I haven't posted in a long time but have been lurking. Today was day 3 but I gave in. I really wanted it this time. My life has become unmanageable. I lost my job of 6 years, 4 months ago due to several abcineetes. Mostly caused by an anxiety (but the anxiety was surely worsened by my drinking). I've been searching for other employment since, but the job market is terrible. Anyways, after spending the last 6 days pretty much in bed, I decided enough was enough! I quit drinking 3 days ago. I felt like crap the first day but the last two days have been okay besides having the worst anxiety I have ever experienced. I finally caved in today and refilled my prescription for Klonopin which I have been on for over a year. I finally got some relief. But......it also made me feel too good. Good enough to finish off the quarter of a fifth of vodka still in the fridge. *sigh* I didn't get drunk but was able to take a 3 hour nap this afternoon which was much needed since I haven't slept much in the last few days. Not an excuse to drink though. So I'm back to day 1 tomorrow. I hate this. My Birthday is Wednesday and I have plans with family. I don't want to be feeling sick and unable to eat. Or puking up what I eat, which has become a norm for me.

I hope everyone else is doing well! I've missed you guys. :l