i hide it all the time,its horrid.xx
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Hiding our drinking--please weigh in!
Hiding our drinking--please weigh in!
I would put some Chardonnay into lipton iced tea bottles and people wondered why I liked it that much!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
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Hiding our drinking--please weigh in!
I can so relate to so many of these posts. In the last several years I have used many of these techniques....actually most.
I normally would be going out (walking, not driving. to replace what I have drank today before my bf gets home. This would leave to excess that I would stash.
However, I don't want to do this anymore. This is not how I want to live my life. It's not what I had envisioned at all,,,,
So...I am going to face the music...one step at a time. First step, having my bf come home and say, " Did you drink all this???"" "Today???" "Did you do anything today?"
Yes....ugh...yes...ugh, no.
Hiding our drinking--please weigh in!
Welcome Next Please! You have made a great choice and will find great support here- looks like you've been here before - in case you didn't already know it, the newbies nest is a great place to start you will find others just starting out and some more experienced folks sharing their support and wisdom - and we all share and support each other in our struggles. Stop in over there - you will get pointed to the toolbox which is another great thread which helps people get a plan and tools in place to beat this beast! (sorry I don't know how to link to it but many over in the Newbies Nest have it linked in their signature line).
See you!
Hiding our drinking--please weigh in!
I am going to have to agree with Liath. I too have been on and enjoyed this site so much!!! But.... i needed more strength for this alchololic brain!! Yes you guessed it... AA. I am on day 20 now and doing good. AA just gives that extra push for sobriety. I was lucky to hjoin with a freind who also suffered. We support each other. I read lots of books on alcholism too which helps me. best of luck to you. you can do it!!!!! Freedom!!!!!!!?Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday.?
― John Wayne
Just keep trying unknown doll.
There are far more people in the same boat than you realise.
When I see how many unregistered 'visitors' we have on this site it seems very clear we are not alone.
I did such a good job hiding my secret that no one really understands WHY I quit.
I just had my 2 year anniversary of being sober and there is no 3D human who congratulated me. No one notices. No one cares, I do though.
And still hang on to sobriety like a life raft, because that is what it is.
Originally posted by unknownndoll View PostI am on day 1 again today, I hide my drinking, but I guess its pretty obvious that I have been drinking. I usually buy the smaller 350 ml bottles so I can sneak it in the house in my purse. It is embarrassing to admit to hiding and drinking all the time. I have been trying to quit but haven't got passed a few days to a week before I fail and start drinking again. I have gotten to the point thats all I do is come home and drink until I go to bed, and if I am off work I often drink and sleep all day. But, here I am trying once again to fix this.(AF since 17 May 2014) 2 years 5 months sober