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What do you drink?

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    What do you drink?

    Hello, I am new here and this is my first post. I am nervous and excited about getting started. I have ordered my topa, Cds and supps- they should arrive any day now. In anticipation I have cut down my drinking by 1-3 drinks a day. My question is what nonalcoholic beverages do you drink? I am already in a rut, and tired of diet coke, water, coffee and energy drinks. Drinking wine all day and night never seemed to be a problem. Thanks, and looking forward to being a part of these forums.

    What do you drink?

    Welcome!!! I drink LOTS of water, lots of tea, hot and iced and -- there are differing opinions on this, but I drink some non-alcoholic beer. I also drink sparkling water from a wine glass as wine is my drink of helps me feel celebratory!

    Glad you are here!!!:welcome:


      What do you drink?

      Diet Ginger Ale - works for me!


        What do you drink?

        oh I also forgot --- tonic and lime!!!


          What do you drink?

          I get tired of diet pop and water also. When I get off work I look forward to big glass of ice with cranberry/apple juice with a " splash " of 7up.
          AF Since December 2006


            What do you drink?

            :new: too. :welcome:

            Hi there, good to have you on board. I like V8 vegetable juice and also a NA ginger drink. Both have a nice mouth feel. Agree about the diet coke, God, hate the stuff now.


              What do you drink?

              Hi Ocean,
              Which one, the Pacific, Indian or Atlantic?
              Yeah, it's a weird feeling when you are starting out.... anticipation, apprehension, a bit of fear, not quite confident about what's going to happen when we go for a whole day without alcohol. Then you do it and WOW, the sense of achievement!

              I get my morning cup of coffee in bed made by my wonderful husband.
              I was giving the V8 a hammering till the salt started to get to me, so switched to tomato juice with a sprinkle of pepper mixed in.
              I also give pepsi light a nudge, specially late at night in chat. But,as caffeine is not so good for us as it increases appetitie I'm cutting back on those types of drinks. Tonic water with a splish of lime from Irish Lady, or diet ginger beer. Water would constitute probably two thirds of my liquid intake.
              What we're actually doing for some of that time is looking for something to do with our hands (hold a drink), and how to fill in the drinking time.
              Make whatever you drink exciting and valuable. Make them a treat in your mind.
              We put wine in a nice glass, so treat water the same way.
              Use your very best cut crystal glass for your drinks.
              Don't swig out of the can... that ain't ladylike!
              Try changing one ritual for another.
              Hope this helps.

              Welcome to MWO.


                What do you drink?

                I never like Diet Coke. I mean, it was either the real thing, or nothing at all. The mere thought of having to gulp down artificially sweetened stuff, burk ... I used to like sparkling water, but being on Topa, the only drink I seem to be able to handle nowadays is ... yes, you guessed it, is water. At any rate, the best drink to cleanse my system from all the poison, right ?
                Time's fun when you're having flies. - Kermit the Frog - eace:


                  What do you drink?

                  Tonic water with a slice of lemon. Shaken not stired! And it has to be drunk from a special glass that i don't use for anything else.


                    What do you drink?

                    Thank eveyone for all the great suggestions!! MWO and MWO members are AWESOME. Thanks so much for the welcome and support. I hope down the road I will be able to help someone like you have helped me!


                      What do you drink?

                      Diet tonic water and lemon is great when I am completely bored of the typical beverages.

                      I personally drink way too much coffee now - went from two mugs to about 4-5 mugs. I am trying to get in at least 8 glasses of water a day. I think I might buy some real cranberry juice and some diet 7-up and try that. However, I feel like I am always in the bathroom! :H


                        What do you drink?

                        Since I am on the Topa everything that is carbonated tastes terrible. Many types of juice and water are about allI can handle.

                        Welcome aboard!
                        Learning to live life on the outside of a bottle. :flower:


                          What do you drink?

                          Well Irish,
                          Looks like no one liked my idea of tonic with a dash of lime from your cache!
                          Everyone seems to go for lemons.
                          I somethimes throw in a kaffir lime leaf from my tree out the back.


                            What do you drink?

                            I've never understood how some people don't like water. I drink it all day long, and love it. A little lemon in there is definately nice to. A cup of tea once in a while is nice. Oh, cranberry juice is good too. It is suppose to flush out the pipes. I get the diet cranberry. None of that high fructose corn syrup crap. The diet is generally more expensive, because they put more real juice in it.
                            where does this go?


                              What do you drink?

                              I love water. I drink it all day long as well. Even when I was drinking, I still drank a lot of water. (vodka with water LOL). I am going to get a few things from the store tonight and one of them being 'diet cranberry'. Thanks for the advise Morrison. The less sugar the better.

