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    I'M NEW!

    This is my first post to the website and I just wanted to introduce myself. I?ve been binge drinking on the weekend with friends for about 15 years now. I used to drink during the weekday but hated the way I felt when going to work so I decided to limit my drinking to only the weekend. My weekend drinking has led to many physical, financial and personal problems but I always come out from anything that happens. I?ve gotten to a point I just want to be able to control myself when it comes to drinking. I?ve gone sober for 90 days with no problems. I?ve put myself in drinking salutations such as bars; parties ?etc but never had a problem with withdrawals or cravings. I do enjoy drinking in social environments.

    Lately I?ve been testing what types of alcohol sits well with me. I have a habit when drinking I like to try everything but its gets me to wasted by the end of the night. I told myself I would stop drinking hard liquor and wine. I will try and only to stick with a few beers and see how that works out. But with all that has been said I really hope I can find the help that I need to control my drinking through this website. I?ve never asked for help when it came to my drinking so I figured this website was a good match.
    I look forwards to reading about your stories, tips and other things to help me with my problem.


    I'M NEW!

    Hi Sole and Welcome!

    We're glad you've found us. Thanks for sharing your story. So...are you trying to moderate your drinking? You'll find that most of us here are trying to go completely AF (alcohol free). There is a Moderators thread for those trying to cut back or moderate though. Whatever you decide, you'll find that this is a great place. Please keep posting so we can get to know you!

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      I'M NEW!

      Welcome Sole!! Yes, the Moderators are a special group all right! I've tried it many, many times and it is not for me. One sip and I'm gone!! Anyway whatever way you chose to go please stick around and get to know this community. Everyone here knows your struggles and what you are going through.
      Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
      (quote from Bean )

      Goal: Survival


        I'M NEW!

        Hi Sole
        Wanted to pop in and say hi and welcome. :welcome:

        This is truly a one of a kind, special place. Please check out the tool box thread and Newbie Nest if u haven't already.
        Sorry I don't know how to post the links

        On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
        *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience. tool box newbie nest


          I'M NEW!

          Hi Sole,

          You'll definitely find lots of info and support here. Have you read the book yet? If not, you can download it from the Health Store link in the top menu. It's a quick and easy read and a really good place to start.

          Since it sounds like you want to give moderation a try, you might also find the "Drink Tracker" tool useful. If you scroll down, it's under the Miscellaneous Section. Here's a link so you can check it out.

          Welcome to My Way Out

          Best wishes to you !

          AF since 3/16/09
          NF since 3/20/07


            I'M NEW!

            Hey Sole - hope you're still out there in the MWO world! Let us know how you're doing! What your goals are!



              I'M NEW!

              Welcome! kradle beat me to inviting you to join us in the Nest but please dive in wherever you feel comfortable and you'll find a warm welcome here.


                I'M NEW!

                sole i spent many years trying to only stick to a certain type of alcohol so i wouldnt get as messed up but once i got enough of a buzz i just drank whatever would get me even more drunk. then the next day i would be mad and tell myself i would try harder to only "stick to beer, no shots" next time went on i had so many of these types of battles knowing in all reality i was a serious problem drinker....i wouldnt drink during the week either because i knew if i was going to drink i would drink until i passed out and could never hold a job that way so i saved all my binging for the weekends. i would drink so much and mess up so much shit that it would mentally ruin my week too. sorry to ramble i just want you to listen to your gut and make sure you are not admitting that drinking may be messing your life up too.
                I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                sober since 2/4/12

