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it was going so well the BANG

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    it was going so well the BANG

    I have and do struggle to keep my drinking to a safe level i can go weeks no worrys then i get on it big time and the wheels fall off.

    well i was up to 4 weeks no booze of a goal of 9 months to get fit loose my beer gut and live a better life. i was starting to feel really great BUT for whatever reason probably stress i got back on it big time i snapped kapow bang boom , i had decided in my head i would drink once a week and not be so hard on myself well here we are a week later and i have i stopped on 1 night no have i hell

    I have always said i never want to give it up for good but to find balance something i struggle with

    Your thoughts ?

    it was going so well the BANG

    i should add when i am on a run of no drinking i start to feel good , still stressed but eat better less anxiety etc. get on it and the anxiety neally kills me and make me feel so sick


      it was going so well the BANG

      It's the ALCOHOL.
      Come on over to the Newbie's Nest and see lots of folks having the very same issues! Time to get off that hamster wheel and start living without being a dang slave to a bottle. If I can do it, you can too! B
      All you gotta do, is get thru this day. AF 1/20/2011
      Tool Box
      Newbie's Nest


        it was going so well the BANG

        Hi mate,

        Sorry to hear that! Ive had to realise the past few days also its probably going to be none full stop as ive tried to moderate it a bit, also the same tried once a week and the past few weeks its been pretty much every night. Its got out of hand for me, same as you i get anxious etc after. But then i feel anxious at the thought of not drinking at all when meeting up with mates.
        If you can do it for 8 months orso, thats says to me u have a hell of a will power mate, and whats stopping u not starting back again on the wagon? Just use it as a lesson and start again??
        Hope your ok matey?
        AF Since 26 July 2012


          it was going so well the BANG

          i am ok just pissed off , am thinking of jumping on the wagon real soon this just cripples me but i do also get very very grumpy and shitty not drinking mostly friday and saturday nights


            it was going so well the BANG

            yeah same, im agitated tonight not having a few vinos. Bt then yesterday and today i didn't wake up rough as anything biting everyones heads off. & yesterday prob was one of the worst ever days as i was so ill after 2 bottles of wine the night before, was still half cut most of the day...not cool. Im 32 now and im not wanting to waste anymore time on days like that. altho i know how u mean. its a long weekend and at night u end up bored as anything. How long have u been drinking this time since u started again?
            AF Since 26 July 2012


              it was going so well the BANG

              a week today - i was so pissed of cause last friday i wanted a drink and didnt and felt so proud fresh on saturday morning then hit it saturday night lol


                it was going so well the BANG

                but mate, u've done 8 months, u've had a small slip up. Jump back on the wagon before it pulls you back, as it does so easily! Your only human mate!! Your bound to mess up sometimes, i know theres a huge chance i will lol, bloody hope i dont tho!! As far as im concerned your doing well! Its only a small hiccup and you realise that your not wanting to be like that, so if u can do 8 months you can i'm sure fix this and start again! Bloody drink is such a huge part of society nowadays so like i mentioned we are bound to cock it up sometimes. Just dont let it take over your daily life again when you've been doing ace!
                AF Since 26 July 2012


                  it was going so well the BANG

                  dont a month goal is 8 months more


                    it was going so well the BANG

                    The main thing is you have done it before and can do it again. Just don't let it drag you back. You know how well you felt so u know the benefits. Theres nothing worse than permanantly feeling paranoid, guilty and disgusted. I personally feel i've wasted too much time on that. Its a horrible way of life
                    AF Since 26 July 2012

