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World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

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    World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

    Today, or this morning to be exact (4:25 AM), I finally decided to agree to that cold hard resolution to stop getting wasted, and thereby stop wasting my life away. I?ve danced with the devil of moderation before and that foul fiend always leads me straight back down to the bottom of a bottle, or a box of NOS canisters, or a bag of pills, or what have you.

    After being told by my best friend, who shall remain nameless, that we can no longer remain in contact with each other, as her girl friend found out about our long awaited one night stand (which occurred whilst we were both drunk and on meth? go figure), I proceeded to get myself as smashed, stoned, and asphyxiated as I possibly could, with the help of a few of the substances mentioned above and more. My girl friend actually aided me in this endeavour by taking pity on my poor delusional self and consequently providing me with a carton of cold dry beer and three boxes of NOS canisters. Together we wallowed in my misery, and together we fell; fell victim to our usual enemies.

    My malady is not something belonging only to my sad twisted heart in our relationship; it is a shared affliction, a common illness. As such, our addictions bounce back and forth between the two of us, feed off each other and fuel each other. Her suffering equates to a lack of sobriety for myself and my sadness drives her alcoholism. We drink out of sympathy, empathy, love and a common desire to exceed the normal limits of our usual sensory experiences.

    But, this shall all change. I can no longer remember names, recognise faces, or recall the nights I once enjoyed oh so much. I fear that my brain may be beginning to resemble a piece of Swiss cheese; it?s full of holes and fermenting.

    So, to end this three and a half year bout of self-induced suffering I will move back in with my father, who will hopefully answer my cry for help. To do this I will need to find a new job that is closer in proximity to his fine abode and learn how to spend nights apart from my beloved.

    It all sounds so easy when I decorate the blunt depressing reality of the situation with a few f*cking finely crafted sentences. It?s easier to smooth over the bumps and the irregularities than to face the truth.

    I am so terrified of the numerous tasks I have yet to complete? I wrote a list. ?A list?? Yes, that?s right. You know it?s an epiphany when you bring out the pen and paper, as instead of some late night, insomniac-esque ruminations about how terribly I have messed up my life, and my dreams of future success and world domination, this plan for change is something that I seriously intend to follow through. But, where have we heard that before?

    My frontal lobes still ache from the NOS. My torso is riddled with numerous pains. This chronic cough won?t leave me, as the ecstasy I?ve been taking has left my immune system at an all time low. Basically, my psychological and physiological health has gone down the drain. I was lying awake in bed last night till four in the morning, huddled up in the foetal position, silently crying myself to sleep because I was being plagued by the horrors of my parents divorce, which occurred, let me see, over eight f*cking years ago.

    I can?t let myself remain bogged down in the past. I need to hack at those ties to those nagging memories, which won?t let me rest at night.

    I?m in a better mood now; I am excited about tomorrow for once in my wretched life. I just hope that my father will take me back and provide me with the support, and my life with the structure, that I so desperately need and crave. Once I no longer feel out of control I should be able to face the demands that each day shall bring. I will work to excel, feel passionate about my education and make some new, non-alcoholic friends. I shall feed off of their normality and maybe pick up a few life lessons along the way.

    I believe it is my best shot at sobering up and savouring life.

    P.S - Yes, I have read most-almost all of Terry Pratchett's Disc-World series.

    World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

    My poor darling girl,

    Your life is far too precious to waste.... What you have just written screams out to me with loneliness, pain, fear, but also HOPE, OPTIMISM FOR YOUR FUTURE, AND A WORKABLE PLAN..

    You also say you don't want to remain bogged down in the past, please make sure you don't....For years I spent a good deal of my life doing just that..Especially when drunk, I would take out certain episodes, words and hurts, I would hold them in the front of my mind the way a miser would hold his gold in his hands....I would look at them and feel the pain, was I helping myself to move on with my life?? NO....Just the opposite, I was feeding them, and they were feeding off me.....Don't bury those nagging memories as they may ressurect themselves, try, if you can to let them disappear like the morning mist...

    Since becoming and staying sober I have discovered strengths I was unaware of, you have those strengths, use them, you have so much to offer to others, but, most importantly, so much to offer yourself.....


    On a lighter note, I am a Terry Pratchett fanatic as well...What a man....

    You take care now ,

    Love from Louise xxxx
    A F F L..
    Alcohol Free For Life


      World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

      Hi there,

      You are a wonderful and talented person. I'm not saying that to make you feel better.

      It's the truth.

      At the time of writing, your original post has been viewed 480 times. Did you hear me?? FOUR HUNDRED AND EIGHTY.

      In the depths of your despair, you are reaching that many people. And your bravery and willingness to open up will inspire. Take comfort from that and let it inspire YOU in your journey.

      I understand all too well what it is like to be plagued by thoughts from the past, even though you know that they are doing no good - and know that you should let go.

      We have a stereotype in our culture of the tortured genius - we have been taught to think that if we're very intelligent, we will always be misunderstood, will always overanalyse, will never fit in.

      Take this gift of your intelligence and learn to use it to help you for once. It is your brilliant mind that has constructed this prison for you. Now you must use it to break out.

      I hope that your father will allow you a safe haven where you can gain some peace and work on your excellent plan.

      Luck and love

      Gem x
      Free since 26th February 2012


        World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

        I hope your father will let you rest at his place until you can feel better...if not, just know that what you desire is out there..even if you don't know exactly what it looks like right now...keep headed in that direction..and don't stop til you get there!


          World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

          You have made a resolution to stop getting wasted and stop wasting your life. I am proud of you because that is a difficult thing to do. You should make another resolution. You should keep writing. Although I can feel your pain and your hurt (and I'm sorry), you have an amazing way of putting words together.
          Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


            World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

            Good morning Stick,
            The others are saying what I was going to.
            You have the resolve, so yes, I feel that things will work out for you.
            Obviously dad's home is beyond commuting distance for you. Just a tad concerned that you may not find work immediately, irrespective of our wonderfully massaged unemployment rate of 3.9%! Wouldn't like that to be another thing you have to worry about.
            With your list, which probably looks a bit like mine, don't overwhelm yourself with it. Work at it bit by bit. Give yourself a chance to achieve what you want to.
            See you on the posts later,
            PS I'm another Pratchett Fan.



              World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

              Hi Stuck....i just wanted to say that i can really relate to where you're coming from....iv been apart from my ex now for virtually 2 years and alltho i continued to destroy myself initially....i am now seeing much more clearly.
              Like ex and i were a bad influence on each other...we would take anything and everything because we had become so used to not being in a normal state together...we fed off each other and if one of us tried to stop the other would always encourage us to go on...Im lucky in that my nanna took me in and i wont lie its been a s**t couple of years for me...few times i fell back in with the ex and our old habits. But i think im finally beginning to see some light at the end of the tunnel....please stick with your takes time and a hell of a lot of will power and its so hard, but it is worth know you have all the support you need here.

              Good luck and best wishes to you

              Lou-Lou x x x
              "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

                Hi, I think many of us relate to the demons you have been facing and fighting with.
                I hope your dad understands and keep us posted.

                You've made a courageous step, and the best of luck
                Enlightened by MWO


                  World Domination... as soon as I get rid of this bloody hang over

                  Stuck, you are smarter than you think. To be of the tender age of 18 and already seeking the help of others is truly courageous. You have so much life to live and talent to not be wasted. If you can separate yourself from the situation (like staying with your dad) you will have a greater chance of getting your life together. It will be a shock to your system, and may feel suffocating for a while. But ultimately it could be the best thing you do for yourself.

                  All the best. And keep posting. It really helps to let it all out!

