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can't beak the habit

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    can't beak the habit

    Hi everyone
    Any ideas on how to go through a stressful 12 hour shift without a drink at the end of it?I'm stuck in the cycle of having a drink when I get in from work. I'm gradually needing more and my work's starting to suffer because of it. I can't unwind at the gym afterwards as I have to come home to look after my child and it seems I have more work to do at home when I get in. Just can't find ways to relaX . Thanks! :new:
    I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.

    can't beak the habit

    :welcome: sober thoughts,

    Just wanted to say my hellos and welcomes. Crikey a 12 hour shift and the a little one to look after. A definite change of routine seems to be in order.

    Two great threads to have a good read through. Just click on the tool box and there's masses of info in there.

    Also this thread. Just jump in and say hello. Loads of people just starting out, re-staring or already AF (alcohol free) but checking in to offer any advice they can give.

    Glad you found us. Keep reading, keep posting and let us get to know you.

    J x
    It could be worse, I could be filing.
    AF since 7/7/2009


      can't beak the habit

      Thanks JackieClaire
      Well he's not that little anymore- 15 and quite independent. He stays at my friend's until I get in. I work 3 days a week and can stay AF if I'm not working. It's just these damn long shifts that break me. I can't help feeling on my way home that I need some kind of reward/ buzz to make up for working so hard. Changing my hours is not an option at the moment as it's a fairly new job. Thank you for the recommedations to other threads, I will definitely have a look at them. Well done for staying AF for so long. I dream that will be me one day X
      I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


        can't beak the habit

        Arrghhhhhhhh a teenager, you have my deepest sympathies.

        Just having one of my thinks here. How about writing down what is so different between your working days and your non-working days (apart from the working of course).

        It may be just a simple things that need changing. Is it that your son is more of handful on your working days. Just throwing some ideas out there.

        Of course you could write your thoughts here or in a private note book. Seeing them written down in black and white and being able to refer back was very, very helpful to me.

        Perhaps start with a list about what you like about drinking and what you hate about drinking.
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          can't beak the habit

          Hi JackieClaire
          I think it's the thought of all the chores that I have to do when I get in. Washing, tidying, feeding the 2 cats and changing their litter trays. I've tried enrolling my son into doing some of these but it's quite an achievement in itself getting him to do it. I like the fact that alcohol is such an easy way to feel better about doing some of these. Then in the morning I always regret it of course!
          I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


            can't beak the habit

            I think to be perfectly honest, even when there is no rush to get these things done I would still drink after work. I've made the mistake of thinking that alcohol is a reward. I like the buzz I get from it, Just wish I could get that same buzz from something else
            I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


              can't beak the habit

              Hi Sober thoughts and welcome. This site is a fantastic resource.

              I was a daily wine drinker before I found it and it has helped me enormously. I work part time and have two primary school age children. You can read about my issues with alcohol in the My Story section. Another thread to look at is the Newbies Nest in Just Starting out, everyone is very supportive and welcoming.

              You say you only drink on the days you work - that is really good ( I drank every day!) so presumably something triggers it in these specific days. I would hazard a guess that it is one of two things - stress and tiredness of the job also low blood sugar - you may not have eaten properly over the 12 hours - or probably a combination of both?

              The problem with breaking this cycle is that if only you could fast forward yourself to a few weeks totally AF 2 things will happen;

              1. You will have more energy physically and mentally and so would cope with the work better and recover better.
              2. You develop amazing clarity of mind / thoughts, become more motivated and health conscious all round and will stop worrying about things you can't change, will handle difficult situations better and ( if depression and or anxiety are issues) these should start to resolve.

              But how do you get to 60 days or so?

              Here are some suggestions - not all may be appropriate to your situation?

              Can you eat better on the days you work - possibly even turning your meals around so you have a cooked meal before you start and a light snack at the end of the day - or maybe you can buy a cooked meal at work when you finish. I'm not suggesting you do this for ever - just to get you through the worst few days / couple of weeks.

              If not, make sure you at least eat a healthy snack on way home so you are not entering the house with a low blood sugar.

              With a different household routine, Can you divert any of your home evening jobs to the 4 days a week you don't work, so you have less to face each night.

              Consider cleaning your teeth if you feel like an alcoholic drink.

              Is is possible to have no alcohol in house, then shower and put PJ's on when you get in so you are not tempted to go out and get some.

              Think of all the things you used to do to relax before you turned to drink.

              Consider keeping a journal of what is worrying / stressing you, at end of working day,why you need a drink, and then how you felt the next am - what did it solve? Did these worries still apply a week / month later.

              Plan where you see yourself in 1, 5 and 10 yrs time if you quit the booze. What do you want to achieve in life?

              Calculate how much you are spending a month on alcohol and then buy tyourself a little reward if you break the cycle.

              Use MWO as much as possible for support. - jot down inspirational quotes, post to make yourself accountable.

              Look forward to seeing you around.

              Sausage x
              Day 119 AF


                can't beak the habit

                Thanks Sausage
                I found that really helpful. I think low blood sugar could definitely be a problem as I don't eat well at work. I will try the take away option for a while I think to give myself something to look forward to at the end of the day
                ST x
                I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


                  can't beak the habit

                  Hi Sober Thoughts!

                  One thing I would like to emphasize and Sausage already mentioned it is eating and feeling satisfied. I noticed I am at my worst and crave the most when I am hungry or thirsty.

                  Good luck. You have found a good place to share your feelings. Tons of stuff to read here and lots of very good advice.


                    can't beak the habit

                    ST, I had the same type of thinking. Most of us here have. I looked forward to leaving work, picking up a bottle of rum on my way home, if I didn't have half a bottle left from the night before. Even when I had some left at home, I'd sometimes buy another bottle just in case. When the bottle was on the second half, there was always the chance I'd want a "little" more and be pissed off if I couldn't have it. Every day I went through this routine. I even knew what lane I needed to be in on "those" days I had to make a liquor run, so I could get to the store faster, and back home faster to drink it. The ritual of putting ice in my glass, filling it halfway with rum or more, then topping off with diet pepsi, a stir and I was set.

                    Since I've quit, the past three weeks or so I've been making a pot of coffee in the evenings when I get home. I try all different kinds of creamer and sip on it for a couple of hours. It gives me something to look forward to, and it feels decadent. Last night I added a little bit of ground cinnamon and sweet cream to my cup. Delicious! I can't say that I've varied my routine with exercise or particularly healthy things, but I have been successful for 40 days. I'm also losing weight and my willpower is helping with that as well.

                    Another thing I did was to move my computer to another room, because I used to drink while I was on it every night, and it was a definite trigger. Some people say changing a chair or just rearranging their living room or where they were accustomed to drinking, helps a lot.

                    Everyone has given you some good tips. Posting often helps so much, and of course, reading about everyone else's struggles. We are all so much alike.

                    Take it one day at a time, and you will succeed.:l


                    "I like people too much or not at all."
                    Sylvia Plath


                      can't beak the habit

                      Thanks Zenstyle, Windy and Library Girl

                      It's good to hear from you all and your suggestions. I might try and test my blood sugar during the day. I also love coffee but I have a feeling I might end up drinking so much of it I won't sleep. Anyway I will try and let you know how I get on. Congratulations on your days of AF living. That is a real achievement. X:goodjob:
                      I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


                        can't beak the habit

                        Messed up already, I'm afraid:upset: Had intended on this being my day 2, but been a really bad day, what with te bus strike and everything. Also had to meet up with a drinking friend- it was all just too much today. Had a bottle of wine. However tomorrow is a new start, will keep trying xx
                        I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


                          can't beak the habit

                          Hoping for a day 1 AF today. Not working today, but will keep myself busy at home moving furniture around. Change might help as Library Girl suggested
                          I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


                            can't beak the habit

                            Have decided to continue my posts on 'one step at a time' thread as it seems more appropriate
                            Thanks for taking the time to read my posts on here, and for all the helpful suggestions. Hopefully meet you on 'One Step'xxx
                            I must not become sentimental and thinking about the good times. In the end it just takes over my life and I have no other life.


                              can't beak the habit

                              Glad you came back, Sober.

                              Now then planning is the key to getting this day one in. Planning to the nth degree. Hour by hour or even minute by minute if necessary.

                              Try not to make the plan too over complicated like painting the outside of the house, keep it doable. You're body and brain will thank you for it tomorrow.
                              It could be worse, I could be filing.
                              AF since 7/7/2009

