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Antabuse Newbie

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    Antabuse Newbie

    Hey Rooni....if they deny you again I am coming to Raleigh and picking you up and bringing you to my doctor! HaHaHaHa

    Nursie....I so hope that you can get put on the AB...I was so fed up with hitting 5, 10, 17 days without AF only to fall flat on my face time and time again! This is the fist time in YEARS that I have felt in control and confident that I can finally be sober! I am on day 9 and when I have a thought about AL it is only a fleeting thought. AL is NOT and option so my brain automatically thinks about something else.

    Hi Nora! My doctor recommended my husband giving me my pill every morning so that I wouldn't skip it either by mistake or on purpose. It also makes him feel like he is helping my with my recovery...he has felt so helpless for so long.

    I also want to add that ALL the other times that I have quit I had terribe night sweats and even when I would hit 17 days AF I would still not be sleeping through the night. I would toss and turn and keep waking was horrible! I have had NO night sweats this time around and my sleeping has been better......last night I slept like a baby and I can't remember the last time I did that!!!!! WOOT!
    AB Club Member
    AB Start Date - 7/25/12

    10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

    :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


      Antabuse Newbie

      Here's a thought.....
      Yesterday I was helping my husband with a job and I had to power wash a carport and long cement driveway ALL day in th hot, hot (did I say..HOT) sun! It is a very boring and you are alone with your thoughts and the hum of the power washer along with getting pelted by water and occasionally having some mud mixed in. Oh yes..I looked oh so glamorous at the end of the day...ha! But the awesome thing is that while I did have a few thoughts of AL they were fleeting and came and went so quickly!!!!! I thought instead about new training schedules for a few of my horses....potential shows in the the jumps in my pasture and putting in a dressage ring. is soooooo freeing to finally not be a prisoner to the beast!!!!!!!!
      AB Club Member
      AB Start Date - 7/25/12

      10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

      :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:


        Antabuse Newbie

        you can order it online here
        if you need too
        I took it for awhile too, but got horrendous headaches
        K9 is my AB hero!!!
        and I so proud of all you that are trying!!
        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
        Live in the Solution....not the problem


          Antabuse Newbie

          Hi Rooni! I really hope you get your AB soon. I went straight to my GP also. Like Nursie said, they pass out Xanax, Ativan, Anti Depressants and whatnot like it's candy, but heaven forbid you request something that might actually help the problem!

          I was amazed that even through the loss of my dog, I didn't really think about drinking. I guess it's just not my "answer" anymore. I think it's actually a turning point for me, because my first thought was always to get drunk when something bad happens! I have the AB to thank for this change, it's allowed me to get enough sober time under my belt to actually change my brain.

          Nora, keep poppin' that pill girl! I make a conscious effort to take it each morning, then I put my sticker on my calendar. I feel like that way I'm being pro-active in my recovery.

          Rooni - let us know what's happening with you!
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Antabuse Newbie

            Hi All, Brand New Member here. I'm ready to try Antabuse (like yesterday) and have been told I can order it from Canada without a prescription. Is that true? Tried naltrexone, which did absolutely nothing. A few long do you have to be alcohol-free before you can take antabuse the first time? Like many here, I've tried many different approaches to gain control over my alcohol addiction. I would like to return to therapy to deal with a myriad of issues (that contribute to my alcohol abuse...which contributes to my issues...which contribute to my alcohol abuse). You get the picture. But I really want to do it sober. Glad I found this board. Day 1. Again. Sigh


              Antabuse Newbie

              Hi ErniesMom and welcome...we are glad to have you here!!!! I am new to the Antabuse (AB) scene as I have only been on it 9 days. For me, after too many day 1's than I care to count, it was my last resort. I was tired and disgusted of the vicious cycle that alcohol drags us into! I went to my family doctor and explained to him my struggles and he put me on it. I went through my doctor because I am also on Zoloft and I wanted to make sure that it was safe to take these together. It was the best thing I could've done...I finally am getting my life back and taking AL out of the equation is totally what I needed.
              So , with that said, I know that you can order it on-line but I am not sure what the reputable sites are. K9 is our "go-to" girl for info on AB so I am sure she can give you some input!
              Good luck and keep posting here so we can get to know you and help you out!
              AB Club Member
              AB Start Date - 7/25/12

              10 Months AF - 5/24/13 :yay:

              :heart:I would rather be addicted to my horses than alcohol:heart:

