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Time to Try Again

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    Time to Try Again

    new here...

    Hi onceagain. I am also a 43 yo mom with a career, 2 teenage boys and a loving husband... and my driinking pattern sounds identical. I am quitting again too. Never been able to make it past 2 weeks. Just cant deal with the increasing health problems anymore and I want to be around for my kids. My dad died on Christmas day in 1977, drunk, passed out in his truck in front of the bar and froze to death. You would think that would be enough to keep me from drinking.


      Time to Try Again

      Wow - it does sound very similar. I too have 2 teenage boys and a loving husband. Sounds like we both have a lot to live for! My Mom is definitely an alcoholic but won't admit it. One of my biggest fears is finding her dead (she lives alone) because she drank herself to death or had an accident due to her drinking. She has already had 2 near death experiences and still won't even consider stopping. I don't want to turn in to her. I love her but she is sad and I want more from my life than that. I am doing this for me this time. I want to be happy and healthy. I have only made it through day one this time but I have done over 100 days before but this time seems harder. Probably because my drinking has progressed. Keep in touch and let me know how you are doing!
      Make it a great day!:heart:


        Time to Try Again

        I did it! No AL yesterday at all. Craved it but did not give in. Ready for day 2.
        Make it a great day!:heart:


          Time to Try Again

          Having such a hard time today. Totally agitated and wanting a drink really badly. I have not given in, but I am struggling....
          Make it a great day!:heart:


            Time to Try Again

            Hey there. Just wanted to say hello. Good for you for getting thru yesterday. :goodjob: I hope that day 2 is going along great for you.
            "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
            AF - 7-27-15


              Time to Try Again

              Thanks - Day 2 is not as easy as day one. I am really struggling right now and want a drink badly. Trying hard not to give in! Hearing from you helps.
              Make it a great day!:heart:


                Time to Try Again

                Good for you for coming here!! It really does help to log in here & post when the cravings start.:l
                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                AF - 7-27-15


                  Time to Try Again

                  Onceagain; do something different right now - anything; seek out a good book, play a board game, clean, walk, ring someone, just distract yourself.
                  You said you were ready for day 2 - the beast was ready for you too; don't let it win. I am looking forward to your post to say how good you feel going into day 3. You can do it!
                  Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                    Time to Try Again

                    We are pulling for you OA! Don't cave in no matter what and no matter who. It doesn't get any easier so you mays well buck up and get D2 behind you! Drinking will only set you back...Back to a past that can easily become your future....Like Daisy said, put your mind to another task...take a bath or write someone a note...on stationery..with a pen! Do whatever it takes to get thru this can do it! Don't give up your quit! B
                    All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                    Tool Box
                    Newbie's Nest


                      Time to Try Again

                      Whew! I think I made it. Thanks Nora, Byrd and Daisy, your words really helped me. The craving has passed and I am settled in with a cup of sleepy time tea. It was scary though - even though I have stopped before I have never felt a craving this strong before. I was almost to the point of a panic attack - I walked to the liquor cabinet at least 10 times and opened it and looked at the Gin and Tequila that is in there. Tomorrow is another test. I fly tomorrow for work and am upgraded to first class where the AL flows freely and where I am trapped in a plane. Traveling is a huge trigger for me. Bringing lots of little snacks and some good reading. The plane will have internet so you can bet I will be checking in to the forum. Getting ready to "buck up" as you said....
                      Make it a great day!:heart:


                        Time to Try Again

                        I really found Charms Blow Pops to be a huge help for cravings. They are suckers with bubble gum in the middle. The are wonderfully sweet and keep your mouth it's a sucker, so it requires you to attend to it...then there's the gum in the middle to keep you busy...all in all, they take about 15 minutes to eat...and that's just the amount of time for a craving to pass! I never travel without them still...they are wonderful for screaming kids on planes. Sam's sells them in big bags. B
                        All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
                        Tool Box
                        Newbie's Nest


                          Time to Try Again

                          Made it past day 2. Onward.. Big triggers today but so far so good. Except I just ate a whole bag of Starburst candy!!
                          Make it a great day!:heart:


                            Time to Try Again

                            Good job OA. Keep it up. I know the triggers of first class. Hopefully you have a good book you can read and check the boards on the internet. Like you this time I am trying to be more active on the boards which is helping me.


                              Time to Try Again

                              Fessing Up

                              So, I have not been very successful. Have had only 2 AF free days since my first post. I am sad and angry and guilty. But - not giving up. I am going to try again for how ever long it takes. I am a strong successful person and it is hard for me to come to grips with this lack of control. Thanks to all who have given support, I admire and appreciate you.
                              Make it a great day!:heart:


                                Time to Try Again

                                As long as you keepp trying and keep coming back one day it will click and it will work. You are winning, slowly - every time you don't drink, it is a success. Keep on having successes, no matter how small and they will start to string together.
                                I am also a mother of two and have a very successful career, and a bottle plus a day drinking habit - you can and will do it....keep on trying....
                                I also am very strong in many other ways, and hate the fact that a drug has such a grip on me - don't let it win!
                                “The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"

