the GI problems. I LOVE spicy foods!! I put cayenne or hotsauce on everything I eat. Good for the detox. Did you know cayenne is super beneficial for the development of new blood, attacking sick parts in our body - expediting recovery, and creating better circulation? Your intestines will make some noise that is for certain. Your poor little bum will get use to it over time LOL!!

    Mood swings: Lots of them. Just keep reminding yourself that this, too, shall pass.

    Keep it up, and keep on riding those ill feelings. They will subside as time goes on. Best of luck to you.


      First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

      Hi EK,
      Just to let you know that I got the headaches as well. I think it is detoxing but also I wonder if you keep your fluids up, plenty of water etc. I was amazed about the headaches when I wasn't even drinking. They started about day 20 but have now resolved.

      I also started sleeping so deeply that I would wake up in the morning feeling like I couldn't get alert but this has also passed. I am sleeping well, probably the best I have for many years.

      I didn't do supps or any of the medication as I am on a small dose of Cirpamil(for depression) which I have taken for about 5years now and half mg. of Zanax at night. I suffer with panic anxiety attacks but that doseage keeps it under control. I think it is also much better since I have been AF and learnt to moderate my drinkings in recent times.

      I used to suffer with IBS but that also seems to be much better now. Not too much of the mood swings, perhaps eurphoric from having a lot more control in my life.

      I think you have solved the problem in what you say about riding it out, take panadol for the headaches not asprin as that will cause further gut irritation, drink plenty of fluids, exercise and give yourself a big pat on the back for an effort well done.

      Kind regards


        First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

        :h Thanks Accountable and Diana,

        Your remarks are very helpful. I think the primary issue for me is the water and the "riding it out" bit.

        A unique part of the ride for me is the diuretic bit of my hypertensive meds that I'm on now.

        It's good to know you experienced this too because I have a particularly specific interest in this.

        I have a new hypertensive blood pressure med course as of 3 weeks ago, I chose this, it's new, and it is tough. I choose it to eliminate my female hair loss, my weight gain, and it's based on my own medical research and agreed to by my doctors. (Derm and Intern) It's a triple dose of diuretic plus 2 bp meds, and I swear, I need 5 liters of water to counter it daily. You figure the math on living with that..... I either keep taking these meds that dry me out so discipline me to drink water, or I switch to the ones that make my hair fall out and ... let me drink more wine. All in, I just CAN NOT drink what I used to.

        Anyways, my cats are wrecking havoc in the other room and I keep thinking there's a burgler in there, so I should just start the movie and stop the silence here.

        Thanks so much for your support. I love you guys! xxxoooo



          First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

          drink problem

          am desperate to stop drinking:new:


            First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

            et.....Welcome. It's good that you found us. Please stay a while and read some of the stuff. There are lots of friendly people here with lots and lots of great advice and ideas.


              First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

              Hi EK & ET :welcome:

              EK, yes I suffered worse headaches without booze than I did with, but they did pass ...

              I have to agree with everyone else, this is the poisons working their way out of your body and you will start to feel better pretty soon.

              Love & Hugs,


                First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                Hi again,

                Wanted to correct one thing, I'm on 50mg topamax, twice a day. That has helped curb my drinking substantially although admit I did drink a bottle of wine last night, it's the only the second time in 3 weeks I over-drank. That's a HUGE improvement. I'm still ecstatic. My hangover today and my red puffy face further reminds me of my pleasure in moderation and control, what a sweet way to live.


                  First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                  Good on you, just keep taking small determined steps. It will work out for you.


                    First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                    Thanks Rags, I need the encouragement, since I overdid it again and am very disappointed in myself today. I am upping my topa today to 150/day. Small determined steps, I like that. Otherwise the small mean voice takes over and nothing good comes from that. Ug, I hate the way I feel today. Ah, regrets. Thank god for rain. It just feels like one of those days that needs cleansing.


                      First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                      FIRT WEEK

                      I started about a week ago with the supplements and nothing seems to be happening except something is making me feel sort of though I'm car sick. I am taking 2 mag. cit., one l-glut,2 milk thistle,2 kudzu, 2 eve prim.1 vit. B all in the morning on an empty stomach, except for the ALLONE..which is my breakfast. After the evening meal, I take 2 ev. primrose, 1 l-glut, 1 milk thistle, no mag. citrate (did it in the morning), 2 kudzu. Nothing at lunch which I frequently don't eat as I'm running around...Can anyone shed any light on this???


                        First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                        Hi Phoebe,

                        I have been taking the supps too for about the same length of time, altho the Kudzu is not the right strength I think. They are making no difference to me, sad to say. I am still drinking. HOWEVER, I am starting Topa soon and getting the hypno cds so am going to follow the full RJ programme as I think I need it. Logging on daily here is really getting me into the right frame of mind. Maybe you need to think about trying other things too?

                        I'm no nutritionist, but if you are only having the allone for breakfast and often skip lunch, I think you maybe are running on empty... Most of the supps say to take with food so maybe that is why you feel queasy.

                        Keep posting and reading and good luck. Kate


                          First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                          Hi EK (and ET)

                          I am Day 13 AF - world record for me - don't give up! The detox process has been interesting - I had headaches too, insomnia (still have that), mood swings...topa, sups, exercise, going back on an anti-depressant, CDs, this support group/website...have all helped. Hang in there and keep posting. Lots of great people here.


                            First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                            Double check the dosage of the mag. citrate. I thought somewhere it said it could cause upset stomach. I cut mine in half and only take one a day (2-1/2 doses WITH food). That seems to have helped. Good luck!
                            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                              First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                              Ek, good advice here for you. Have you tried going AF for a little while? I think RJ recommends at least 30 days of initial AF days. When I was on the topamax..I would get headaches after just 2 glasses of wine..or try it for just a few days to see if it's the A. Hang in there, sounds like you are doing most everything may try some extra fiber and extra hydration...add some fruits maybe? I used the All One in a yogurt fruit smoothie in the morning..the yogurt might help your stomach as well.
                              Good Luck!

                              ET, keep posting, there is hope here for you. Most of us have felt the same are not alone now!

