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I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

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    I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

    For the first time in over 20 years, I came home from work and didn't pour myself several cocktails or bottles of wine. Been taking the supps for a couple of weeks, read the book and listening to the tapes. For the first day it wasn't too bad. (Or maybe the first day isn't the worst? I don't know,I've never done this before?) Anyway, my only problem was I didn't sleep well, but I'm assuming my body was not in the alcohol induced state of sleepyness like normal and didn't know what the @#$% was going on

    I know it was only one day, and there are many challenges ahead, but I feel terrific in this first step. Thank God I found this website and all the wonderful people on the board. I truly don't think I could have done this without reading the many posts and seeing the support and encouragement here. :thanks:

    (Wynot - how did you do?)

    I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!


    A Very big well done and congratulations to you.... I know too how great and exciting it is to get that first day in!!!! I did not think I could do it either....

    Now just one day at a time...utilize as many tools as you can to have victory day to day...

    Best wishes to you....
    Control the Mind


      I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

      Great Sunshine girl!!! How hard that first day is!!! I am on day 13 and I can tell you I truly feel so much better. I am having difficulty sleeping still - part of the process but that is the ONLY bad thing I am experiencing now. The first week was a little rough. Takes a bit for this crud to leave our systems. Don't give up. Just focus now on Day 2. Just today.


        I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

        Great Job Sunshine Girl and Sri!! Rocky know you have been doing really well too and so supportive!!

        It gets easier in time and your body gets to the point where, you gladly choose AF days! Keep watching the morning mirror for those sparkling whites of your eyes!

        Best to all of you here,


          I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!


          Good job!:goodjob: That is a huge start. I know about coming in from work and first thing in hand is a drink. Be very proud of yourself....You did it....:l



            I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

            Well bloody done! =) It gets easier or worse after the first day... depending on your previous level of alcohol consumption. I actually found that the three days later my cravings returned with a vengeance. But, your right. This site and the people are fab. Just to be surrounded by people who offer healthy and suportive alternative ways of seeing things will make all the difference. Stay focussed and committed to your goal. There is no luck involved here. x


              I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

              Good job Sunshine and SRI! You both have much to be proud of!
              Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                Isn't it just a great feeling? !
                It is so exciting.
                And this is just the beginning. It gets a whole lot better.
                I am so very happy for you.
                You must be feeling so proud and happy, knowing you can do it.

                SRI, 13 Days, that a big hug. That's terrific.
                Don't worry too much about the sleep . At the moment I'm getting very little, but fully alert and better than that, I'm HAPPY.
                Happy with myself, happy with the lovely people at MWO, happy with the whole universe!


                  I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                  Congratulations Sunshinegirl!!!
                  Natural sleep can be a bit difficult at first, as you can imagine after all these years!
                  Sri, well done too and everyone else
                  I'm completed day 1 again too, thanks again to support here

                  PS Rags, OK you know how to use different fonts and colours, but we can take that privilege away from you for excessive overuse:H


                    I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                    Just testing my new found skills.
                    We Aussies are simple folk, not much bother, easily amused.
                    Colour and movement, colour and movement as dame Edna Everidge says, it willl keep us amused for hours on end.
                    I have a brightly coloured (what else) silk scarf that I wave in front of me every now and then. Better than television. All I have to do is get Irish to tell me how to attach a video clip of it on these posts, and I'll never have to write again.
                    Just wave my scarf and every one will go, "WOW, very deep and meaningful Rags baby" ... or whatever interpretation they choose to the swirl s and flashes of flowing colour.


                      I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                      Congratulations Sunshinegirl,

                      That was a huge big step. I think a lot of had the insomnia. I took Benadryl for a while and it helps.
                      Enlightened by MWO


                        I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                        LoL Rags
                        Can't wait to see that scarf video - perhaps that'll be the "missing link" that we need to stay sober, that final piece of the jigsaw that'll make it all better!!
                        OK Rags, no need to read any further

                        Irishlady, you do realise the ramifications if you show Rags how to insert a video clip? Mass international hysteria and breakdowns, perhaps...? Best it remains in Rags' private viewing domain, dontcha think?!


                          I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                          Great job on day 1 sunshine! Let's go for day 2!!



                            I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                            Well done Sunshinegirl.
                            Stick at it.


                              I did it-AF yesterday - yippy!

                              Blondie, I cannot tell a fib. I snuk a peek at wot you writ to Irish. Irish, don' lissen to her. She's a foxy doggy, is Blondie !! Just imagine this waving inna breeze !! The scarves, not wot they is hangin on. The messages they could convey if only I could mave em move. Rags

                              Attached files [img]/converted_files/196309=602-attachment.jpg[/img]

