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Looking for a bit of support

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    Looking for a bit of support

    Hi Mum,
    I finally got sick and tired of my drunken behavior. I had a couple of heart-wrenching scenes with my daughter also (she was 12-13 at the time). I came home one night from a drunk walk with the dogs. I hadn't taken my cell phone with me. I decided to stop at my neighbors house for a visit (because who doesn't love a drunk neighbor stopping by at 10pm at night?). Anyway, my poor kid was beside herself with worry. When I finally stumbled home, she was crying hysterically, putting on her shoes getting ready to look for me. Now this is a 12 year old, on a school night, getting ready to search for her drunk pathetic is that? That was one incident of a few that really made me start realizing that my actions were having a huge negative impact on her. My signature sums it up, I had to decide that I love my daughter more than I love alcohol. I do, and I'll never put it ahead of her again. You can do it too.

    :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

    Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


      Looking for a bit of support

      No i know, it seems to be about 8pm when the kids are settled and theres nothing much to do. I think as well as im so busy all day everyday it helps me zone out a little bit, so doing the ironing there and then really isnt as important as when im sober and have to constantly be on the go as theres so much to do.
      I totally adore my children and more than anything i want them to have me as role model. Ofc they have seen things, me stumbling about and being a pain in the arse mostly, theres prob loads if i sat and really thought about it. I know K9 when drunk we really think its OK to behave in some very very unstable ways, so i def have to put my all into this for everyone! Thanks though, so far everyone has been fab!
      AF Since 26 July 2012


        Looking for a bit of support

        mum whats your plan for quitting?
        And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


          Looking for a bit of support

          hmm im looking at all the threads and i see people tend to start with a goal of three days...then push it to 7 days and hopefully build upon that till i also hit 30 days and have had the good break from it so i can fingers crossed keep going quite happily without drink in my life! Im pratically through day 1 as its near 8pm here. and its not been too bad at all. I'll also come on and read everyday to help keep me positive and also post each day, i think if i keep in touch with people on this site it will be the extra support i need to fingers crossed get me through!! I am determined now though!
          AF Since 26 July 2012


            Looking for a bit of support

            Hi mumof4 and welcome

            I can relate a lot to what you have written, my wine drinking became nightly after my children were born once I'd stopped breast feeding, possibly triggered by post natal depression, and I was steadily drinking more and more each night.

            This is my 2nd serious quit and I'm now on over 5 months AF. You can read all about my journey in the tell us your story section. I wouldn't have got this far without the support of MWO.

            I read and post on here, use the tool box, newbies nest and also post on the AF daily to make myself accountable.

            Good luck, looking forward to seeing you around.


              Looking for a bit of support

              Mum - GOOD GOOD GOOD - Go to bed as soon as u can you will feel 10 times better than ever in the AM - GOOD LUCK
              And it's hard to dance with a devil on your back so shake him off ~ Florence and the Machine


                Looking for a bit of support

                Hi Mum, and welcome to MWO.

                People keep asking you what your plan is and I thought it might be helpful to know what they're talking about. There is something called a Tool Box here. Here's the link: The Tool Box is a post about what "tools" people found useful in helping them quit. Willpower is not enough. There are tools like books, medicine, supplements, hypnotic tapes, meditation, support groups, things along those lines. The MWO book recommends certain supplements, like kudzu and L-Glutamine. I haven't read the MWO book so I don't know if they suggest others, but I did use L-Glut initially and found that it helped with my cravings. It helps with food cravings too. The MWO book also talks about prescription meds and hypnosis and might be helpful if you're looking for a plan. Some people love the hypnosis CDs. I tried them and can't say they helped me a lot, but others have great success with them. I loved the book Kick The Drink Easily by Jason Vale. There are lots of posts on MWO about it. Others love Alan Carr's The Easy Way To Stop Drinking. Read through the Tool Box or look in the Recommended Reading section to get ideas.


                  Looking for a bit of support

                  Hello Flyaway,

                  I actually read your post this morning and straight away ordered the Jason Vale book. I know Allen Carrs amazing and i didnt realise you could also be helped by a book for drink issues. Tomorrow I shall head into town and get the L-Glut and see if that helps me also!! Thanks for your advice, I think it helps knowing whats helped other people in the hope it may help myself!!
                  AF Since 26 July 2012


                    Looking for a bit of support

                    I took about 4000-5000mg of L-Glut a day in divided doses.

                    Another thing that helps a lot of people is to change your routine. Is there a specific time that is your "witching hour?" Or is there a "drinking spot" for you? I think K9 said that she had a certain chair that she'd sit in when she was drinking. For me, getting home from work was my signal that it was time to drink. Things like this become triggers for people. I believe that K9 rearranged the furniture in her living room to change things up. If coming home from work is a trigger, then going to the gym right after work might help. In my case I was frequently coming home from work at midnight, so the gym wasn't an option. But I found that if I immediately made a cup of tea and drank that instead of making a drink it relieved the cravings. If putting your kids to bed is your signal, then popping a yoga tape into the TV might be an option. Try to do something that will take some concentration and engage your brain.

                    Vale's book is similar to Carr's although many people feel they can relate better to Vale. I believe that Vale worked with Carr at one point.


                      Looking for a bit of support

                      Hey Mum4 where are you today? hope you are ok?
                      Taking it ODAT

