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NEW, Day 1 Again

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    NEW, Day 1 Again

    I am on day 1, again. Decided to register after lurking and trying to quit many times. I have been drinking heavily and pretty much every day for a several years now. I have had a few good months throughout the last few years, but end up going back to drinking. My vice is vodka. I hide my drinking too. I drink til I go to sleep, and on longer weekends/days off I drink all day long. I am weak and unproductive when I drink. I have trouble with quitting cant stand the night sweats for days, it is very uncomfortable and embarrassing. For some reason, after a few days to a week of being AL free I seem to tell myself its ok to start drinking again and then I get out of control and then I don't want to go through the withdrawals again. Anyhow, here we go again! Any tips on sleeping/night sweats during withdrawals would be appreciated.

    NEW, Day 1 Again

    I don't know b/c I'm on my second day of moderation. I plan to get to a point where I'll go 30 (or more) days without drinking, but not there yet. Call it my own way through this mess I've made!

    I haven't had a drink yet today, not sure if I will, but I know that with little to no alcohol in my system last night for the first time in years, I slept fitfully. Funny how my doctor knew that one reason I drank every night was to be sure to sleep!

    One of the things that the MWO program opened my eyes to are the many herbal remedies to help you deal with the withdrawl symtoms. Kudzu seems to help a whole lotta people, and others swear by L-Glut. I'm using both, but not sure about the L-Glut, b/c the book hasn't been updated, and L-Glut isn't in the plan in the book.

    Best of luck, Dolly! I'm rooting for you.
    Well the 1st are the hardest days don't you worry anymore.
    When life looks like easy street there is danger at your door.


      NEW, Day 1 Again

      Hi Unknown.....welcome to MWO! Your post really hit home with me...I could've written it myself! My vice is vodka also. I also hide my husband doesn't drink and hates it when I do because I can't have just one.....I drink until I get shit faced. I even resorted to hiding my bottle in the laundry room and keep going in there and drink right from the time to mix it in a Diet Dr Pepper for fear of being caught. It is so exhausting trying to hide my drinking....wondering if I am truly hiding it or if I am slurring my words.....wondering how the hell I got to bed and what d id I watch on TV last night. I hate having to walk on egg shells in the morning wondering if my husband is going to call me out about my actions of the prior night. I would much rather put my efforts into staying sober!!!! I have been AF for 9 days and i am hoping that this is it....I am so tired of starting over on day 1 again and again and again! I also suffer from night sweats in the beginning when I stop drinking! I wake up totally drenched. I actually started sleeping in the guest room because it was embarassing...I find it easier to detox by myself. I listen to meditation/hypnosis CDs and I come on here and read/post which is something I can't do if I am sleeping in my room with the hubby. Unfortunatley I haven't found anything to take the sleep/sweats withdrawals away completely but the L-Glut seems to help. I usually have them for 4 days but the tossing and turning lasts longer. L-Glut in combo with Kudzu helps alot with the I feel that those supplements are definitely worth taking. OK...I have rambled
      on enough.....I hope this helps and I wish you all the luck in the world!
      AB Club Member
      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


        NEW, Day 1 Again

        the night sweats do suck but you just have to remind yourself they will stop!
        I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
        sober since 2/4/12


          NEW, Day 1 Again

          Hi Unknown. I'm very familiar with the endless cycling of drinking too much, stopping, then trying to moderate, only to start drinking too much again. It's like walking up the down escalator.

          I recommend melatonin if you're having trouble sleeping - I've used one that is time-released, so it may help all night long.

          DfromCT - even though the book and web site don't incorporate L-glutamine, it's a great addition. Have you seen the thread on it in the Holistic Healing section?
          AF since 6JUN2012


            NEW, Day 1 Again

            Hi Unknown!

            I just wanted to say Hi and welcome you to MWO! I can definitely relate to what you are going through. The "night sweats" last about 3-4 days, but then they should go away. I agree that Melatonin is good for helping with sleep. My vice was beer, 12+ a day, occasionally rum (when I was dieting..ha!). Please stick around and let us know how you are doing!

            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              NEW, Day 1 Again

              Hi unknown doll and welcome to MWO, Keep posting and reading as much as you can as your not alone in this battle,We have all/are been there,Its hard work but this battle can be beaten,hope to see you around .

              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                NEW, Day 1 Again

                I'd also like to welcome you to MWO. As others have said, we can all relate to your issues and you are among friends here. Hopefully, you're over the night sweats by now, but I had a particularly bad detox in May. I sweat so profusely that I ended up having to lay towels on the bed and sleep on those towels. Then there was also the added issue (this was a very bad detox) of the sweat absolutely reeking. It made the whole house stink. Rather than wash the sheets every day, every morning when I got up, I'd have to throw the towels and blanket immediately into the wash. It was misery. I'd wake up overheated and soaked with sweat, throw off the blanket, then get so cold my teeth would start chattering.

                Keep us posted on your progress.


                  NEW, Day 1 Again

                  I've been creeping around this website for several weeks and finding solace in other's experiences that are similar to mine. I'm starting today. Thank you to all for your posts - it is very inspirational and I feel much less alone in this. The hiding and then subsequent regret & shame is getting old. I have two great boys and I really want to get this right.

