Well, there were plenty of scary moments between then and midnight, but my sons were born at 11:09 and 11:13, framing our special time of 11:11. Both cried out loudly, the sweetest sound I've ever heard (because it meant their lungs were strong enough to breathe on their own!). Names aren't finalized yet, but "A" was 5.8 and "B" was 5.3 lbs. Mother and boys doing very well. I'm crashed in the maternity room, going home and NOT DRINKING when she's able to come here from recovery room.
If it werent for MWO I probably would have been a few Heinekens and maybe some tequila buzzed when that call came, and probably would have sucked down a few more, or at least grabbed a few to stash in the car. Instead I was present and clear headed through the process, and my wife saw me balling my eyes out when they put those babies in my arms moments after birth! I couldn't be happier, and now that it's day 14, I'll celebrate with some Armold Palmer later! :h:h:h:h