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Hi I'm new and looking for support

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    Hi I'm new and looking for support

    Hi everyone, I am new to MWO and really looking for support. I am a married mum of 3, although I lost my second child to cancer 2 years ago, aged 2. I have always had a problem with alcohol, when I was younger I would binge drink at weekends. Since marrying and having children my drinking has gotten worse. It used to be wine at weekends but has progressed to drinking wine every night, sometimes 1 bottle, sometimes 2. Today I am racked with guilt after yet another heavy wine night, guilt I am feeling against my children, how I have also let my angel baby down too and my husband. I have decided that today I need to stop, for myself and for my family. One thing I SHOULD have learnt from losing my child is that life is so very precious and instead I am just ruining mine and my families. Any advice support would be greatly appreciated. I am worrying that going cold turkey may be dangerous, is it best to taper first? I am feeling so low at the moment.:upset:
    Thanks in advance
    Continuous effort - not strength or intelligence - is the key to unlocking our potential.
    ..Winston Churchill..

    Hi I'm new and looking for support

    Hey Mum, congrats for taking the first steps of what I hope is the start of a successful journey for you.

    As always AL detox "can" be a dangerous thing.....some have symptoms, some dont. If you have concerns, then maybe a medically supervised detox is in order for you, that is gonna be a "Mum" decision.

    The journey will be a roller coaster, sometimes hard, sometimes easy(well, easier) than others. The hardest part is getting past the first few days/weeks, breaking all those old habits.

    Im here to tell you, along with others, it can be done "if" you WANT it BAD enough.

    Wishing you all the wisdom, strength and support needed to win this battle

    My PM box is always open to any and all with any questions, I kinda wear my heart on my if the mood strikes.........feel free........
    Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



      Hi I'm new and looking for support

      Hi mum,

      My heart goes out to you. You have the best motivation in the world- your hubby and children. I too found this forum not long ago when I felt so low for letting my family down. Today will pass and things will look so much brighter when you feel yourself getting stronger. Come join the newbies nest.


        Hi I'm new and looking for support

        Hi Mum,

        First of all, I'm SO sorry for the loss of your baby, I would hug you if I could :l

        Secondly, I think it's awesome that you are recognizing that maybe your relationship with alcohol is headed in a dangerous direction. And good on you for taking a step towards changing it. Coming here was definitely a move in the right direction. You will find that many of us have been where you are and have the same feelings of anxiety/guilt about our drinking. I know that I did. I got sober for my daughter, but I stay sober for ME, which in turn benefits her as well.

        As far as detox, we're all so different that I don't like to give "advice" on that topic. I do recommend going to a doctor if possible and being very honest. They can give you medication to get you through the first difficult days.

        I hope you keep posting and sharing. I look forward to getting to know you better.

        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.

