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    Hello there

    I am new to this sort of thing so its all a bit strange and i'm not sure what to do. What i do know is that i have been off the drink now for 11 days and i feel so much more clear headed and in control of my life. As long as nothing goes wrong i should be able to keep off it,(she says!!!!) Is there anyone out there who could say a few words to encourage me along?? Thanx.

    Hello there

    :welcome: Hello Bella
    This is a lovely place and it's really good to have you in it.
    Read the posts and post when you feel like it.


      Hello there

      Hey Bella,

      11 days off the booze is absolutey brilliant! Don't know what else to say.

      Stick with us.


        Hello there

        Hello Bella,

        Well done, 11 days is fantastic!!! Keep on doing what you are doing and visit this site as many times as you need to to get support.


        Sober since 30/06/10


          Hello there

          Dear Bella,
          Well done and a big pat on the back. Wait until it is 22 days and so on and so on. The main thing is one day at a time and always have a plan ready for any situation. Just keep posting and reading and you will get there.

          Warm regards


            Hello there

            11 days is just excellent. Hope you will stick around and keep inspiring the rest of us!!
            I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


              Hello there

              11 days...that's fantastic, 8 here and hoping to get to 11. You're doing great just take it one day at a time!:goodjob:
              Colorado Chick!
              Your support means the world to me...:h


                Hello there

                Hi Bella,
                Just 7 days here and I'm inspired by your 11! Thanks for posting. We can do it.
                Mama T.
                Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                  Hello there

                  Hello Bella. Great job. I'm a day behind you. Don't let me catch you. Haha. My only advice is to keep up what you are doing, and check in here to read and post. Especially if you're getting tempted. The good people here are so decent and wise, they can get you through the hard times. I just logged in myself, because I was feeling a bit angry. So, I just think of this place when I get mad, and read and post, and then I chill out. I'm finding that anger is one of my biggest problems. I guess we all have our reasons why we self medicate. Anyway, there are a lot of us on here that are on the 1 - 2 week abstinence mark. Let's keep it going!!
                  where does this go?


                    Hello there

                    Thanks to you all for the support, its fantastic to have people there who know what its like. I'm feeling good but i hope i don't crack as i'm dying to get wasted but then i tell myself that i will lose everything as i have definately used up all my chances with my husband. He is supportive but he just doesn't really understand what its like. I have alot of past issues which i think makes me want to drink as i have this horrible knot in my stomach and lots of secrets that have been stored up in me from childhood. Who says you can't blame your childhood for the way we are now!!!! I was abused and am having counselling which is helping. It would be great to hear anyone elses story. Thanx again. Bella


                      Hello there

                      Hi Bella, Welcome to MWO...One phrase of yours stands out from your post above, I'M DYING TO GET WASTED....And that is what you would be doing if you did.... Wasting your talents, wasting your life, wasting what you have to offer to others and wasting your last chance with your husband, so, is it worth losing all that just for a few bottles of poison, because that is what it is POISON...

                      I started here in September and haven't had a drink since... Its not easy, some days you can sail through, others, well, you do the best you can, mostly you come on here and read and post to get you through....But, think about it, anything thats easy to get you don't really value, but, sobriety, once you go through what you do to get that back in your life, well, you value that so much that you never want to let it go.....

                      With 11 days behind you, you are already off to a very good start, keep it up..

                      Louise xx
                      A F F L..
                      Alcohol Free For Life


                        Hello there

                        Hi Bella

                        I've been here a few months and sober for 83 days - but I couldn't have done it without this wonderful place. I get so much support here - I can say anything and know that I will always get honest help. I visit every day, even if i dont post, just to keep me focussed - a bit like attending an AA meeting without the hassle!

                        You are doing so well, what else are you doing to help you in your commitment? Have you seen your Dr? taking something? seeing a drink shrink? Enlisting the support of friends and family? All of these are really important. Also, make sure you get some exersize every day - even if its just a walk around the block.

                        Good luck, stay strong. Louise is right - you are not dying to get wasted, you are dying if you do....

                        It always seems impossible until it's done....


                          Hello there

                          Hello Flip. I think this site is good. I don't feel quite so alone. I've seen my dr and am on anti-depressants which are keeping my head above water! But unfortunately im still at the stage where i think about alcohol all the time. My family and 1 friend knows how i am but that also makes me feel so weak and pathetic. I find it v hard to open up to anyone because i don't feel that i am as important as everyone else. i know thats stupid but thats the way it is. How are you finding things? Bella


                            Hello there

                            Bella, you are just as important as anyone else. Don't ever think otherwise!!!

                            I still think about drinking... not as often as I did in the beginning, but it is still there. I imagine it will always be there. Irishlady said it all with her post! The definition of 'dying to get wasted'. How very, very true!

                            11 Days is a triumph! Keep up the great work.


                              Hello there

                              Hi again Bella,

                              Have you tried something called KUDZU...Like me you live in the UK, you must have one of those Chinese herbalist shops somewhere near you... They sell it, and the chinese name for it is GE GEN.. It costs about ?5 for 100 grams and it goes a fair way.. Its the dried root of a plant, when you buy it, it will be in square pieces, each measuring about 4 inches square...Put 3 or 4 pieces into a mug and pour on boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes, remove the Kudzu and drink the liquid, do this about three times a day and you should see your cravings either go away altogether or get very much less, but it does help...promise...

                              Don't ever, ever think that you are not as important as anyone else... In my book, no one is more important, or less important then the next person, we are all here to fulfill a purpose, and as such, we are all equally important in the grand scheme of things..

                              You look after YOURSELF now,

                              Love from Louise xx
                              A F F L..
                              Alcohol Free For Life

