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Day One

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    Day One

    Day one AF. But its 3:30pm and those thoughts and feelings creeping in.
    Having that argument in my head, one or two is ok, whats the big deal, its been a long day
    Dreading going home, was full of positive thoughts this morning. Id be on my first day AF and looking forward to going home to start my plan on staying off the booze.
    Anyone else on day one, feeling same as me

    Day One

    Pooks;1354195 wrote: Day one AF. But its 3:30pm and those thoughts and feelings creeping in.
    Having that argument in my head, one or two is ok, whats the big deal, its been a long day
    Dreading going home, was full of positive thoughts this morning. Id be on my first day AF and looking forward to going home to start my plan on staying off the booze.
    Anyone else on day one, feeling same as me
    Hi Pooks
    I was where you were 4 months ago - & feeling as you are . It has taken me that long posting here & getting positive vibes to take the plunge .
    All gung ho in the morning and then by afternoon - "I'll just wait one more day". And off I'd go. But slowly the mindset changed & now I'm on day 22

    Don't be too hard on yourself - it will happen - and one day you will make it :l


      Day One

      Pooks this is why i chose to reduce slowly, quitting fast has always been a recipe for disaster for me i am hoping the cravings will be less and that I will win any arguments over whether I will drink once I have completed my reduction plan
      Taking it ODAT


        Day One

        mauritiusdodo;1354223 wrote: Pooks this is why i chose to reduce slowly, quitting fast has always been a recipe for disaster for me i am hoping the cravings will be less and that I will win any arguments over whether I will drink once I have completed my reduction plan
        Great plan - and worth a try :goodjob:


          Day One

          Pooks, my day 1 too! And yes, I just ran to the store for food when I only had a short period of time so I could get in and out. It is not yet noon, but already trying to work out plans for this evening. Signed in to get inspiration and to be re-motivated, knowing the voices will continue to get stronger thru the day.....
          We can do, I know we can, and tomorrow we will be SO happy!
          “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


            Day One

            Hi Satz, Scottish lass and of course Maur
            Thanks for your posts, had a bad evening but havent had a drink so thats something. Sore head though...maybe body wondering wheres that 5pm beer eh. plus its warm sun but warm haha.
            Its funny how a bit of depression leads some people to drink, drugs whatever, then that becomes part of the problem and cycle.
            Kinda got an idea in my head, and I dont mean to be heavy or dramatic, but Ive come to the conclusion I don't like myself or my own company very much and perhaps part of my plan is to address that. make friends with myself y'know?
            We seem to spend so much time worrying about other people and situations we forget to be good to ourselves. Hopefully at 33 years old I might be growing up a wee bit, facing things.
            Anyway, heres to tomorrow, thanks again xx


              Day One

              Hang in there Pooks - 9.30 - almost there. Get an early night! Tomorrow you'll be so happy you made it.

              Scottish Lass, you're a few hours behind us. Well done for not picking up any booze today. Sending you strength for tonight. See you on day 2, ok?!
              You were born with wings, why prefer to crawl through life? Rumi



                Day One

                Pooks;1354312 wrote: Hi Satz, Scottish lass and of course Maur
                Thanks for your posts, had a bad evening but havent had a drink so thats something. Sore head though...maybe body wondering wheres that 5pm beer eh. plus its warm sun but warm haha.
                Its funny how a bit of depression leads some people to drink, drugs whatever, then that becomes part of the problem and cycle.
                Kinda got an idea in my head, and I dont mean to be heavy or dramatic, but Ive come to the conclusion I don't like myself or my own company very much and perhaps part of my plan is to address that. make friends with myself y'know?
                We seem to spend so much time worrying about other people and situations we forget to be good to ourselves. Hopefully at 33 years old I might be growing up a wee bit, facing things.
                Anyway, heres to tomorrow, thanks again xx
                Aw pooks, I have days like that too, I think it is partly the effects of AL though, I mean I know my strengths and weaknesses but some days I just think I am the shittest person on God's earth when really I know I am not, give yourself some TLC :l
                Taking it ODAT

