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Antabuse Newbie

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    Antabuse Newbie you all know I am far from "new" to these threads. Alot of you have seen me struggle with hitting 11, 14, 17 days AF only to fall flat on my face! After the events of the past frustrated husband brought me to my parents house while I was drunk (ouch)....I made an appointment with my doctor to discuss my problem. I went yesterday and he prescribed Antabuse for me along with recommending AA or some sort of support group. My pharmacy had to order it so I can pick it up today after 2 pm. Never in a million years did I think I would be in a chair in my doctors office crying about my problems with alcohol...ugh! So many people on here have benefitted from AB. The fact that even 1 sip of AL no longer is option is going to help me sooo much!

    My purpose for this thread is that I would love to hear from people that are taking this so I can get an idea of what to expect....good, bad or whatever. Thanks so much!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

    Antabuse Newbie

    Dest - I am right there with you. I have a few days here and there, and then I completely screw it up. When I read your PM yesterday, I felt your pain, and I related like you have no idea. I scheduled an appointment for tomorrow at 10am to get a prescription of Anabuse as well.

    I am also curious to hear other people's stories about it.

    Also, I don't know what my long-term plans are with it, but I know my immediate goal is to get to 30 days AF, and I just can't seem to do it on my own. I just want to get clear headed so I can deal with this addiction. Right now, I deal with the addiction by feeding it, and it's just getting worse.

    Let's get through this together, my fellow Tar Heel. :l


      Antabuse Newbie

      Hi Dest and Rooni!

      I have been on Antabuse a LONG time. I've gone on and off of it in the past because I wasn't fully committed, but so far this year I've taken it every day and I plan to continue throughout 2012...maybe longer.

      I've had NO side effects whatsoever. I HAVE tried to drink on it, and believe me, you will get SICK...a sickness you've never felt please do not try! I don't have reactions to any food or products though.

      Let me know if either of you have questions. I think AB is wonderful, good luck!

      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Antabuse Newbie

        Hey still amazes me how much we are alike! I was driving to work this morning and I was thinking about the PM you sent me and I was so happy that you decided to go and get help too! We have been on day 1's together, day 10 together, fallen flat on our faces together and now AB together! Amazing!
        I was brutally honest with my doctor and it was hard! I was humiliated and I did not want to be thought of as a loser! He basically told me nobody is perfect and we all have our issues and he was proud that I came to him for help and to get my life back on track. I realized that they only way I could get the help I needed was to be honest no matter how much it hurt. Sooooooo.....I took my first Antabuse at 5:10 PM tonight and I feel like a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. I am not fighing with the beast inside my head telling me to go to the liquor store and get a bottle because it is no longer an option. If I drink I will get seriously sick....soooo not worth it! My doctor also talked about having someone like my husband give me the Antabuse and make sure I swallow it so I don't get tempted to skip one if I feel like having a drink. He also said to look into AA or some sort of support group. For now I am comfortable right here on this site. I am just not ready to sit with a bunch of strangers and talk about my problems with AL. I dunno...I may change my mind...but for now this is my comfort zone.

        K9....hey girl! I hope your migraine is better! I thought about how much you praised Antabuse and when my husband threw me into a small intervention last week it was the first thing I thought about. So thank you so much for all of your advice that you haven given me these past few never fell on deaf ears!
        AB Club Member
        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


          Antabuse Newbie


          Hope you don't mind me asking a really dumb / obvious question as I'm interested to learn more about Antabuse use? I read somewhere on here that if you have taken Antabuse it is not safe to drink alcohol for up to 2 weeks? If this is correct, why is it necessary to take the pills every day, why not just every few days or even every alternate day or even just on days when you are worried you might be faced with tempting drinking situations?

          Hope you don't mind me asking, I realise there will be more of the drug In your blood stream if you are taking the tablets daily, but if one tablet is enough to cause a problem, that day if alcohol is drunk and for some days after, do most people take a tablet every day?

          Many thanks


            Antabuse Newbie

            Hi Sausage......I was wondering that myself!!!!!!!!! I think that is a question that K9 might have the answer to!
            AB Club Member
            AB Start Date - 7/25/12

            10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

            :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


              Antabuse Newbie

              Guess what...I do! LOL

              I know that at the beginning you need to take it every day so that it builds up in your system. I took 2 (250mg each) pills for the first 7 days, and now I take 1 (250mg) per day. After the first couple of weeks, you "could" take a pill every other day or so, but I personally believe that you should just stay on a schedule. It becomes too easy to "forget" your pill for 2, 3, or more days, and then guess've subconsciously sabotaged yourself. I did this several times. I do NOT recommend skipping days. Take one pill per day. Period. That way there's no "if's ands or butts" about it!

              Just my 2 cents, and speaking from my experience. The sneaky alcoholic brain will do everything to find a way around this....even "forgetting" to take the pill. Don't mess around with it.

              I'm so proud of both of you for going in this direction. Dest - it really does take a weight off your shoulders doesn't it? It's such an awesome feeling. Keep it up girlfriend!!!
              :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

              Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                Antabuse Newbie

                When I was really considering taking antabuse, i found a lot of information on this thread - it gave a lot of advise from people using it...

                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"


                  Antabuse Newbie

                  :thanks: K9 , that makes sense


                    Antabuse Newbie

                    At the end of my birthday day....

                    Can't wait for my doctor appointment tomorrow at 10 to get my prescription. i know AB is not a cure for my addiction. The way I look at it....just get some sober time in (30days to start), and then figure out my next steps.....

                    I just need a jump start. I need a kick in the ass.

                    Dest - when we gonna get that coffee? We can take our pill together and make a toast LOL


                      Antabuse Newbie

                      Hi Destiniey!

                      I've been on AB for just over a month now. My pharmacy had to order it, too, so I made sure to give them a few days to refill it.

                      It was VERY hard admitting to my Dr that I had a problem...I was so embarrassed! He was very nice, though, and said he was glad I felt comfortable enough to confide in him.

                      I have not had any side effects from the med, and I'm continuing to take kudzu, l-glutamine, milk thistle, evening primrose oil, and a multivitamin, along with melatonin at night. I take my AB in the morning, when my motivation is highest to keep on track. I have not tried drinking on the med, thanks to the stories I've read from those who have. I just imagine the worst hangover I've ever had, which is what it sounds to me like it feels like if you drink on AB, and that's enough to keep me from drinking. I use an astringent that has alcohol in it and haven't had any problem. I also accidentally swallowed a small amount of mouthwash and had no ill effect, but I'm not willing to push my luck.

                      I still struggle with feelings of "Holy crap, I want to drink!!!!" but with the drug on board, I can't. Since I don't have to go through the inner struggle of deciding whether or not I'm going to give in, I can focus on dealing with whatever is making me want to drink.

                      I truly hope that AB helps you as much as it has helped me.


                        Antabuse Newbie

                        Hey Rooni...did ya see the Happy Birthday thread I started for you! I thought maybe that would cheer you up a bit! Good luck tomorrow morning at your Drs appointment...I will totally be thinking of you at 10 am and I will be there with you in spirit! And yes....we definitley need to have that coffee very soon!!!! Once again...Happy Birthday!!!!!

                        K9....thanks! I knew if anyone knew the reason why it would be YOU! This is the first time in a long time that I feel as though some weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

                        IT.....Congrats on being over a month AF! That's awesome! I was also happy to know that you are taking those other supplements too and that it hasn't bothered you. I am in such a routine with my L-Glut, Kudzu, Milk Thistle and vitamins and they help so much with cravings.....I would've been a wreck if I had to give them up! Ha! I am going to have my husband watch me take the pill every morning this way there is no way that I can forget and no way that I can skip one on purpose.
                        AB Club Member
                        AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                        10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                        :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                          Antabuse Newbie

                          Thanks so much for the link Scottish Lass....any and all info is helpful!!!! I will check it out tomorrow when I am not half bed is totally calling my name! Ha!
                          AB Club Member
                          AB Start Date - 7/25/12

                          10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

                          :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


                            Antabuse Newbie

                            Hi Dest, IT and Rooni!

                            IT - Sounds like you are doing great on AB! I am like you, I have NO side effects to anything, except alcohol of course. It's smart that you're envisioning the reaction to alcohol. Yes, imagine the worst hangover you've EVER had...times 200! It's a "sick" that I can't even describe. I wanted to crawl out of my skin, literally. I remember taking a hot bath thinking somehow that would make me feel better (it didn't), then I ate some food (that didn't help either)...finally there is nothing to try but laying down, but forget about sleep...your heart will be beating out of your chest, and for me, I was up every 2 minutes vomiting. Ugh...just the memory makes me never, ever, ever want to risk it again. So in that regard, it WORKS! Please learn from my mistakes and do not put yourself through such agony!

                            Dest - I have a little mantra that floats through my head every morning "TTDP" = TAKE THE DAMN PILL! LOL Just do it and then you can stop thinking about it the rest of the day. Don't let 2, 3, 4 days pass where you "accidentally" forgot to take it...that will lead to disaster (believe me!)

                            Rooni - Did you have your coffe, toast and pill today?

                            Good luck everyone...we CAN do this!
                            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

                            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


                              Antabuse Newbie

                              Well, the doc won't give me the presription until I go one full week AF and attend some support group meetings. He insisted on AA, but I'm going to start with three Smart Recovery meetings in my area. Surely he won't NOT give me the presription because I went to Smart Recovery and not AA!

                              So now is the test - one full week sober - no alcohol whatsoever. Damn, I wish he had gone ahead and given me the presription. :-(

