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I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

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    I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

    Hi Zen!

    When do you expect your Antabuse to arrive? I have been on it a looong time, so let me know if you have any questions. Are you on day 1 or 2 right now? It seems hard at first, but it WILL get easier, I promise. I'm glad you've found us. I know I couldn't have gotten sober without my friends here on MWO. Keep posting and let us know how you're doing ok?

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

      Hi Zen. So glad you've decided to stick around and try sobriety with the rest of us hopefuls. That's what we are really. We hope for a better future. All the tools here, and all the support, they're what keeps me trying. I'll be ok tonight because I have a little plan in place - what I'll have for dinner, what I'll do before, and after dinner etc.

      I also have been having a HUGE glass of cranberry juice around 4:30 - the real stuff not the cocktail - this stuff is so tart it has to be cut by about 3/4!!! And lots of Splenda!!! But it is so refreshing and so thirst quenching that all thoughts of even wanting anything else to drink are gone!!

      So set yourself up for success with a little plan - one day at a time. See ya later. Let us know how it goes.
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

        K9Lover... officially today is my first day not drinking, yesterday I drank early and then passed out and woke up and didnt drink so it feels like two days...I ordered the antabuse a little over a week ago on-line and they said three to five weeks?? wish I would have paid the extra for rush delivery now. I read you cant have soy sauce is that true, because I love sushi


          I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

          MWOLady.. I think your on to something with having a plan for the day, idle time is the worst for me,makes me wonder if I just dont like myself that much because when I'm alone I want to drink. Im definately going to try your cranberry non cocktail. Right now I'm drinking herbal tea..kinda addicted to this web site so much good advice, I'm learning my way around.


            I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

            Screaming and scheming, funny how I get that so much. The phenomenon of craving and not wanting to stop is what baffles me. Modern science cant fix that? Anyways.. If I can just not have that first drink I'll be fine. Sounds so easy right?


              I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

              Day two

              Inspired by the people in Boot Camp I want to join that. I was sober last year for 68 days, not sure how I did it but I know I need to take a different approach this time. I can remember thinking I wish someone would die so I would have a good excuse to drink and no one would blame me. How twisted is that? This last year I've been getting wasted in private usually two or three times a week. Once I announced my alcoholism my days of public drinking were over. Waiting on antabuse, praying I can make it until they arrive..Sobriety seems a bit debilitating because I'm affraid to go anywhere right now, I'm affraid I'll stop by and pick up just one more fifth and thats it. I'm clinging to this site for right now


                I lost my will power some time ago and I cant find it anywhere.

                Day two

                Inspired by the people in Boot Camp I want to join that. I was sober last year for 68 days, not sure how I did it but I know I need to take a different approach this time. I can remember thinking I wish someone would die so I would have a good excuse to drink and no one would blame me. How twisted is that? This last year I've been getting wasted in private usually two or three times a week. Once I announced my alcoholism my days of public drinking were over. Waiting on antabuse, praying I can make it until they arrive..Sobriety seems a bit debilitating because I'm affraid to go anywhere right now, I'm affraid I'll stop by and pick up just one more fifth and thats it. I'm clinging to this site for right now

