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Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF :) (I hope)

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    Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

    You know stuck_with_me_ those are very wise words....Thinking back, that is how I did it....Woke up one morning after a bad binge the night before, had been wanting to stop for a couple of years, decided there and then that was going to be the day when I wouldn't drink again, and thankfully I haven't had a drink since.....

    Yes, if you set a date in the future, as the date looms nearer, either, it takes on a super significiance or you panic and just keep moving it further back...
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

      You're absolutely right Irsih............ setting the date in the future sets us up to let our very wild imagination run riot. And haven't we all seen time after time here that it is fear that seems to be hindering most people. Fear of letting go of what they know, even though they may be uncomfortable living with it, it is "safe" and "familiar", so we tend to cling to it.
      That's why you'll see in so many of my posts I ask people to turn around whay they are saying and twist it to positive stuff. We believe what we tell ourselves.
      Personally I wouldn't be stopping drinking for Lent, as my understanding is that you are forfeiting for a time something you don't want to give up, a sort of sacrifice. Again, I think that would send subliminal thoughts that i had to give up drinking when I didn't really want to, rather than "Oh boy! I'm stopping drinking, time to rejoice about that" But it looks as if it will work for you, so get into it. Allow your faith to help you.
      Why do we all treat stopping drinking with such sorrow as if we're losing an old friend? This attitude only undermines our resolve, which can be pretty fragile after years of drinking.
      Geez, that was abitof a ramble! Hope it helps though.


        Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

        Hey sunshinegirl,

        BEST of luck for tomorrow. You're not giving up anything. All your doing is giving yourself more time to explore and fully appreciate the world.

        You can do it. One day at a time.


          Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

          I can see some disagree with the "lent" thing, and that's ok. Each one of us is different as to how we handle this. Please let me elaborate why I chose to stop drinking at the start of Lent.

          1) Spiritual, yes. We give up something close to us. At this point in time, what is closer to me than vodka/wine? I will need spiritual help on this one. I've been drinking every day for over 20 years.

          2) I m a goal oriented person. If I set my mind to something, I have to have a game plan in place, why, when, how... "get my ducks in order" and get ready. I've just boxed up alll my booze and a friend is coming over later to pick it up. I have to think about it and get excited about the challenge. A time frame for me is crucial.

          3) Lent is the perfect time. For all my drinking friends, I can just say "I gave it up for Lent", and no questions will be asked. They know I have a son who is getting married in June and I want to lose a few pounds. For those that don't know how serious this is for me, they will think I'm just trying to lose weight.

          The timing is perfect for me - I'm ready


            Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

            Good luck Sunshine Girl -- take every bit of support you can -- you are not alone!


              Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

              Ah Sunshine,
              That all makes perfect sense.
              I wasn't having a go at you, I was speaking in fairly general terms. Didn't mean to offend you.
              And I love reason three. Saves a lot of explaining.

              Your goals will be achieved.


                Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)

                Thank you Rags, I appreciate it


                  Wish me luck, Lent starts Wed and I'll be AF (I hope)


                  I know you can do it!

