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withdrawal question

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    withdrawal question

    Can any one tell me when to expect withdrawals to begin after the last drink?

    withdrawal question

    Depending on how much you drank, of course you might experience a hangover the following day. Usually the first day you don't drink, that night you will have difficulty sleeping if you're used to drinking every night. Over the next few days of remaining AF (alcohol free), you will experience withdrawal to a larger or lesser extent depending on how much you drank. If you were an all-day drinker, it might be necessary for you to have medical intervention. In fact, it is always good to consult a doctor if at all possible.

    I think I've explained to you what kind of withdrawals you will experience, to the best of my knowledge and experience, and some others contributed to that thread as well. To put it bluntly, you will begin experiencing withdrawals almost immediately. They may be mild, as mine were (hopefully). There are also natural supplements that can help with everything, and I suggest you check out the med threads here on MWO.

    Good luck!

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      withdrawal question


      Here's some info you you -
      Alcohol withdrawal - PubMed Health

      Be sure to keep yourself well hydrtaed, lots of water, tea, etc.
      Wishing you the best!

      AF since 03/26/09
      NF since 05/19/09
      Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


        withdrawal question

        Well late to the party here but if you started you've probably already been through the worst.
        If not, how much and how long have you been drinking?
        You have to be careful. Very. I was stopping, went down to 4 drinks from like 14 and well had a seizure. They blamed it on dropping to quick. I dunno.
        If you need some advice let us know where you are now and where you've been.


          withdrawal question

          Pretty much immediately, in my experience. I recently had a particularly bad detox. First three days were an absolute hell. Night sweats, chills, BO that could kill livestock (it had a peculiar metallic edge to it), over three straight days of insomnia (about 80 continuous waking hours) all the while my brain was continuously screaming for a drop of precious alcohol.

          Just my two cents for whatever its worth, if you aren't having bad withdrawl symptoms, consider yourself lucky and stop while you're ahead. I've been through this sort of thing multiple times now and it only gets worse each time.


            withdrawal question

            I get shaky the first day. Then I get night sweats with little sleep, anxiety about wanting to drink, a get a bit irritable. The first few days suck. I have only made it a few days to a week. Right when the symptoms pass, then somehow I go back to drinking and have to start over again. The withdrawals suck pretty bad for me. I am finishing day 2 today. I am not shaky, the anxiety isn't too bad right now (joined here yesterday and reading a lot and worked today) but I guarantee tonight will not be fun trying to sleep again. I have never been hospitalized or gone to a Dr or taken meds though... no insurance, etc.


              withdrawal question

              Everyone is totally different when it comes to withdrawal's...some get it minor...some more severe...if you're concerned, I would suggest you go and see a doc. Detoxing can be dangerous for some.

