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Hello Pink, yes, those feelings of loneliness are a very common once you give up the alcohol. I had bouts of loneliness a lot and still do occasionally. I think it is par for the course. We had this 'friend' to comfort us and to pass the time away for so long. When we decide to give it up we find ourselves with all of this time on our hands and it does feel lonely. Good job for your 33 days that is great! Keep up the good work. Don't let your feelings of being lonely entice you back to the bottle. It does get easier in time.
Yes, I felt that way too Pink. Lonely and very very lost. I'm now on day 84 (I think) and it's completely gone.. I think it lasted about a month so if you are like me it will be gone soon......
It's then that the joy and love of life comes back into your heart and you realise just how wonderful it is to be rid of that pest!It always seems impossible until it's done....
The loneliness does eventually go away..especially if you stay here and keep posting...the people here have helped me through some of my loneliest times x x x"Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky
Good evening Rabbit,
What a fantastic accomplishment, with your first post. So long AF, You must be feeling pretty happy, and a great sense of accomplishment. WOW !! Keep up this great work. Keep looking forward.
Pink, the lonliness will dissipate. yes I felt it. And so did many others here on MWO.
This sounds schmaltzy, but it will pass, and you'll start being friends with yourself again. And you start getting back feelings that have been suppressed for so long under the influence of booze.
Lou, Flip and Precious said the rest I was going to.
I can't believe it , over a month and we haven't heard from you ! That's tough !
Welcome to MWO.
Stay in touch, and please let us know how you are .
PS Hope you adon't live in Australia otherwise we gotta zap you with myxo or callisi !! But I'll put in a good word for you so you can stay with us here at MWO.
thankyou for your message of support it really does help to know that this stage of myhealing will past i feel so much better physically apart from the headaches, but i guess this is my bodys way of getting rid of the toxins that i have been pumping into it for so long. I am now into day 35I do seem to have lost a lost of weight( size 10 easily ) but i least i know now that everything i eat will be absorbed by my body not destroyed by the alchol. If i meet people down the town where i live that is what they focus on my loss of weight not the fact that i am sober lol now all i have to do is get rid of my suitcase that caused all this selfpity in the first place now stupid was i . I have nt got used to this site yet and am unsure of how to reply to my posts so dont think that i am being rude if i appear to be ignoring you, also my computer doesnt know how to spell probably so sorry for any spelling mistakes!I feel as if i have got so much energy that i dont know what to do with in my minds eye i could climb mount everest but in reality i know that i would have a problem running for the bus lol but this is how good i am feeling
Hello All,
I find it impossible to reply to every single post. I tried for a while, but there are just not enough hours in the day.
Don't worry.
This is a lovely place, a sanctuary, where we come when we feel the need, either to ask for help, or give it.
Thank you all for being here.
BTW my wife lost two stone over a year and she is as fit as she has ever been. She can climb mountains. Yet her friends worry that she is losing too much weight. She is 5' 2" and weighs 135 pounds. I think it's just a case of getting back to your normal weight after a while of being slightly overweight.