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just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

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    just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

    Hello all. This is my first post. Am getting ready to try try again to stop drinking. I have been drinking on a daily basis for more than 25 years...used to be a couple of beers or glasses of wine/day, now at least a bottle of wine most every day. I hate myself for it and want very very badly to stop. AA is definately not for me. I am afraid to try to Topamax because of the "mental fugue"...I have a pretty responsible job and could hurt someone if I spaced out and forgot what I was am on BP meds and Zoloft and wondering re: interactions with them. I am also a bit hesitant re: buying the CDs...I had a very nice chat with a hypnotherapist on the phone the other day and am considering visiting him instead....twice as expensive but maybe more effective because it would be more individualized? He spends about 3 hours talking with you and THEN you decide if you want to do the hypnosis. If you don't, there's no charge for the 3 hours of talking. I guess I just think he would be better able to address my specific issues. Any thoughts? THANKS!:new:

    just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

    Hi and Good Luck!

    I would recommend the hypnotherapy cd's, as I think they are working well for me, and I'm making the most of all the tools available! I went 32 days af, then had a slip up, but I'm not giving up, and that is the important thing, as others here will tell you, if you fall down seven times, get up eight! I love that saying, but have to admit I read it on someone elses post, lol

    All the best!

    Jas xx
    :thanks: :h


      just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

      I personally think the hypnosis is the key (thank goodness spelling isn't). I truly believe that your mind is like a computer and needs to be programmed. You can not achieve anything in you life until you truly believe that you can. After that, it is almost easy.

      On January 17, I started using the hypno CDs exactly according to plan. I've been doing the topa since October or so and was up to 200 mg. I was still drinking what I thought to be "moderately" (here's a clue - don't drink a lot when you are doing topa - you'll be sorry the next day). The cravings were gone, but the mental "wanna" was still there after the first slow couple of drinks. I had cut down but still had several episodes. I cut back to 100 mg because of the "topa dopa" and started the CDS on full burn. I bought a pillow from Bed, Bath and Beyond that has a speaker in it and listen to the sleep learning. I did it for a month. I've now branched out and bought another series of his on organization and self esteem, both that need some work. I'm using the self suggestion part to solidify my committment to sobriety and health.

      Results? I haven't had a drink in 35 days. I've lost almost ten pounds. I'm still counting but just for the hell of it. This started with a 30 day sabatical - I am now telling people I quit drinking. I'm not saying that I'll never drink again but I can tell you I have no desire. I'm getting ready to drop the topa (maybe) because I'm not sure it is making a difference. Through this period I have had a run away teenager who has dropped out of high school and made my life a living hell. If I was going to pick up a bottle, it would have been over the last week. It flitted across my mind but did not take hold because of the beautiful, sober life I painted in my head during hypnosis. Had it not been for the CDs to escape with, I might have truly lost my mind. Instead, I strengthened it for the battle to fight for my child.

      Hope this helps.


        just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

        I agree with Barb.... the mind is the key. The mind is a very powerful makes you who you are and it is programmed from the time you are born. Negatives can and do build up over time developing the victim mentality, the looser, the I can't do it.....But re-programing does work. There is much data out there on positive thinking...
        Control the Mind


          just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis


          Dear Jasmine, Barb, and Rocky,
          Thanks for your support! It really helps!
          congrats, Barb for your 35 days and 10 lbs. I too went through several years with a troubled teen...can't imagine not drinking through that. You are very strong. My daughter is now 24 and (most of the time) a joy to me again...I really did get the girl I used to know back after the teenage years were over. Hang in there and keep telling him or her you love them. It DOES get better! Wino2007


            just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

            From one wino to another, welcome. I'm new to this but have found after trying many things that this is the right place. The support along with the supplements have made a world of difference and I've been able to abstain for a few days and held myself to one glass of wine last night which normally would have been a whole bottle. Welcome and wishing you all the best!
            Colorado Chick!
            Your support means the world to me...:h


              just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

              Hi Fellow Colorado Chick,

              I just started too -- 10 days AF. Just started the CDs and I like them. Useful for stress - seem to be helping. Convenient - don't have to drive to someone to see someone. Can use them as often as you like. I'm trying to do the full program - topa, sups, low sugar, exercise, CDs, book -- I need it ALL -- after 10 days, something is working because I do feel better and so far so good. Good luck and stay in touch!


                just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

                Hey Sri,

                Sent you a PM...Nice to have a fellow Coloradan on board and congrats on your success!
                Colorado Chick!
                Your support means the world to me...:h


                  just ordered supps, re-read the book, wondering about hypnosis

                  Dear Wino,
                  I bought the CD's and have benifited greatly from them. It is definately a worth while investment in that you can listen to them over and over and get the positive reinforcement that helps stop or moderate the drinking. I went 34 days AF and have now been moderating successfully for about 3 weeks. No slip up yet but that might still happen. I am mainly drinking every 2nd night and only 2 to 3 glasses spread over as many hours.

                  I don't think I could have done it without the CD's and this site. Good luck what ever you decide

