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New territory. At long long last.

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    New territory. At long long last.

    Hi everyone, just wanted to say a huge thank you to all that sent me kind messages when I first began posting a few weeks ago. After a shaky start, I finally seem to have made some bonafide progress. Six full days AF and counting. The breakthrough has been helped in no small part by my actually being able to admit EVERYTHING to my partner - not just to the quantity I was drinking (she'd pretty much guessed it was more than the sum of the 'staged' empties on top of the bin each morning), but also my state of mind and what has been sustaining the compulsion to drink so much for so long. How a human being can be so understanding and compassionate whilst hearing how they've been deceived and patronised for over two years I will never know. But her conditions were unyielding: sort out your drinking, or leave.
    No middle ground. No second chances.
    As stringent a motivational tool as it was, it's proving uttterly effective.
    So, anyways, I'm feeling (a litttle) better - if a little strange. I'm not sure that my body really remembers what it's like to subsist on a diet of de-caff tea and fruit smoothies. Tough; it'll just have to get used to it. Thanks again one and all, and I wish you the very best in your own efforts.

    New territory. At long long last.

    Dear Obz,
    Sounds like you're doing well. Six days!
    Well, the lines have been drawn for you, you know what you need to achieve. Just keep on working strategies to keep AF. Why not use the same tactic against alcohol.... No middle ground, no second chances, alcohol is out of my life. Where you say, tough I'll have to get used to it, try changing it to more positive thinking....Wow, smoothies! Haven't tasted one so good for years. If we keep thinking negatively about things, we never give ourselves the chance for it to work. We keep that resistance there which slowly keeps undermining the good we are doing. Put the hate and dislike energy into alcohol.
    Thankyou for your good wishes. I'm still weaninmg off it, but heaps better than I was. My track to the liquor store is starting to grow a few weeds here and there. I reckon by May it will be overgrown.


      New territory. At long long last.

      Hi Obzpodboy,

      Great to read about your progress!! I know we messaged a few times before when you first came onto the site. It is so good to read that you have opened up to your partner about what has been going on for you.

      I look forward to hearing your news.


      Sober since 30/06/10


        New territory. At long long last.

        HI Obzpodboy,

        Congrats on your progress and success! I know, this can be a tough and long road but the outcome makes this well worth it.

        Have a great day and wish you continued success.
        Colorado Chick!
        Your support means the world to me...:h

