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    I'm an avid cyclist, sea kayaker, amateur musician, swimmer, birder, and father of two wonderful children. Life is great, but I also have a monkey on my back called alcohol.

    Alcohol is taking it's toll on my sports, my music, my work, and my relationship.

    The un-prescribed Campral, supplements, and CD's should arrive any day now.

    I've learned that support is very important to recovery, and I solicit all the support I can get.

    What I am about to embark upon is not known to anyone, so I look forward to communicating with those who have been on a similar journey.

    This website is terrific.

    Slack key.


    Aloha to you to Slack key! Welcome! You will find a lot of support on this site. It has kept me motivated to remain sober. I hope you will find the same.




      Slack Key, the MWO forums have been the critical breakthrough in me understanding myself so much better. you've made a start, and things will get better now with due diligence of course
      nosce te ipsum
      (Know Thyself)



        Welcome Slack. You will find the support you need here, of that I am sure..........
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me



          Welcome Slack..sounds like you do have a great life! Hang around for a while..we look forward to getting to know you. What a gift for those two children of yours to deal with the ole monkey!
          Best of Luck!



            Hi slack key ... is that as in de-tuning to an open D?

            Hang with us. We all understand where you are. It can get better.



              Hi slack key

              I'm a mum of 3, great life, great husband and friends yadda yadda but still go to bed drunk most nights often with no recollection of the end of the evening. I too am waiting on un-prescribed drugs (topa) and cds etc. Should arrive nextweek i hope. I look forward to sharing the journey with you my friend.

              This site is wonderful. It has stopped me hating myself.

              Best of luck and hope to catch up with you soon. Kate



                slack key, I haven't had a drink now for 5 months.....Without this site I couldn't have managed it...Stick around, all the help you could want is right here...

                Louise x

                A F F L..
                Alcohol Free For Life



                  Welcome Slack Key

                  I just started a little over two weeks ago -- what a difference.....I am 16 days AF -- this site, the supps, CDs, book, topa -- the support from everyone have helped me get through this very tough time. Join us on the journey. There's great hope here!!! Glad you are here.




                    Slack Key- Welcome, you've come to a wonderful place. I also have two children and have that same monkey on my back. Noone knows that I am doing this at this point. I have found this to be very helpful, full
                    of very supportive, sincere, and knowledgeable people. Aquamarine
                    AF SINCE 3/16/2016



                      Hello Slack Key.
                      Good to have you with us.



                        Mahalo nui everyone - that's Hawaiian for "thank you very much."

                        My thanks to you all for responding. I am truly grateful.

                        I realize that my post didn't offer much in reciprocity, but hopefully as I make progress I too will be able to offer support to others.

                        This whole concept of communicating with people I don't know is a little strange to me, but I've read enough to realize there is a community here that is wonderful, sincere, and generous.

                        I look forward to a journey of recovery that I can share.

                        Last night I had dinner in Tucson with a friend who referred to our President as a "dry drunk." As much as I strongly disagree with his politics, it struck me that the label was too simplistic and dismissive. The inference is, well, he's an alcoholic, so what do you expect? He's a loser.

                        I would like to believe that people who have struggled with drinking have just as much potential and ability to contribute to the well being of humanity and the planet as anyone else.



                          Day 2

                          I’m such a newcomer, and perhaps a little slow, that it took me awhile to figure out what “AF” meant. 

                          I have gone more than a day or two w/o any alcohol many times, but this time it feels different, very different. The campral still hasn’t arrived, and I’ve only been taking the supplements one day. But I think my motivation level is much greater.

                          I’ve been focusing my thinking on my behavior under the influence. Sure, I’ve able to get by, sort of. But carefully stepping around the house w/ slurred speech, falling asleep watching movies, or being unable to play the guitar is hardly living, let alone living w/ the Buddhist concept of mindfulness.

                          Today will be a test. I’ve managed to get myself into a place where I could swim more than a mile after 2-3 vodkas. I look forward to seeing what it feels like again sober.



                            Hiya Slack key, good to hear from you again. You're right, so much of this is mental attitude, which is why this site is so fantastic. just dip in everytime you need a boost. you sound like you're in a really good place, every one here is willing you to succeed.

                            go for it with the supplements, and if you feel like you need the extra boost, so many people here (myslef included) have found the kudzu amazing. it is like a magic potion - takes away the cravings to an incredible degree.

                            good luck today and tomorrows, and be kind to yourself. K x



                              Good Luck Slack Key, I'm new here myself. The supps are working great and it is so wonderful waking up in the morning clear headed and clear eyed. Thought I was going to have to buy stock in Visine, I used so much. Like you, I hid it well, golf, ski, ran the Boilermaker, (largest 15k in the country), all while drinking wine or vodka every single day.
                              It's amazing how different I feel AF, you won't regret it.

