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My story

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    My story

    Good Morning,
    For every post I read I can relate to something. I have been drinking wine every night for about 4 years. I actually quit smoking and replaced it with drinking if you can believe that. I would say I was drinking 1 bottle of wine every and I mean every night. I also have gained about 40 pounds in the past few years. My father is an alcoholic and I figured I was right behind him. I have watched him and how bad he looks and how he can hardly walk anymore and I still went home and had that wine. I have tried to stop this habit so many times.

    Well I found this site and bought the book. I did not buy the exact suppliments though. This is where I'm at right now. I bought Same mood plus, L Glutamin, Multi vitamins and Vitamin C at my CVS. I quit the wine for almost 2 weeks now and have felt so much better. I actually sleep so good now and look more awake at work.

    Well work seemed to scare me alittle until this last week. My boss seems to stop at the bar alot with his computer and have a few drinks. I did not want to be non social with everyone at work so I went and had 2 vodka and cranberry drinks. I found It does not get me drunk and I still feel social. I really have no cravings for wine anymore just the ocasional fleeting moment. I used to feel bloated and constant somach trouble and even that seems to be going away. I am as of today starting an eating healthy and exercise program at a nearby gym. I am taking this one day at a time. Everyones post have been a big help in this. Thanks, Chery

    My story

    Welcome Just4Me! Glad you are here. Keep reading and posting. You have found a wonderful place for the support you need. I just LOVE your dog picture. What a beautiful dog!!!



      My story

      its hard going isnt it but oh so worth it..good luck



        My story

        :welcome: Just 4,
        Glad you found us.. This is a great place. It's given me my life back. Keep reading & posting.

        Love your doggie.

        :l Judie
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          My story

          Hi 4,
          Welcome to MWO.
          Hmmm, I stopped smoking on 6th March 1989. My drinking increased on 7th March 1989. And kept on increasing. Thankfully I found this site. Also starting to lose weight. Wow, there are just so many benefits from cutting down on the booze. And soon you'll have no qualms at all refusing a drink and just saying "I'd prefer a mineral water". It's just that we think people know we're cutting down as we have a problem.... but they don't.
          Gosh, what sort of work are you in that you can take your computer to a bar! Another ploy you could use is just to say you've decided not to drink during working hours.
          Sweet little dog, what's his name?


            My story

            Thanks to all for all the dog comments. This is Jake and he is alittle older then that picture but just as adorable and friendly as all golden retrievers are.

            Burramys when you have a boss glued to his laptop it goes everywhere there is wireless service. I do feel pressure with him but as soon as I get my promotion I do not have to worry about that. I guess politics.

            I just look forward to when I'm not thinking about it all the time. I know it will happen because it did with smoking years ago. You know I do find I think about more when I'm home alone then out with people. Must be just a bored and lonely kind of issue.
            Thanks again


              My story

              burramys, didnt mind rags, I stopped smoking and I increased my drinking! why does that happen, are we just looking for something to make us feel better?


                My story

                Just 4, 2 weeks AF after drinking every night!! That is totally amazing. I'll have to check into the L Glutamin, I heard good things. Anyway, I agree about replacing the smoking with drinking. Well, sort of. When I don't drink, I want to smoke like crazy. I quit smoking a long time ago (I'd puff a bit when I was real buzzed), but now that I'm sober, I'm afraid I'll start. We'll see, I've been good so far. Also Just, I know what you mean about the work thing. I hate that kind of pressure. I know you'll be fine though. Really, two weeks off after a bottle of wine a night!! You're great. :goodjob:
                where does this go?


                  My story

                  Hello Just4me.
                  I'd just like to say hi and wish you the best of luck.


                    My story

                    Jake is the cutest dog ever. All the best to Jake, and you too!


                      My story

                      Hello and welcome just 4.
                      I look forward to your post.
                      AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                      Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                        My story

                        Hi Just4me,

                        Welcome, and you will find lot's of love and support on this site, and the inspiration to help fullfill your goals.

                        And Jake is lovely, my "girls" honey and milly would love to play with him.

                        Love Jas
                        :thanks: :h


                          My story

                          Welcome and good luck with your journey.

                          Love your doggie too.


                            My story


                            Welcome to MWO... Folks here are very understanding of you fear and desire to quit alcohol or moderate. You will find much informations in the posts. Come here and read often, ask questions and share.

                            We are glad you are here.
                            Control the Mind


                              My story

                              Thanks again for all your welcome post. I'm still not craving the wine surprisingly but am now starting the vodka every night. I really want to just drink socially and am not sure if I can. I wake up in the morning so confident and by the end of the day just talk myself into it. I am going to keep trying to be social and If it doesn't get better I will have to try to quit completely. The stupid thing is I don't want to quit because I think I will become boring. I am going on a well needed vacation and can't imagine not drinking at all. Well today is another day to keep trying. I guess I should start by removing anything from my house.

