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I sat on 'kitty' -geez

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    I sat on 'kitty' -geez

    I'm afraid that last's night posts may have been the result of one of mood fluctuations. I feel like shit. My girl-friend does not seem to think that our drinking/drug use is a problem despite several friends commenting that at times it appears that she's not at all 'there'. I'm not the same person I used to be; I've lost that flamboyant, stubborn, idealistic me that was filled with so much life and energy.

    I don't know how I ended up where or how I am. I can just recall finding myself in Adelaide, after trying to off myself in Darwin; a red-neck town on the other side of the country, four years ago and the years in-between are all a blur. Who the f*ck am I? I can?t sleep. I am filled with guilt every time I eat. I have to use all my will power just to stop myself from continuing to slash at my arms or thighs; something I haven?t done since December. I?m awake, here, or lying awakenin bed every night until all hours of the morning. But, at least I?m making myself go to work, which is a big improvement. I used to, as I?m sure many of you have done, simply get smashed and call in sick at seven in the morning.

    I don?t know what to do with this money I have earned of late. It used to go on booze in an instant, as soon as it fell oh not so safely into my wallet. I?ve only spent money on smokes?hmmm?another addiction.

    What nutritional supplements can one take to restore their cognitive functions? I?ve started popping my Omega-3 pills like Tic-Tacs, but I?m sure there are more products available.

    Has anyone else found that they no longer have any short-term working memory? I kept making the most simplest and ridiculous mistakes today at work, such as forgetting to change a Coke to a Fanta, or forgetting to upgrade customer?s meals. My manager and fellow employees think I am a complete and utter moron. I over heard them talking about me on my second shift = ?She?s really sweet but a bit slow.?

    F*ck. F*Ck. F*ck.

    My one defining characteristic or quality that I used to pride myself on was my intelligence. I was an egotistical, competitive shit in high-school; always checking and comparing marks and grades to reassure myself that I was still the class genius in every single one of my courses. God, I was such an obsessed wanker.

    And you know what? Now I have people looking down on me giving me a taste of my own acrid medicine. As, if you ask me for a synonym I can rapid-fire rattle of a dozen instantly, yet if you ask me 'What?s the last order you served?' or "Is that Bacon Deluxe the next order up on Drive Thru?", I simply cannot recall.

    It?s infuriating. My head literally isn?t f*cking working!

    I walked outside an hour or so ago, saw my girl-friend with the cat sitting next to her on the chair to the left, asked her if she had the smokes and then went inside to fetch them. When I returned I was spouting out some verbal effluent in an attempt to appear witty and sat on the damn thing! There was literally a ten to fifteen second gap between me seeing poor old Kitty and the unsuccessful attempted manslaughter, with regards to the poor creature!

    Nobody wants to wind up looking as if they possess the same mental capacity as the average drunken homeless person one?s meets in the city, with their glazed over eyes, half constructed sentences and slow shuffle.

    F*ck. I knew I was doing it all along; with every sip, every inhalation, every drop, I knew what I was doing, but couldn?t summon the will power needed for me to turn away from those chemical tools of self-destruction. I knew it; I feared it and I even understood the ways in which each chemical compound interacted with the brain. I did the research beforehand; I found out about the long and short term consequences of the drugs I was taking. I was overcome by anxiety every time I used anything. But, I couldn?t make myself stop.

    They say that one of the number one symptoms of alcoholism is denial. But, I always had that awareness. I knew it could lead to a down-ward spiral of self-indulgence, escapism and destruction. Why the f*ck have I wasted the last three and a half years?!

    Yeah, I know. Stop beating yourself up, stuck_with_me? God, what an awful pseudonym. But, I guess we have to keep the whole anonymity protocol alive and well, don?t we.

    Sorry about the negativity. I?m just facing the fact that now, after crying wolf so many times, no one I have talked to actually believes that I plan to stop. They?ve disregarded everything I?ve said.

    ?Oh, she?s just saying that because she?s hung over.? ? My younger sister.

    ?Yeah right, pull the other one.? ? Mother

    ?Insert masculine grunt here.? ? Father

    ?Don?t worry about it so much.? ? Girlfriend

    I know that these are responses most addicts, such as you and I (God, it?s sad to see me type that) get after attempting to quit and failing, time and time again.

    This is why MWO has its benefits? despite seeming a little overly cheerful at first, I?ve realized that this level of support and constant encouragement is necessary, as anyone who abuses/abused alcohol is bound to suffer from a low self-esteem, self-doubt and a belief that they are powerless and or out of control of their lives.

    It?s 2:29 AM ladies and gentlemen. Gee wiz ? I must love this site? or perhaps it?s the secrecy; having to make sure that no one is around whilst I?m viewing these pages, which are then cleared from the history.

    F*ck it. I?m going to have a smoke and browse the health store section, to which I?ve never been.

    P.S ? the kitty just came back! Woo hoo! And on a more serious note, I am going to try to be more helpful on the boards. I?ll offer whatever help or insight that I can, but for now I still feel a bit like a blind person, who?s stumbling, lost, navigating their way around the place with the help of a few trusty guide dogs.

    Too da loo my darlings

    I sat on 'kitty' -geez

    Low self esteem, self doubt...yep, I think just about everyone here can relate to those words. I'm glad you're ckecking the health store. There's some good stuff in there. I hear the Calms Forte can help with the sleep thing (or lack thereof). Hang in there!
    Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


      I sat on 'kitty' -geez

      Yeah, I know what you mean about the intelligence loss. I try to convince myself I am just getting old but I'm not. Alcohol at high levels does kill brain cells - could hinder memory! Other drugs will range anywhere from simply putting brain cells to sleep all the way to killing them too. So...good news if your using drugs that are just putting your cells to sleep - they will eventually wake up (takes a while after you quit). I also know that neural tissue can regrow. An article that just came out the other day sites recent research proving human brain cells can regrow after injury or disease.
      Fatigue from staying up late partying or just not sleeping makes your memory worse too.
      Drinking alcohol also reduces oxygen and vitamin transport in the brain acting everywhere but especially at the hippocampus which is a major area for memory.

      My point is....your intelligence is not lost, it is just going through a renewal stage because WE all know you can get a hold on all of this. You can be strong and prove those pessimists wrong! Everything you need to do it is within yourself and here with these great people.

      P.S. Be glad you're a girl - men lose brain tissue 3 times as fast as women as they age!!!



        I sat on 'kitty' -geez

        Hey gal, u sound much better than your first post!RThat's great. It's really good that u are recognizing your problems but I think the most crucial thing rite now is that u are not surrounded by constructive people who will genuinely love and help u even when u fall; at least there will be a cushion. So much so for confessions, we all have our story to tell. Mostly sad ones. I just think we all have many emotional simillarities; aka self-destruction; we just simply love to harm our bodies-- eating disorders (that took many yrs of my life still), alcoholism, cutting and slashing to bring away the emotional pain u cant handle. We are all sufferers. As for me, alcoholism alone has tore up my family and made my mum depressed. Now there are 2 depressed people in the house and the dad has to be strong. THe bf is mad still that I'm drinking and squabbles after squabbles and that means mood down and i head straight for the bottle and it's a vicious cycle. It's not even doing my body, my brain and spirit any good and its causing so much pain and misery to people who loves me. THEN WHY CAN'T I JUST F**KING STOP DRINKING? I'm sure readers here will have similar shares of embarrassing incidents to tell. But hang it there. We are hanging there. THats why we are here. COs part of us wants to be well and happy again. We must help each other fight the demonic temptations of alcohol!


          I sat on 'kitty' -geez

          Dear Stuck with me,
          You are a bit of a contradiction in terms of who you are. On one hand you are quite open about your sexuality and then worried about anyone knowing you are on the MWO website.

          With regard to your family and friends, after a number of years of self destructive behaviours people are going to be dubious about you wanting to change. Only time will show that you can.

          What does it matter if people know you are looking at these pages, there is nothing secret here and while I respect that everyone has the right to remain anomyous perhaps sharing this site with those who matter like family and your girlfriend may help them and give some insight to what you are going through. It certainly sounds like your girlfriend can use some help and there are pages for family members as well.

          We are all on the same journey, each of us doing it in our own way. MWO is the glue that binds us all together. I pray that you can find the light at the end of the tunnel and become the person you want to be. The truth is only you can change your habits but all of us here can support you in that process.

          Get a plan and stick with it and if that means letting some people in your life go their own way perhaps you will be better for it.

          Best Wishes


            I sat on 'kitty' -geez

            Hang in there babe you are doing great. The memory will improve. The sleep, well we all suffer that, calms forte really helped me heaps, once the sleep started coming back the memory started improving. Stick to your plan and stuff all the knocker. When you made all the promises before you ment them as we all did we just didn't have the strength before, now we have this place, support and with that the strength to follow through with a few slips and falls along the way. We are all here for you mate. Kim
            Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!


              I sat on 'kitty' -geez

              Hi Stuck,

              I was reading today on a website about some supplements that can assist in memory improvement. The ones mentioned by Health Recovery Center (you can google it) were, I think (DUH), acetyl-l-carnitine and some of the B vitamins, along with Gingko and some others. There was a link on the site recently - xtexan had a post about a great site. That site is related to the Health Recovery Center program, so you could link to the info from his post.

              HRC is another program that stresses good nutrition and amino acid therapy. The book put out by the head of HRC is called "7 Weeks to Sobriety." I think her name is Joan Mathews Larson. The website also has lots of info on depression and anxiety.

              Good luck, glad kitty is okay.


                I sat on 'kitty' -geez

                Hey Stuck

                I just read this and was wondering if you are seeing a shrink? The self harm stuff and what happened in Darwin both sound kind of familiar to me - I wont go into it. If you would like to message me I would be happy to talk further. I have just had an interesting experience in hospital...


                "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                  I sat on 'kitty' -geez

                  You're still sharp as hell!

                  You are a very passionate writer and there is nothing wrong with you- the body just takes time to detoxify. Inablility to focus and short term memory issues are just part of what we go through. You're an amazing writer and you had me laughing at the simularities we share. I do the equivalent of sittng on the cat several times over each day and all I can do is laugh at myself because I know I'm not 100% right now, so it's okay. I'll just beat up on myself in other areas!

                  And who is really paying attention to the mundane details at work when we can be obsessing about all of our issues?!


                    I sat on 'kitty' -geez


                    Self-harm, cutting yourself etc could be signs of a problem underlying the alcohol abuse, what underlies it may even be able to explain it to you so you don't need to be confused all the time. Do see a doctor, even if it's just to rule this out. It's great that you have not hurt yourself since Dec but using"all you willpower" to not hurt yourself is a hard road.

                    You are incredible articulate and intelligent, and i'm sure you know what I mean here. I am not suggesting anything in particular, just that a good doctor may be able to assist with the drinking and the cutting.

                    Lots of love here in Adelaide

                    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


                      I sat on 'kitty' -geez


                      I had a friend as a teenager ... not that long ago, ok????! who used to slash at her arms and thighs, sometimes to the point of serious damage - even more than scars, that is.

                      She described the acute sense of release that she felt from blood-letting, that it actually became addictive to do that and see the blood flow - and sometimes it was the only way that she could feel alive.

                      I moved over to Australia a long time ago, so I'm sorry, but I don't know how she mastered it in the end - but she did. She had a lot of self-hatred, and hatred of the world, and hatred of humanity as a whole.

                      The best that I can say is that when I finally got to catch up with her in the UK a few years later, she was a confident and clever woman - everything that I saw in her when we were teenagers together, but that she didn't. The most that I can tell you is that when I asked her what was different, she said, "I realised that everything was okay. I didn't have to keep beating myself up. I didn't have to keep proving myself. I had to let go of all the bad shit that I thought I'd done."

                      I wish I was as strong as she is! I'm looking for a way to "let go of all the bad". I hope you can do the same.

                      Much love to you

                      Gem x
                      Free since 26th February 2012

