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First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

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    First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

    Thanks for the advice everyone, I should have read this post first it answered my question about headaches, I've had one for 2 days and was wondering if it was the sups. Glad to know that it's not.

    ET, welcome you found the right place.
    Colorado Chick!
    Your support means the world to me...:h


      First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

      Denise, how long are you in your AF? There are many of us who developed headaches within two weeks and they lasted for quite a while. It could be your withdrawal. They will go away. If you are moderating and taking the Topamax, it may give you headaches too.


        First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

        I've been AF for one week, today's my 1st week anniversary I'm just taking sups. for now they seem to help curb the craving so I'm not using topa. This headache is a killer and was worried that the sups. were causing it. Pretty funny isn't it, a person can have a hangover from not drinking! Thanks for the advice, I'm new here and can use all the help I can get.
        Colorado Chick!
        Your support means the world to me...:h


          First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

          It is more likely the withdrawals then. Hang in there and drink lots of water. Good job for your 1 week!!! I never had headaches from hangovers! I usually felt nauseous and sweaty. Nothing Gravol didn't take care of unfortunately - only allowed me to continue drinking.

          I had the headaches pretty bad around the 10 day AF mark and it lasted a good 10 days more I believe. I found keeping hydrated helped subside them a bit. Honestly I felt worse my first 2 weeks being AF then I ever had with any hangover. I promise you though.... if you ride it out and you suffer a bit in the beginning, you will feel like a million bucks before long. Physically that is....

          If you have any questions at all, post them down. There are all sorts of people here on different avenues, using different stuff, been through different things, etc... Someone will always have something valuable to say that will help you in this journey.


            First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

            upset stomach

            DidItForMe;99033 wrote: Double check the dosage of the mag. citrate. I thought somewhere it said it could cause upset stomach. I cut mine in half and only take one a day (2-1/2 doses WITH food). That seems to have helped. Good luck!
            Thank you...your suggestion made me start taking the mag. citrate in the evening with the meal and I don't get that same 'car sick' feeling although I seem to get a huge bout of depression each day a few hours after taking the supps and no desire to not start 5.00 with the usual gin & least I go to bed at about 10!!!


              First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

              Good morning!
              How's it going to-day?
              Just a thought, if you're going to change your dosages, might be an idea to check it ou t with your doc.
              And see if you can go AF just a few days to see how you go too. You need to give the drug a bit of a helping hand to get started.
              I did a small step last night, and it was a determined one too. Started exercising in earnest. Only 30 mins. but hey!
              I have a few G&T's over the weekend, ecept I hold the G and just have the T, with LIME.
              Give it a crack going AF for a bit. If you convince yourself it's no big deal, it won't be.


                First Month, Request Support and Advice ?

                I'm glad I read this thread. I just joined today after much lurking. I've been AF 8 days and am so exhausted. I think today has been the worst. I broke down today and ate lots of chocolate! Not good when trying to lose weight but it's better than the bottle. I find it very hard to stick to my resolve when I'm tired. I've been taking the supplements (no meds), drinking lots of water, eating right (except for the chocolate today) and exercising. No wine in the house so I won't be tempted. I just hate this grogginess.

