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Starting sat 3 Mar

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    Starting sat 3 Mar

    Hi every one

    gonna do my thang on Saturday 3rd March
    got my cds
    got my supps

    opting out of topa xxxxxxx scared xxxxx

    I already stupid and nervous x will make me stupider and nervouser

    So looking forward to having a good go at being a proper person who can go to the cinema in the evening and stuff. you know x

    Starting sat 3 Mar

    Good luck Angie - sounds like you are well prepared! Just planning to take the first step is a HUGE step - GOOD FOR YOU. Be strong, know we are all here for you. Use the tools - check in with the website. Let us know how you're doing. I only started 14 days ago. The first days were rough; it gets better! Know that it does. Just take it one day at a time! Good luck tomorrow!!!!!:welcome:


      Starting sat 3 Mar

      Good luck Angie. By the way, what is up with all of those x's? Are those suppose to represent periods? It is good you have a start date set. They say with smokers to have a start date set so they are mentally prepared. I wish you all the best!


        Starting sat 3 Mar

        Good Luck today Angie,
        I just started last Wednesday. Been AF since then - 3 days straight - great for me since I have been drinking every day for over 20 years, no exceptions.
        Listen to the tapes, take the supps, read and post here - more help here than you can imagine

