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Is AL always your first thought?

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    Is AL always your first thought?

    I really need to re-train my brain, whenever I am hit with a difficult situation my first thought is 'right well I am going to have a good old drink tonight so that will sort me out' like for instance my son - who is normally hard work anyway- has been the child from hell all morning and I am totally at the end of my tether, this thought passed through my head 'oh tonight I am just going to drink as much as I like, I will start on the reduction again tomorrow'

    WTF????? I am NOT giving in this time I will NOT ruin my programme of recovery simply because an almost-three-year-old is giving me grief, I WILL be successful this time and obtain sobriety!!!!!!!!!!

    Rant over. I have decided this time to post any doubts that come into my head or any excuses I am trying to make myself and hopefully deter from failure
    Taking it ODAT

    Is AL always your first thought?

    Hi Mauritiusdo, a few years ago I had been sober for 6 year, and I still battled with thoughts of al at any minor crisis. I think our brains are just programmed that way. But at least we recognise it. When you think about it most people who drink, probably think at times of stress I will have a drink, which is fine, because they will know when to stop, our problem is not so much the odd drink it's the inability to know when to stop. Good on you for recognising this. I notice you are in the North, I am in the midlands, but originally from Yorkshire, which I love dearly.


      Is AL always your first thought?

      Yep, we need to retrain our brain and find other stress relievers. I used AL to chase anxiety away and drown my grief. But, like you Paula I had a long stretch of sobriety and didn't have anxiety to the extent I do now. It's the alcohol fueling our thoughts. We can beat it.

      I am not going back this time, I kick myself for thinking I could moderate and drink socially. That only escalated to drinking worse than before during stressful situations. For me it's exercise and meditation now.
      new beginnings July 16, 2012


        Is AL always your first thought?

        Thanks both of you,

        Paula I love Yorkshire too although the weather could be better!! How did you get 6 years under your belt?

        Itsmytime what exercise are you doing? I really need to start something!
        Taking it ODAT


          Is AL always your first thought?

          that evil beast is always lurking.
          Molls - I am glad you are ok hun
          and Mauri.....good for recognizing the trigger
          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            Is AL always your first thought?

            I go to the gym first thing in the morning do some cardio machines and then weight machines. When I get home I meditate after spending time in my garden. Perfect way to start the day before work. Now without weekend binges not going to be happening, I will continue this through the weekend.
            new beginnings July 16, 2012


              Is AL always your first thought?

              Mauri - this is what I used to retrain my brain. It works

              Habit Busting Secrets by Lee Milteer
              AF since 03/26/09
              NF since 05/19/09
              Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                Is AL always your first thought?

                Hi Mauri,

                It used to be my first thought for every situation, especially when I was still actively drinking. It's part of the addiction and withdrawal process. Try to look at them as opportunities to practice using your tools to shut them down. They're just thoughts. They don't require you to act on them by drinking. However, they do require you to quickly change the channel and not give them air play or the chance to grow legs. The more you successfully shut them down, the less intense and frequent they will become. I think it may get even easier for you once you're through with your reduction plan.

                I don't have obsessive thoughts anymore, but on the rare occasion when one pops into my head, like after a very stressful day, the shutting down is automatic with very little effort on my part. It's pretty cool how that happens, actually. It shows me that my brain has been successfully reprogrammed and is doing it's job. I certainly don't fret over them because that would be giving them too much air play. I just chuckle and move on. Garbage in; garbage out. There's no way I'm lettin the garbage in.

                AF since 3/16/09
                NF since 3/20/07


                  Is AL always your first thought?

                  Thanks everyone it is good to know I am not alone in this!

                  Lav thank you I am off for a read...
                  Taking it ODAT


                    Is AL always your first thought?

                    Hi mauri, how did you day end up. Hope your fought hard and avoided the booze. I too have had a really awful 48 hours. I got very drunk on Friday and then secretly drank all day yesterday. I've had one large glass of wine today (again in secret) and am now trying to fight it :0( I keep making promises to myself and never stick to them, definitely mine is triggered by stress, kids, career, money but to be honest I know they are excuses because overall I am very lucky and have a nice life and the only bloody thing that ruins it is the booze !!
                    I am also in the uk, new forest in Hampshire, by the sea, it's lovely
                    I too like you am going to use this site to post my trigger times and reach out for help.
                    Hope your day was ok, the sun was out here hope it was for you too x :thanks:
                    AF since 2nd Oct 2012
                    Day by day


                      Is AL always your first thought?

                      Hi Moots, I am the same, no real reason to fill myself full of alcohol, I will have a great life without it!!

                      I managed to continue with my reduction and am on track for my first AF day on Saturday so I am really pleased with myself, each day I wake up feeling a little better than the day before and I am so grateful!

                      When you say secret drinking - are you hiding it from your other half? does he know you are trying to quit? :l
                      Taking it ODAT

