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Drink tracker

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    Drink tracker

    Hi all, want to use this tool but can't access it... I get the log in prompt,enter my my name and password and it just gives me the prompt again. Am I doing somthing dim?

    Have just ordered topa and adrafinil on-line as have come to thems this weekend that I, personally, need something stronger than supps to get me off the booze. Have spent the whole morning reading posts here so feel motivated again. I am the worlds most impatient person so this programme is going to be hard...

    Kate x

    Drink tracker

    try typing your log in again, some of us had this problem before, and we had to double log in
    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
    James Gordon, M.D.


      Drink tracker

      good luck also, I am also the worlds most impatient person, maybe we are twins??? Have fun with it, and definitely take time and gain inspiration from the boards, they helped me more than anything, I am on topa and supps and doing well, hope that helps.
      It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
      James Gordon, M.D.


        Drink tracker

        This is my first post. I too have spent my whole life in the bottle with many temporary breaks. Had my first DUI two years ago after losing a good job and drowning my sorrow. I'm back on my feet with a good job. I have been seeing my doctor about quitting and he prescribed Campral about a year ago. I frequently stop taking it and start back up again. Thanksgiving weekend was absolutely the worst I've ever done. i had always considered my self a happy, in-control drunk, but that weekend on two days in a row, I went over the top (or bottom, actually). I had a total blackout each day, almost went to jail again, and then passed out in my driveway the next day. Both times I had pissed all over myself and didn't know it. Totally huliating to have my wife and my neighbor tell me the next day what I had done.

        I found this program on line, looking for a cure. I am on the Campral and just got my Kudzu a couple of weeks ago. But damn it, I again stop taking them and find myself picking up again.

        I am a hot rodder and built two cars when I stayed sober and even went to night school at age 40 and got my degree. So I really understand the consequences and the rewards.

        This program works very well for me when I use it, so staying consistent is the key to my survival.

        I went to many, many AA meetings but they did nothing for me. The ritualism gets to be so annoying and they never want to hear from someone who is still trying to quit. I actually got cut off from talking three different times in threee different groups. I think they only want to hear success stories.

        Any way, I am really grateful to be among you good people and look forward to more sobriety.


          Drink tracker

          Oldser, this sounds a lot like my situation. Got my first DUI after losing a good job. Things went down hill for awhile, and kept going downhill. AA just did zero for me. I had some people come off as a bit condescending, which blew my mind. Aren't they supposed to be supportive.? I'm on Campral now, and no urges yet. I too know the rewards of staying sober. Glad you came back to post. Hang in there.
          where does this go?


            Drink tracker

            kate7173;97857 wrote: Hi all, want to use this tool but can't access it... I get the log in prompt,enter my my name and password and it just gives me the prompt again. Am I doing somthing dim?

            Have just ordered topa and adrafinil on-line as have come to thems this weekend that I, personally, need something stronger than supps to get me off the booze. Have spent the whole morning reading posts here so feel motivated again. I am the worlds most impatient person so this programme is going to be hard...

            Kate x
            Hi Kate. I want to touch on your post. Does anybody know how to have it track manually. I'm doing abstinence, and I've been going in and checking yellow each day. Can I set it up to make it yellow with 0 drinks automatically? If I slip up, then I can change it. Thanks.
            where does this go?


              Drink tracker

              Morrison, you can go and put in your yellow 0's for the whole month individually. Then if you slip you can change it.


                Drink tracker

                Thanks accountable. You're all over this board, aren't you? It's slow at work right now, and I've spent the last hour reading. How's the weather up there today? It's been unbelievable down here in Vegas. About 70 over the weekend, and I got some nice rays on my pasty Irish skin. :specs:
                where does this go?


                  Drink tracker

                  Hi Oldster,

                  So I really understand the consequences and the rewards.
                  This program works very well for me when I use it, so staying consistent is the key to my survival.

                  Looks like you already know the answer of what to do. Find the resolve to do it. And hang on to it. Search within yourself. Your inner strength is there for you to tap into.


                    Drink tracker

                    Can't find Drink Tracker.. can anyone help?

                    I too am trying to upload Drink Tracker, to update my info. It really helps keeping a record on line and sharing it with you all. BUT CAN'T RELOCATE IT? How do I get to it?
                    A BushBaby with Attitude


                      Drink tracker

                      Elizbeth - go back to main page (MWO Forums), then scroll down to Miscellaneous - then find "Tools", then find Drink Tracker.

                      Hope that helps.


                        Drink tracker

                        I still can't access the bloody thing. give up. tells me every time I have the wrong user name and password. ARGGGGHHH!


                          Drink tracker

                          Kate, when you read this, scroll down to the bottom of THIS PAGE...

                          See that thick blue line at the bottom?? Over on the right hand side it says CONTACT US-MY WAY OUT-ARCHIVES-TOP.????

                          Well, click on CONTACT US, and tell tech about your problem, ( No, not that problem ) Tell them you can't access Drink Tracker...

                          Hope that helped..

                          Louise xx
                          A F F L..
                          Alcohol Free For Life


                            Drink tracker

                            go into the menue where you change forums. Click on Tools, drink tracker and it will ask you to log in. Sometimes you have to do it twice. Then you choose Abs, Mods and the number 0,1, etc. and so on.
                            Hope this helps.
                            *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

