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I quit drinking every morning.............

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    I quit drinking every morning.............

    Just signed up, first post, closet drinker after work and on weekends. Every morning I wake up I swear to myself never again, then at about 3:00pm, hangover long gone, my evil brain convinces me to stop at the liquor store on the way home EVERY DAY without fail. Crappy thing is it makes me feel like crap and I feel fantastic when I am NOT drinking in excess everyday. How do I get over that voice in my head in the afternoons!?
    And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine

    I quit drinking every morning.............

    If i knew that I would be the happiest woman alive!!! If you find out let me know please
    Taking it ODAT


      I quit drinking every morning.............

      Give it up completely for 30 days, and retrain your brain.

      "I like people too much or not at all."
      Sylvia Plath


        I quit drinking every morning.............

        Hi Vlinengood,

        Check out the Tool Box thread in Monthly Abstinence. There's lots of helpful information on how to go about it there, such as how to surf the cravings, how to stop the deprivation thinking, how to make a plan, and so on. Really good stuff! Here's the link:


        AF since 3/16/09
        NF since 3/20/07


          I quit drinking every morning.............

          Hi Vlinengood
          Same here, you're not alone. 4 pm here and nearly home time, Im really struggling. Back here again after dropping off radar.
          All the best


            I quit drinking every morning.............

            Thanks Pooks it is only 8:22 am here and I still feel pretty cruddy from last nights drinking so of course I feel strongly now about not drinking tonight...... Just set myself a reminder on my iphone for 3:00 about how crappy I feel and don't do it again, we'll see how that works, keep strong let me know how you make out tonight
            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


              I quit drinking every morning.............

              Good morning V and Welcome!

              I could have written your post. I used to wake up every morning feeling like crap, then by 3pm I was already planning which liquour store to stop at on the way home. It is an ugly, vicious cycle! Unfortunately, there's no "quick fix" for that voice in your head. You have to start with small changes and work from there. The first 3 days when I quit, I stayed away from home (my drinking spot). I went to the movies, shopping, park, library...ANYWHERE to keep me off my couch until it was bedtime. Obviously you can't avoid home forever, so when I was ready to tackle a night at home, I made small changes. I moved furniture, switched lamps around...anything to make my drinking "spot" look different. It may sound dumb, but small things really CAN help at the beginning.

              My advice to you is get through the first 3-4 days and you'll see that it starts getting easier. Stick close to us and let us know how you're doing ok?

              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                I quit drinking every morning.............

                Thanks Pooks, it is only 8:22am here and I still am feeling pretty curddy from last nights drinking so of course I am feeling strongly about not drinking again. I just set myself a reminder on my I phone for 3:00pm about how bad I feel now and to NOT do it again. Stay strong and let me know how you make out tonight.................
                And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                  I quit drinking every morning.............

                  thanks K9 I will try..... I only recently started this drinking and have no clue how or why, I have always been a social drinker and loved a cold beer and it was NEVER a problem........... just want my healthy life back sooooo bad...............
                  And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                    I quit drinking every morning.............

                    Good morning Vlive & Welcome. :welcome:

                    The title of your thread reminded me of the old Mark Twain quote ' Its easy to quit smoking. I've done it a thousand times! '

                    I second and third K9 . You sound as though you are early on in your journey with AL. I would keep reading ALOT here and see where you think this puts you on the spectrum. I was shocked to read posts here which discussed things I did but had no idea 1. Anyone else did, 2. They were crazy things 3. There were actual tools I could use to disentangle myself from the mess I was creating.

                    Stay close, read and stock up on peppermint tea, popcorn, peanut m&ms, lemons, bottled water and shoelaces- you'll be running around a lot

                    Hugs to you,
                    On My Own Way Out Since May 20, 2012
                    *If you think poorly of yourself, you can fail with a clear conscience.
           tool box
           newbie nest


                      I quit drinking every morning.............

                      Second what K9 and Kradle said, just like with quitting smoking, you'll feel like crap for a while, then you'll feel so good that you'll wonder why you ever smoked or drank in the first place. At that point, I think you will inevitably find other ways of keeping yourself preoccupied without alcohol.


                        I quit drinking every morning.............

                        vlivengood;1351112 wrote: Just signed up, first post, closet drinker after work and on weekends. Every morning I wake up I swear to myself never again, then at about 3:00pm, hangover long gone, my evil brain convinces me to stop at the liquor store on the way home EVERY DAY without fail. Crappy thing is it makes me feel like crap and I feel fantastic when I am NOT drinking in excess everyday. How do I get over that voice in my head in the afternoons!?
                        :welcome: Here's a hole in my sidewalk by Portia Nelson

                        Chapter One
                        I walk down the street
                        There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
                        I fall in
                        I'm lost. . . I'm helpless
                        It isn't my fault
                        It takes me forever to find a way out

                        Chapter 2
                        I walk down the same street
                        There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
                        I pretend I don't see it
                        I fall in again
                        I can't believe I'm in the same place
                        But it isn't my fault
                        It still takes a long time to get out

                        Chapter 3
                        I walk down the same street
                        There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
                        I see it there
                        I still fall in. . . it's a habit
                        My eyes are open
                        I know where I am
                        It is my fault
                        I get out immediately

                        Chapter 4
                        I walk down the same street
                        There's a deep hole in the sidewalk
                        I walk around it

                        Chapter 5
                        I walk down another street

                        Being a victim, I had no idea that I had choices. As a survivor, I started making choices. Discovering that I had choices gave me control of my life. I could walk down another street. This awareness of choices is the beginning of recovery. Without awareness there can be no change

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          I quit drinking every morning.............

                          Hi again Vlivengood.
                          8 pm here so guess maybe about lunchtime where you're at. Hope you are feeling a bit better now and have eaten something.
                          I haven't been successful tonight but have managed to take it easier. Tried to keep busy, had something to eat and going to bed early. At least I won't feel as rough in the morning.
                          I think I need to make a plan instead of just going through same routines without drinking, like K9 suggested (Hi K9 by the way)
                          Anyway, if your not successful tonight take it easy. Hope posting on here has given you a wee boost.


                            I quit drinking every morning.............

                            Good for you pooks! just finished lean cusine and have had a thought or 2 creep in but still strong in my head with NO LIQUOR TONIGHT. I really get the stay busy part but that is the hardest thing for me, because I feel the hurt when I get home and i know a within a swig or two its gone and then I can get some stuff done......................... Thanks for being so honest.
                            And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                              I quit drinking every morning.............

                              Welcome vliven, and welcome back pooks!

                              Lots of awesome advice here already, from people who have had success. One other suggestion is to look into supplements, both to help with the cravings and to get your body back to good health. They aren't a cure-all as you still need to be committed to making this change, but some people do find them helpful. The 'Holistic Healing' section has lots of good info.
                              AF since 6JUN2012

