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How many of you have had health problems?

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    How many of you have had health problems?

    Just wondering folks, how many of you have suffered health problems (aside from hangovers) as a result of your drinking problems? If you have, could you please tell me how much you are/were drinking and for how long before the problem arose and what the illness was/is?

    (By the way the purpose of this question is to work as a deterrent for me because recently I have started with backache and stomach cramp and am scared this is because of my heavy and prolonged drinking)

    Thanks in advance
    Taking it ODAT

    How many of you have had health problems?

    Hello mauri. I hope I don't have any serious problems related to AL. I haven't been checked by a doctor, though. You can google AL health problems if you haven't already, and that would definitely be a detterant. The "Rain in my Heart" documentaries on this site detail some extensive, scary problems from AL too.

    "I like people too much or not at all."
    Sylvia Plath


      How many of you have had health problems?

      thanks Library girl I will have a google
      Taking it ODAT


        How many of you have had health problems?

        Hey Mauri,

        I have asked this question in the past myself and it didn't really provide me any peace of so many people are different...our physiology is different...just...everything. We are all unique...but not. If that makes sense.
        I personally stay away from Google as it gets my mind into overdrive and I began to have sympathy pains because I was just so damn paranoid that I had some sort of serious issue.
        I drank for 4 years. Every night. 1-1.5L of wine.
        I have fatty liver and am going to get tested for gallstones next week due to my drinking.
        In the past I have had some serious stomach issues and the drinking aggravated (if not caused) a hiatal hernia as well. I have only just turned 26 and haven't drank for that long...

        At the end of the day - you (as well as everyone else here) has to realize that if you keep going the way that you are (if you are still drinking) then it will lead to health problems.

        If you are really concerned, I would go to a doc and get a check up - let him/her know about your concerns...better to find out what is going on then to sit in the dark.

        Hope that helped somewhat! And I hope you're having a lovely evening so far!



          How many of you have had health problems?

          Thank you Bri, that helps me a lot, I think I just need to face up to the potential health problems I may face if I don't sort myself out now, I have been drinking heavily (1 to 2 bottles of wine 5 to 7 nights a week) for the past year or so and slightly less before then excluding my pregnancy with my son, I just don't want to do this anymore! I am sorry to hear of your health problems and hope that they can be reversed by your sobriety
          Taking it ODAT


            How many of you have had health problems?

            Hi Mauri:
            I have not had any health problems except anxiety and depression as well as intermittent low energy.
            As long as I stick to the program and don't drink, I do well health wise. ( I drank 1-2 1/2 bottles most nights.) Health problems arise after I drink a few glasses of wine and then try to run the next day.
            I do not function the sames when drinking,my calves scream for oxygen and my stomach is definately in need of a rest. I enjoy waking up sober as I did this morning. I went for the most beautiful bike ride. The weather was awesome and the eagle was magestic sitting on his perch in (the dead tree) i am greatful for the beauty of the city in which I live and I am most thankful for the Eagle who was perched in such a magestic pose. Life is a gift, enjoy!!!
            Don't worry, be happy!


              How many of you have had health problems?

              I agree with Zen.
              I worry about my liver more then my brain though for some reason - probably because when you think of alcoholics you think of the liver being damaged more then anything.
              I need to read up on what it does to the brain exactly...well I read something somewhere in a book but didn't really pay attention at the time because at the time I didn't think I had a problem.
              Alcohol affects all organs in the body. Not just the brain / liver. It's a poison...simple as that.


                How many of you have had health problems?

                Yes, it can be a poison in the body. Thank goodness the liver will regenerate if nothing more serious than fatty liver, or less serious damage has occurred. I'm more worried about brain cells too!! I can't say I have had any obvious health concerns other than the horrible hangovers I got when i was really drinking heavily. The body is a wonderful machine!!
                Ask yourselves, would you rather be a non drinker with an occasional desire to drink or a drinker with a constant desire to stop doing it?
                (quote from Bean )

                Goal: Survival


                  How many of you have had health problems?

                  You are very right Lady - the body is wonderful and the liver is an amazing organ.
                  It's scary when you realize that even though you aren't doing damage on the outside - what havoc you are allowing to wreak on the inside.
                  It's scary. My first scare was high bp. I read that my bp was that of a 60 year old man that was 20lbs overweight!! I'm 26!
                  So I definitely need to change some things around. I want to live a long and happy life.


                    How many of you have had health problems?

                    I dont have insurance or a Dr, but I do worry about my brain, liver, and anything else in the body (I have heard of pancreas problems, etc, etc) I wouldnt know if I have any of them. I think I just started realizing over the past year that I was damaging my body. The first time I woke up from a weekend of pure drinking having uncontrollable shaking. It really scared me, but I still kept drinking (maybe quit for a few days). Now it has happened several times, so it wasnt as scary (still not good). Also, going to buy stuff at the store handing my card to them, and my hand shakes (if I had a day of heavy drinking and didnt have a drink in several hours this was happening). Also when if I had drank the day or days before and decided to go out for a haircut the next day, when they would cut my hair trying to keep my head still I would start shaking. Its very embarrassing. When it first happened, I thought it was permanent nerve damage, then I figured out that it was withdraws. Thats when it hit me I had over done it. It goes away after several days of not drinking (along with the sleepless night sweats). Then I feel good and normal again (yet I dont know what permanent damages I may have done still). I have quit several times now after getting to this point, but always start up again after a few days to a week. I am on day 2 and hopefully will be a long term thing this time.


                      How many of you have had health problems?

                      Oh unknowndoll, that sounds just terrible. I have had pain in my right upper side after drinking. It really worries me.


                        How many of you have had health problems?

                        I have not had any issues (aside from liver enzymes being up) directly related to AL, but I've had three episodes of supraventricular tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) in the past several years, requiring trips to the ER for chemical cardioversion, and my cardiologist told me that alcohol is toxic to the heart. I am afraid that continuing to drink will end up damaging my heart further. Luckily, the SVT has been controlled by medication and I haven't had an episode in over two years.


                          How many of you have had health problems?

                          I was having a racing heart after drinking wine. It would wake me up in the middle of the night and was beating like I was running a marathon. The Doctor ran some tests but they didn't seem too concerned about it.
                          I was also having horrible sweats in the night. The rapid heart beat was very worrying and was what prompted me to quit. I was worried my heart was going to give out.
                          I am sure it wasn't doing me any good.
                          Don't worry, be happy!


                            How many of you have had health problems?

                            I have had peripheral neuropathy which was from high levels of b6 in my system from just one multivitamin a day- so I attribute that to the liver not processing it , but whatever it was, it was not fun and it comes back once in a while. I have heart palpitations and my liver or stomach ( not sure which one) feels so bloated and enlarged. I had normal LFT last year, buv need to get more tests and probably an ultrasound to see what damage has occurred. Anyone know about how long it takes the liver to regenerate ? Any information is appreciated!


                              How many of you have had health problems?

                              Hi Stressd,
                              I do not know how long it takes the average liver to repair itself. I had a CT scan for an un-related abdominal issue in Oct. of 2010 which showed "overall hepatic steatosis," plus "focal fatty infiltration" which needed an MRI to make sure no "lesions" were there...AND, my liver enzymes were perfectly normal!! So, with much hard work, using almost all the tools here at MWO, the supplements, the hypnotic cds, milk thistle, lecithin granules, (and, needless to say, almost NO booze), by July of 2011 an ultrasound showed a Normal Liver Ultrasound. Liver enzymes were way down, as well. In May of 2012, the third US is still completely normal. So, I guess for me, it was 8 months...might have been even sooner. Our bodies want to be healthy, I guess! Good luck. FF
                              . "It is only with the heart that one can see clearly; that which is essential, is invisible to the eye.". Antoine de Saint-Exupery

