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THANKS Thoughts

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    THANKS Thoughts

    Well, here I am day 7 and still AF. Love the kudzu and the way I feel w/o hangovers and the hunger that accompanies them.
    Weight is moving slowly downward -- darn, life is grand.
    Hoping that Wino2007 is doing well as we began on the same day.
    I'm hoping the book arrives today and that I can use it keep it up.
    Thanks to everyone who just sent a note to say welcome -- made me feel good and happy about my decision.
    One of my favorite parties of the year is tonight -- I've got a plan to not drink and really want to get to 30 days and the first week is a big hurdle.
    Thanks again everybody!
    Mama T.
    Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007

    THANKS Thoughts

    Bravo Mama!!! Glad to hear you are doing so well. 7 days is awesome. Good luck tonight.......
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      THANKS Thoughts

      Mamatee, congrats - and gald to hear that you already have a plan in place for tonight. I'm betting it makes a big difference for you.
      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


        THANKS Thoughts

        Good job Mamatee! Keep up the great work. A week is a terrific start!


          THANKS Thoughts

          Woo hoo! Great job Mamatee! Seven days AF and a plan for tonight - you are on a roll! Congrats to you!!! You are headed to double digits!


            THANKS Thoughts

            Keep up the good work, you can do anything once you put your mind to it.


              THANKS Thoughts

              I love this place! Hung out with a pal today doing stressful kid workshop and chose a latte over a beer (I can honestly say that hasn't happened in years). And, I'm home from the party and only drank a diet coke!!!
              I am working toward those double digits. My husband will be out of town from Monday 'til Thursday and that is usually a dangerous time for me as I am unattended. This week will be different. For goodness sake, I'm 45 years old; I don't need supervision to do the right thing. My immediate challenge however, is an Academy Award party with girlfriends at a bar -- while I am preparing for moderation, I know I'm not ready for it yet. So, I will stick to NA drinks -- after all, I hafta get back on this board on Monday and I don't want to have blown it so early in the program.
              Never knew that I could get so high being abstinent, shoulda figured I'd find a way to get high!
              Mama T.
              Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                THANKS Thoughts

                Mamatee. Congratulations. Have fun at your party. I've been in a couple situations now where I was around people that were drinking, and I didn't drink. I felt like such a stud. Haha. My roomate and a friend are in the other room as I type this. They are loud, and have been drinking all day. I envy them in no way. Tomorrow I'll be doing back-flips, and they'll be nursing hangovers. Just keep that in mind if you get the urge. Congrats again. Keep up the good work. :goodjob:
                where does this go?


                  THANKS Thoughts

                  Thanks for the encouragement -- glad to know it's possible!
                  I've been thinking about bagging the awards party, but I do want to see these friends and know they will be supportive. Just don't want to sit around and eat as a substitute for alcohol. I bet I can really down some water! I'm such a borderline everything addict. Guess I should channel my abilities to exercise and nutrition. I've decided to not even consider moderation for a long while. Don't trust myself yet.
                  Thanks again, it sure helps to know I'm not alone in this.
                  Mama T.
                  Found MWO Feb. 17, 2007


                    THANKS Thoughts

                    Keep at it Mama, you are doing great. Well done on the party!!
                    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                      THANKS Thoughts

                      Hello Mamatee. Keep strong! I understand what you mean when you say you don't trust yourself to drink moderately as i am like that. I have been 12 days now AF and there is no way i can even have one sip of drink as i know that will lead to 2 bottles!!! My advice would be to trust yourself and listen to your yourself and believe in yourself. I am trying to do the same. I have v little self worth but we have to keep going make a better life rather than give up. Good luck.


                        THANKS Thoughts

                        I've decided I do have an addictive personality --and if I'm gonna be addicted to something, exercise ain't half bad, so I try to hit the gym or a walk every day! Not a bad addiction if you have to have one


                          THANKS Thoughts

                          sri;100076 wrote: I've decided I do have an addictive personality --and if I'm gonna be addicted to something, exercise ain't half bad, so I try to hit the gym or a walk every day! Not a bad addiction if you have to have one
                          Sri. How you been? It looks like you are doing great. I know you are a couple days ahead of me, so it's good to know you're hanging in there, and from your posts, it appears you are geniunely happy. I feel the same way, and have no plans on starting to drink again. I've been busy, so I didn't finish that book I was telling you about. I just have a few chapters, but it is excelent. I also agree it's better to switch your addiction to working out. I just got done, and I'm feeling great. :jumpin:
                          where does this go?

