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    Thank you for the replies; this support really does help.

    Day 2 cravings were surprisingly strong, and I'll guess they may intensify more. Maybe I should increase the kudzu dose?

    I listened to the hypno discs last night for the first time, and think they have potential. Have never been hypnotized before, so I'm not sure if I fell asleep or not, but I "awoke" at the right time.

    I would appreciate hearing from others about their experiences; there is probably a thread somewhere on this site.



      Slack Key, Sounds like you are feeling pretty good. It really is a hard way to live constantly worried about how you're acting and trying to hide your drinking- very stressful. You get so used to that stress you can forget how good it feels to not have that dragging you down. The more you don't drink it can be amazing how great you feel . Stick with it and come here for support. I think it really helps. Aquamarine
      AF SINCE 3/16/2016



        Hello Slack key! You must be a very patient kind man to look after a monkey on your back! Especially when it treats you so badly. Get shot of it and i am sure a weight will be lifted. I have not tried the MWO book yet but i will get it as so many people here say its good to read. Supps not yet either. Anyhow, all the best to you and enjoy your wknd ..B



          Glad you're here!

          Hi Slack Key - great news that you've decided to join us - :welcome: I'm only on day 4 AF but all on the strength of this site so far - felt so motivated that didn't want to wait till the 'help' arrived (wish it would hurry up now, though!)

          It's easy to hide, isn't it? kayaking, hiking, skiing - even scuba diving under the influence - stupid thing to do! - and wasting all that precious time with your kids. I don't know how old yours are - but my oldest is about to leave home and I have to come to terms with the fact that the most prominent memory of me she will take with her is my falling 'asleep' in front of a movie - it had become a standing joke that Mum never finished a film and she never remembered plans made the evening before. They don't know what I'm doing now as I don't want them to feel any responsibility but last night we played games, talked and made plans that I remember - what a better way to spend time!

          So great start - keep it up - and enjoy your new life! - how did it feel swimming a mile sober? I've just run 10 minutes and that killed me!
          :rays: Arial

          Last first day - 15th April 2012
          Days 1-7 DONE
          Days 8-14 DONE
          Days 15-21 DONE
          30 days DONE
          60 days
          100 days



            You are off to great start Slack Key! Hey Sunshine Girl: we were both going to have to share those stocks in Visine! Thankfully my usage is going way down as well. Good to not have to use that stuff as much!
            Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:



              Hi Arial,

              Your falling asleep in front of movies and not remembering plans made the night before was all too familiar. Thanks for reminding me why I need to stop alcohol.

              For way too long I thought I could moderate my drinking, because I did socially. But alone, or even with my son, it was a very different story.



                Hi Slack,

                Just wanted to say hi and congrats on your positive can most of us here i relate to a lot of your feelings and i really wish you the best. I have tried to be AF before and i am on day 53 AF and i honestly believe its through the support iv found here...the people here are amazing. Hope you stick around.

                Love and best wishes

                Lou-Lou x x x
                "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky



                  Hi Arial,

                  Your mentioning diving was another reminder of how powerful this drug called alcohol can be. Against our better judgement, against common sense, against our own well-being we used to drink.

                  I sometimes reflect on lost money, not to mention lost opportunities, like diving with sleeping sharks in Hawaii. Last year I was hungover while diving and my sense of balance was shot. We were approaching a cave with the sharks and there was a good surge near the surface. I was in a posture, but didn't know it, where I couldn't empty my BC to get down below the surge. Ended up getting really scared. The dive master got me upright and on the surface, where I swam back to the boat. That was the end of the day for me; I was too rattled for the second dive.



                    Aloha Slack Key,
                    Mahalo for your post. Sounds like we are from the same little place in the ocean. I could have written your post. Professional by day, artist when I can, avid athlete, 2 wonderful children and a great husband and a monkey on my back.
                    Starting out just like you.
                    Good Luck.



                      Aloha Whalewatcher,

                      I live on the mainland, but have a strong affinity for Hawai'i. Have been there many times and try and visit once a year.

                      As you may know, ki ho alu played well must come from the heart and a place of aloha. You can't find that place under the influence, so the music has been a strong motivating force for me.

                      Wishing you strength,

                      Slack Key



                        Hello Whalewatcher.
                        Welcome aboard.

