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1st timer

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    1st timer

    I found this site on Sunday the day I decided to go AF for a while. I typically drink just a little too much a little too often. I decided that it just isn't good for my health, my daughter & husband, my friends, my work, my weight, my looks, my goals. I'd like to get back to moderation and wine with a meal. I don't drink to avoid anything, I just get carried away, regularly.

    Ordered the book, don't have it yet. Haven't had a drink or a desire since I started the kudzu -- wierdly effective and easy so far. I keep checking in with myself to see if I'd like a glass of wine or a beer and I don't. Went to a Mardi Gras party and didn't have a drink of anything - normally would've had a glass before and plenty there. I've had an open bottle of wine in the refrig. since Saturday -- still can't believe I've had 3 good days of abstinence.

    Was I just ready? Is it the kudzu?
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

    1st timer

    Hi Mamatee, and welcome.

    :goodjob: on going AF. It sounds like a bit of both to me. Being ready is definately a HUGE part of doing well with this program, but I think the supps help as well.
    Welcome aboard, catch ya round campus!
    :l Judie
    The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


      1st timer

      Yep, sounds a lot like you were ready, although the kudzu and the supplements do help with the cravings. Welcome and I wish you the best. Glad you found us!!!:welcome:
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        1st timer

        Thanks for the welcomes! I am hopeful and positive and lucky to have everything going for me -- except myself sometimes... Reading other posts, I am grateful and thankful for so many things and really don't want to screw it all up.
        Mama T.
        Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


          1st timer

          Hello mamatee and welcome,

          The Kudzu is so good for helping with the cravings, but, it also takes will power and determination, sounds as if you have plenty, good luck on your journey...

          A F F L..
          Alcohol Free For Life


            1st timer

            Dear Mamatee,
            Congrats. on 3 days AF! I also am on day #3. Haven't started any supps yet (am waiting for them to come in the mail) but have read the book twice and prayed. I made an appointment for Friday PM (my most difficult time for abstinence)with a hypnotherapist who sounds really nice. My goal right now is 30 days AF, then we'll see if I can moderate. Like you, I just want to get to the point where I can have a glass of wine with dinner and then stop. I really hope the Kudzu helps me as much as it seems to be helping you because I go through an intense period of craving every evening around dinnertime. Keep up the good work!!!!


              1st timer

              Hello and welcome!

              Congrats on day 3....whatever is working, just keep on doing it. There's lots of information and support here. Read it all and determine what works for you. You're off to a great start!


                1st timer

                Hi Mamatee and Wino and others....Welcome and Best of luck. Congrats on 3 days. plenty of support in here.


                  1st timer

                  Welcome Mamatee!!!

                  Lot's of help here.

                  best wishes
                  Control the Mind


                    1st timer

                    Hey Mammatee. I started taking Kudzu immediately when I wanted to stop. It's 8 days now without a drop, and without any craving. I am taking Campral, but only for 4 of the days, and that takes a few days to kick in anyway. If it is the Kudzu that is doing it for me, then that is some good stuff right there, because I was a raging drunk.

                    So, to answer your question, I believe it is both that you wanted to quit, and the Kudzu helps take the edge off. Good job on your sobriety.
                    where does this go?


                      1st timer

                      and Morrison, you are doing great too!


                        1st timer

                        Mamatee, good for you for addressing this before it takes complete control of your life. Very smart! I am glad you are here and hope you will find this place as a source of strength for you. Congrats on your 3 days already. It is a wonderful start!



                          1st timer

                          Welcome and congrats. Your a few steps ahead already =)


                            1st timer

                            Hi all,

                            Have been sharing your thoughts, successes, feelings, strength and encouragements on and off for the last month but without finding the courage to join you - now seems the right time to 'jump in' as they say - So with both feet, here I am - and already I have to thank everyone for getting me to this point - not easy to admit to yourself, let alone anyone else, that you actually have a problem. However, have ordered the Kudzu and the CDs, have read the book twice and am ready to try AF without the Topa first and see how it goes - fingers crossed that the Kudzu works as well as it seems for you - that 6.00pm that I could set my watch to is a killer! Arial
                            :rays: Arial

                            Last first day - 15th April 2012
                            Days 1-7 DONE
                            Days 8-14 DONE
                            Days 15-21 DONE
                            30 days DONE
                            60 days
                            100 days

